Job number
Enter time and date
Reason for meeting
- Slab
- Plate
- Tile
- Client request
- Practical completion inspection
- Maintainence inspection
- Structural warranty inspection
Meeting form
Is there any items that the client has requested to be rectified
Brief description
Take photo
Client responsibilities
1. To move all pictures off walls where works to be carried out
2. To move all ornamentals off cupboards where works to be carried out
3. To move furniture off walls where works to be carries out
4. To make a safe and clear working environment
5. Is aware trades will not be removing foot ware due to WorkSafe requirements
6. Is aware that trades will clean up after themselves but further owner cleaning will be required
7. Is aware to give Gemmill homes access to site to complete works outside of Australian standards and tolerances -
Enter name and signature