Title Page

  • Conducted On

  • Prepared By

Delivery Temperatures Checks

  • Take temperatures of items delivered.

    Critical Limit: Chilled Food Target of 0-5°C, maximum 8°C. Frozen Food Target -18°C

    Reject chilled food if above 8°C. Reject frozen food if above -15°C.

  • Any Deliveries

  • Product
  • Name

  • Supplier

  • Invoice

  • Weight

  • Temperature in °C

  • Food Type

  • Checked by

  • Quality and Packaging

Kitchen Fridge & Freezer Temperature Checks

  • Fridges should be between 0.0°C and 5.0°C, but not above legal limit of 8°C

    Freezers should be between -18°C and -22°C.

    If there is a fault or temperatures are out of range, please enter your corrective action.

  • Temperatures Checks

  • Fridge #1 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #2 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #3 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #4 Temperature in °C

  • Freezer #1 Temperature in °C

  • Freezer #2 Temperature in °C

  • Checked by

  • Fridge #1 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #2 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #3 Temperature in °C

  • Fridge #4 Temperature in °C

  • Freezer #1 Temperature in °C

  • Freezer #2 Temperature in °C

  • Checked by

Cooking & Reheating Temperature Checks

  • Record your cooked and reheated food temperatures here

    Remember, cooked and reheated food must reach 75℃, unless exempt. Reheat only once.

    At least 4 records must be submitted

  • Food Item
  • Name

  • Temperature in °C

Kitchen Opening Checks

Hot Holding Temperature Checks

  • Food temperatures should be 65℃ or above (probe food at start & end of service and at least every hour.)

    Record the temperature of the food item with the LOWEST core temperature.

    Reheat food thoroughly until the core temperature is not less than 75°C and then add it to the hot holding equipment.

    All food items (including rice) held hot prior to sale must be kept over and above 65°C. Discard or serve within 2 hours if temperature falls below 65°C.

    At least 4 records must be submitted

  • Food Item
  • Name

  • Temperature in °C

  • Time Checked

  • Checked By

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.