Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Teacher Name
- Claire
- Juan
- Hannah
- Jalysa
- Hannah
- Issac
- Jacob
- Kelly
Overall Performance
Instructions: Enter teacher/class info below. Then mark YES, NO or N/A next to the section you assessed.
Teacher Info
Teacher Name
- Claire
- Juan
- Hannah
- Jalysa
- Hannah
- Issac
- Jacob
- Kelly
Grade Level
Highest Level of Rigor Observed
- Remember (Choose, Define, Label, Locate, Memorize, Recite, Select, Write, Describe, Identify, List, Name, Recognize)
- Understand (Classify, Demonstration, Explain, Match, Paraphrase, Restate, Select, Interpret, Describe, Discuss)
- Apply (Apply, Choose, Dramatize, Organize, Prepare, Produce, Select, Use, Illustrate, Explain, Construct, Interpret, Solve, Show)
- Analyze (Observed, Analyze, Categorize, Classify, Compare, Sequence, Experiment, Separate, Differentiate, Infer, Contrast)
- Evaluate (Appraise, Define, Dispute, Editorialize, Judge, Prioritize, Rate, Select, Argue, Critique, Justify, Debate, Recommend)
- Create (Change, Combine, Compose, Create, Design, Formulate, Hypothesize, Construct, Develop, Invent, Make up, Improve)
Number of students in class
Number of students off task
Beginning of Lesson (Do Now, Warm Up, etc.)
Direct Teach or Structured Practice
Group Activity or Guided Practice
Other (Explain in notes below)
In Class Observation--Complete Each Section Below with Comments. Put NA if Skill Was Not Assessed. Please use photo feature to include pictures and student work if possible/applicable.
During TF observation, the TF:
Was prepared for the lesson
Engaged the students (energetic, motivating, etc.)
Was knowledgeable about the content taught
Used VIPs or other support tools to guide and differentiate instruction for all learners
Formative assessment evident throughout the lesson
Challenged the students/asked Higher Order Thinking (HOT) questions during the lesson
Moved about the room with purpose
Strategically used positive feedback to control or maintain classroom management procedures
Enforced and referred to classroom expectations/norms during the lesson to control or maintain classroom management procedures
Encouraged a sense of culture and upbeat climate during the lesson
Successfully adjusted to student learning/behavior when needed during the lesson
Strategically and successfully managed time during the lesson
Effectively closed the lesson (exit slip, skill review, etc.)
Incorporated technology to enhance lesson
Other: Explain below in the notes section
Type Comments or Action Items with Dates Here