Please select the MEL site this tour is being conducted on :
Please select the safety tour zone that is being conducted :
- Zone 1
- Zone 2
- Zone 3
- Zone 4
- Zone 5
- Zone 6
- Zone 7
- Zone 8
- Zone 9
- Zone 10
- Zone 11
- Zone 12
- Zone 14
- Zone 15
- Zone 16
- Zone 17
- Zone 18
- Zone 19
- Zone 20
- Zone 21
- Zone 22
- Zone 23
- Zone 24
- Zone 25
- Zone 26
- Zone 27
- Zone 28
- Zone 29
- Zone 30
- Zone 31
- Zone 32
Conducted on
Prepared by
Document No.
Is the work area clean and orderly?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are pedestrian traffic routes free from obstruction?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are there trip hazards in and around the work areas?
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
Are tools and equipment stored properly?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
If items are stored at height has this been done appropriately?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Is waste segregated and containers emptied regularly?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Any further comments on housekeeping?
Is working at height equipment stable and in good condition?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are desks, work surfaces and chairs safe and in good condition?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are work areas well illuminated?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are the work areas at a comfortable temperature?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are the work areas sufficiently well ventilated?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Is drinking water marked and readily available?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are the toilets clean and sanitary?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
First Aid Provision
Are first aid supplies easily accessible and adequately stocked?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are eye wash bottles/stations clean, within date & properly labelled?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are first aiders identified and able to be quickly contacted?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Any further comments on first aid?
Fire Protection
Are fire extinguishers conspicuously marked, present, and correctly mounted?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are they fully charged and inspected?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are exits unlocked during normal working hours?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are any exits, call points or extinguishers obstructed?
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
Are exits and exit routes clearly marked?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Any further comments on fire protection?
Electrical & Equipment
Are electrical tools, cables and plugs in good condition?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Is all electrical equipment tagged with plant number and electrical test in date?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are distribution boards and junction boxes closed and emergency isolation accessible?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are cables and hoses away from where they may be damaged?
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Are sockets overloaded or extension cables being used as permanent wiring?
Please provide your comments why.
What do you think the priority of his activity is?
What area of the business can correct this issue?
- Factory Management
- Local Management (Supervisor)
- Maintenance (Mech)
- Maintenance (Elec)
- Site Services
- Other
Please provide your comments why.
Please take a snapshot of the area showing the evidence.
Please provide your comments why.
Any further comments on electrical and equipment?
Additional Hazards & Unsafe Acts
Describe any additional hazards and/or any unsafe acts observed during the inspection.
Sign Off
Do you have any other comments for this safety tour?
Thanks for completing this office safety tour. Please sign below to complete the audit.