Title Page
Site conducted
Corp/Store Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Was someone in the Hi-Side during peak times?
What are the units for the day?(Check iPod)
Are registers bundled?
Are WOW items fully stocked?
Are FEPS fully stocked?
Are the conditions of the Hi-side/Bye-side/Outside's cleanliness acceptable?
Total Store
Sales data.
Have all recalls been answered?
Was microthermal checked throughout the day?
Have we placed work orders? Please ensure all items needing repair have an active work order in place.
Any customer incidents during the day? If so, what occurred?
Berry Pods: Is product 1 layer minimum, with no black shelf showing?
PODS: Is all product leveled with no IFCOs showing, Is tray packed product at least 1 layer, is product covering tables to ensure no table is showing, are we fully stocked with bags and twist ties?
HD Tables: Is product leveled with no oos and no turned over IFCOs, with a minimal product level of 1 layer?
Tables: Do we have minimal to no back stock under tables, no oos, is product spread out?
Refrigerated end caps: Do we meet minimal in stock conditions with no oos and a minimum of 1 facing across the length of the shelf?
Produce 5-deck: Do we meet minimal in stock conditions with no oos 1 front per pusher, tag to tag, with the bottom shelf reaching the lip of overhead shelf?
Wet Rack: Does the product cover all black shelving, no IFCOs turned over, all product leveled, no empty bags racks?
Arrangement case: Do we have 1 Funeral arrangement, 2-3 fruit baskets, 3 arrangements per shelf & color blocked?
Floral Tables: Are there 3 bunches per bucket, condensed buckets, color blocked buckets, and bags available?
Upgrades: Do we have 3 bunches per bucket, condensed buckets, color blocking, and bags available?
Hand tied racks: Do we have 3 bunches per bucket, and items condensed down?
5 Deck: Does the section have product, as to ensure no pushers, shelving or racking is shown? Is section recovered?
Dry Rack: Is product recovered and fronted and spread out? Reminder: Bottom to top fill of section.
Service Meat and Cheese: Is the product leveled out one full chub across facing capacity?
Fresh Sliced Case: Is product leveled, 1 layer minimum covering the cooler?
Hex: Is product within time limits, are all varieties represented, 1 chicken per flavor? (Final batch non conversion 4 hour limit must be discarded.)
3 Deck Salad/Sandwich: Is product spread out, wall blocked with one facing across capacity, is product tag to tag?
A+ Bolillo bin standards. Do we have a minimum of 1 layer of Bolillos covering the bottom of the bin?
Bakery tables: Do the tables follow tag to tag integrity, with no oos, and product covering table?
Donut Table: Do we have a minimum of 1 layer, tag to tag integrity?
Nesting tables: Is product tag to tag, do we have representation of product facings?
Self service case: Is case stocked with 1 facing per variety, and does the bottom layer reach the lip of the overhead shelf?
Full service case: Is case stocked with 1 facing per variety, 2 units of single serve?
Pastry showcase: Is variety represented, 1 full row across?
Coffin Case: No oos, tag to tag, single layer across coffin no rack showing, product no less than 1/3 shelf capacity.
Bunkers endcaps: Do we have a single layer across the endcap no metal racks visible, are items tag to tag?
Meal Simple Table: Do we have all assortments represented, with a minimum of a single layer across the cooler?
Frozen Doors: Do we have a minimum product level of 33% shelf capacity, no trash no returns, tag to tag, are all product accessible and couponed?
5 Deck Ground Beef: Do we have a minimum of one facing across capacity, and are items tag to tag?
5 Deck Chubs: Is there a minimum 50% capacity per facing, and are items tag to tag?
5 Deck Beef: Is product level as per MPP, do we have one facing across capacity, is product 2 deep per tag all across the case, are items tag to tag?
Spot Coolers: Do we have a minimum of 1 single layer across the spot cooler with no metal racks showing?
Meal Simple Table: Do we have all assortments represented, with a minimum of a single layer across the cooler?
5 Deck Poultry: Is product filled to at least 50% of shelf capacity, and tag to tag?
Coffin Case: Is product tag to tag with a minimum of a single layer across with no metal showing?
5 Deck Class 36: Is product leveled and stocked with a minimum of 33% shelf capacity, no excessive cardboard, is product tag to tag, are coupons available?
Frozen Doors: Is product leveled and stocked with a minimum of 33% shelf capacity, no trash or returns, tag to tag, coupons available, is product accessible?
Aisle in stocks: Do we have a minimum of 33% in-stock of shelf capacity, are items tag to tag, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Aisle in stocks: Do we have a minimum of 33% in-stock of shelf capacity, are items tag to tag, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Endcaps/Cubbies: Do items have 1 one facing to cover display, is product vertically maintained, couponed, no excessive cardboard, is product accessible?
PalletDrops/Side Stack: Are pallets at a minimum 30", no trash no cardboard, coupons unavailable?
Bread: Is product at a level of one full facing per layer, tag to tag, and couponed?
Tortillas: Is product at a level of one full facing per layer, no trash, tag to tag, are coupons available?
5 Deck: Do we have a minimum of 33% in-stock of shelf capacity, are items tag to tag, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Displays: Is product tag to tag, with minimum 1 facing to cover display? ( No OOS)
Milk Doors: Do we have a minimum of 33% in-stock of shelf capacity, are items tag to tag, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Egg Doors: Do in-stocks meet minimum A+ conditions with no empty crates, no trash and no damages, minimum of 33% in stocks, and all items are tag to tag?
Frozen Door: Do we have a minimum of 33% in-stock of shelf capacity, are items tag to tag, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Saddle Bags: Do we have a minimum one facing to cover display, is product merchandised vertically, are coupons available, with no excess cardboard?
Aisle In stocks: Do we have a minimum of 33% in stocks with no oos, no trash. Are items tag to tag, and coupons available?
Endcaps/Cubbies: Do we have 1 facing minimum as per A+ standards? Is product merchandised vertically, and product couponed?
Pallet Drops/ Side Stacks: Are pallets a minimum height of 30", no returns, coupons available.
Dump bins: Is product leveled out with the top of the dumpbin, no returns, coupons available.
Is charcoal recovered and replenished? (aisle & outside)
Are satellite displays recovered?
Is aisle recovered?
In stocks: Do we have 33% in stock of shelf capacity.
Is wareroom clean and all trailers unloaded?
Is receiving armed and locked?