Menai Point Of Work Risk Assessment
Supervisor name
Job Number
Conducted on
Names of Employee's / Sub contractors involved in this assessment
Part 1 : Get Safe for Work
Before you start Answer the beIow, f you answer No to any of the Following, please ensure that you inform the Responsible Persons and resolve Prior to Starting.
Do you have the right documentation for the job? Risk Assessments, Permits and Method Statements. <br><br>
Are the power tools and leads tested?<br><br>
Do you have the right PPE for the job?<br><br>
Are scaffolds and towers inspected? <br>
Is there Safe Access?<br>
Part 2 : Think - Act
If you Think the Task Requires additional controls - Select At Risk, Describe what is needed prior to commencing work. Implement the Controls and Continue
Slips, trip or fall on the same level hazard?
Control Measures
Residual risk
Falls From Height
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Falling or flying objects Hazard?
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Chemical/Harmful Substances
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Heat/Fire/Explosion/Hot works
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Risk to Plant<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Stationary objects Contact Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Manual handling<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Insecure load / Stored Energy<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Vehicle/ Contractor exclusion Risk<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Confined spaces (Permit Req’d)<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Uncertified Equipment
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Poor lighting<br><br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Adverse weather<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Pinch/ Trapping Points<br>
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Control measures
Residual Risk
Control measures
Residual Risk
Drowning or Asphyxiation
Control measures
Residual Risk
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Others Please Specify
Control Measures
Residual Risk
Part 3 : Review
Have the works created any New Hazards<br>
Control Measures
Are there any lesson that were learn from the works<br>
Lessons to be learned :
Are there any further safety Suggestions or Concerns Regarding the the days proceedings that you would like to communicate to Management?
Point Of Work Risk Assessment Completed by.
Select date