Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site / Site Zone / Patrol Route
Conducted on
Prepared by (include call-sign if relevant)
Contact details
Security Incident / Breach - General Description
Has the Incident / Breach been captured on CCTV?
Provide more details of where footage is stored etc.
Type Incident / Breach
- Alcohol, Consumption or Possession
- Assault
- Assault & Robbery
- Armed Robbery
- Bomb Threat
- Brawl/Fight
- Breaking and entering
- Customer / Tennant Dispute
- Drug Possession / Dealing or Use
- Fire
- First Aid
- Malicious Damage
- Motor Vehicel Found
- Motor Vehicle Stolen
- Noise Complaint
- Request to Stop Smoking
- Suspicious Person /Activity
- Theft From Person
- Theft From Retail - Minor
- Theft From Retail - Major
- Theft Non Retail
- Theft From Motor Vehicle
- Trespass
- Unruly/Threat/Antisocial
- Other
Provide more details
Who reported the trespass
Were any of the trespassers minors?
Provide details of actions taken by the Security Officer/s
Was a trespass notice issued?
Provide more details
Who issued the trespass notice
Signature of person issuing the trespass notice
When will the trespass notice start?
When will the trespass notice finish?
Details of person receiving the trespass notice
Name and signature of person receiving the trespass notice
Person/s that provided first-aid
Person that provided first-aid
Who provided first-aid
Who provided first-aid?
Note the injuries on the image if possible
Take a photo if possible
Were standard protocols followed?
Provide more details regarding what was done, where the information can be found i.e. the bomb threat checklist etc.
Why were standard procedures not followed?
Provide more details if relevant
Provide more details of actions taken by the Security Officer/s
Details of offenders / witnesses / other people
Was the Fire-brigade called?
Who called the Fire-brigade
When was the Fire-brigade called?
Provide more details of the Security Officer/s involvement / liaison with the Fire-Brigade
Select a response
- False alarm
- Smoke no fire
- Other
Provide more detail
Has the police been informed?
Who called the Police?
When were the Police called?
Provide name/s and contact detail/s of the responding officer/s
Why were the Police not called? Select as many options as necessary.
- Police will be informed later
- Police were already onsite
- Victims will report to the Police themselves
- Other
When will the Police be informed
Who will inform the Police
Person responsible to inform Police signature acknowledging responsibility
Provide more details: i.e. responding officer's name / squad car registration number etc.
Provide more details
People Involved
Other Security Officer/s - Tap to enter information
Add Security Officer/s
Security Officer
Contact details
Add Witnesses
Contact details
Add Offender/s
Offender/s Apprehanded
Name and Surname
Select date
Obtain permission and take a photo
I give permission for my Photo to be taken
Provide more details
- Male
- Female
- Unsure
- African American
- Asian
- Caucasian
- European
- Maori
- Middle Eastern
- Pacific Islander
- Other
- Unknown
- Under 16
- 16-20
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- 51-60
- 61-70
- Over 70
- No hair
- Short
- Meduim
- Long
- Styled
- Dreadlocks
Hair Colour
- Black
- Blond
- Brown
- Grey
- Multi-coloured
- Red
- N/A
Describe Clothing
Add Complainant/s
Contact details
Photo of business card if relevant
Emergency Services
Add Emergency Services
Emergency Services
Contact date and time
Arrival date and time
Case / reference number
Vehicle registration number
Name of attending emergency supervisor or contact person
Contact details of attending emergency supervisor or contact person
Photo of business card if relevant
Signature of attending emergency supervisor or contact person
Add Other
Site description
Site description
Add site
Photo/s if relevant
Drawing to clarify if relevant
General comments
Response taken
Add response
Provide details
Follow-up Procedures
Follow-up procedures
Add follow-up procedures taken
Describe follow-up procedures taken
Final sign-off
Select date
Reporting Security Officer