Call Sign
- M-76
- M-77
- M-78
- M-79
- N/A
- 2300
- 2400
- 3206
- 3710
- 3811
In Service
Out Of Service
Conducted on
Shift on Duty
A Shift
B Shift
C Shift
Station where check is being completed.
Reason for choosing "other?"
Check performed by:
- Eng J.Dingess
- S/O J.Kosto
- EMS 76 J.Howerton
- C76 N.Knight
- C77 J.Haney
Is this Medic Unit currently staffed?
Personnel assigned to this Medic Unit.
- Eng J.Dingess
- S/O J.Kosto
- EMS 76 J.Howerton
- C76 N.Knight
- C77 J.Haney
Current Mileage:
Current Hours:
Fuel Level:
- Full
- 7/8
- 3/4
- 1/2
- 1/4
- Empty
Oil Level:
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Transmission Fluid Level:
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Break Fluid Level:
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Radiator Level:
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Power Steering Fluid:
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Is there windshield washer fluid?
Was windshield washer fluid added?
Please explain why windshield washer fluid was not added.
Do all belts hoses appear to be in good condition?
Please be sure to notify your direct supervisor on duty and complete a maintenance request form.
Do all tires appear to be in good condition?
Please attach a photo of the condition of the tire(s).
Please explain the condition of the tire(s).
- Yes
- No
Map Books
- Yes
- No
Registration/Insurance Card
- Yes
- No
Small-X Large Gloves
- Yes
- No
Cell Phone and Charger
- Yes
- No
"Primary" and "Secondary" warning lights working?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the warning light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please take a photo of the damage.
"Intersection" warning lights working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the warning light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Head Lights" working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the head light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Turn Signals"/"Hazards" working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Brake Lights" working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Flood" and "B/U" Lights working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Clearance" Lights working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
Inside "Dome" Lights working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to the light(s).
Please attach a photo of the damage.
"Horn" and "Siren" working and in good condition?
Please explain the unsatisfactory condition of the light(s).
Is there physical damage to either?
Please attach a photo of the damage.
Oxygen Cylinder below 500 PSI should be replaced.
Was "Oxygen" Cylinder replaced?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Wrecking Bar
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Pedi Board
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
#4 Hammer
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Adult Traction Splint
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Pediatric Traction Splint
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Wrench for "Oxygen" Clylinder
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Is "Fire Extinguisher" Full and in date?
If "Fire Extinguisher" is not full or in date please notify your direct supervisor.
Was this item replaced at time of this inspection?
Please explain why item can not be replaced at time of inspection.
Hydrant Bag
Was this item replaced or found at time of this inspection?
Please explain
Stair Chair
Was this item replaced or found at time of this inspection?
Please explain
- Yes
- No
9-Quick connect straps
- Yes
- No
3-9' Straps
- Yes
- No
6-Head beds
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
3-Adult C Collars
- Yes
- No
3-Pedi C Collars
- Yes
- No
Portable Stretcher
- Yes
- No
Reeves Sleeve
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
Inside Patient Compartment
O2 Cabinet
4-Adult NRB
- Yes
- No
4-adult NC
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
3-Pedi NRB
- Yes
- No
3-Pedi NC
- Yes
- No
3-Supply Tubing
- Yes
- No
4-Blood Draw Kit
- Yes
- No
1-O2 Humidifier
- Yes
- No
1- ETCO2 NC and ETT
- Yes
- No
Airway Cabinet