Document No.
Audit Title
Site / Unit
Conducted on
Prepared by
The Huddle
Hot-Spot Huddle start time
Was the huddle led by the NUM or an ANUM?
We're 3 patient-identifiers used for the patients who were discussed?
Was the Huddle acronym used or followed to assist identification of the patients / ward issues that needed to be discussed? (ESCAPADES)
Was only important information about the most critical patients/ward issues discussed?
Was the ISBAR structure used for each patient that was discussed during the huddle?
Was the huddle process issue-free?
Hot-Spot Huddle finish time
Clinical PerCH
Were both the on-coming and off-going nurses present for the clinical (documentation) PerCH?
Bedside PerCH
What time did the Handover finish?