Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Start of shift 在轮班开始前

  • Visit AYS/Service Express/PBX office to inform team you are the MOD. Provide mobile number/extension for contact purposes. 到访快捷服务中心告知他们你是当天的值班MOD并为他们提供你的号码

  • Visit every operations department to inform the outlet's shift manager that you are on duty. 到访所有的营业点并通知轮班的经理,你是当天的MOD

Front Office/Housekeeping 前厅/客房

  • Conduct shift handover with prior shift MOD. 与上一个MOD交接工作

  • Review MOD report and action on all service recovery issues. Meet the guest in person to ensure closure. 浏览MOD报告并确保所有的客人投诉都得以解决。当面会见所有的客人以解决客诉关闭案子

  • Attend daily pre-arrival meeting(s). 参加每天的客人抵店前会议

  • Ask Front Desk on the Enrolment goals for the day and check in on the performance throughout the day. 和前厅确认今日的邀请入会会员目标并检查一天的整体表现

  • Ensure today's Occupancy/ADR/VIP arrival/Events information are updated on the board in back office. 确认后场的当天入住率,每日平均房价和到店的贵宾以及活动都已经更新

  • Ask Front Desk to print arrival report for today (Elite/Mobile Check-In/other VIP arrivals).要求前台打印当天的到店报告(精英会员,电子端入住以及其他的贵宾入住)

  • Check discrepancy rooms before 9am (AM shift).在早间9点检查差异房 (早班)

  • Check due out rooms between noon to 1pm (PM shift). 在午间至下午一点之间检查预退房 (晚班)

  • Rooms assigned for Elite/Mobile Check-Ins/other VIPs are VCI rooms or prioritized for cleaning prior to guests' arrival time. 确保精英客籍,电子端办理入住以及其他的贵宾房间在客人抵店时间前房间都已打扫完毕

  • Keys and registration cards for Mobile Check-In are prepared and ready.电子端办理登记入住的客人房卡和登记入住卡都已经备好

  • Empty suites are allocated for upsell (priority) and balanced inventory given to platinum guest upgrade (No Suites Go Empty).准备空的套房作为高卖房,并安排剩余的套房给白金会籍的客人(不留空套房)

  • Coordinate with In-Room Dining (IRD) to ensure Elite/VIP amenities are set-up in room prior to arrival. 和客房送餐沟通确保所有的精英以及贵宾客人的欢迎礼物都已送至房间

  • Randomly select 1-2 Elite/Mobile Check-In/VIPs rooms to inspect. 每天抽查一到两间精英会籍,电子端登记入住,贵宾的房间进行检查

  • Randomly select another 1-2 VCI rooms to inspect.每天抽查一到两件VCI房间进行抽查

  • Ramdomly inspect 1-2 guest floors for cleanliness, defects and clear IRD trays. Report defects to Engineering immediately. 随机检查1到两个楼层的清洁。确保客房送餐的托盘已移除,汇报故障的报告要发送给工程

  • Randomly inspect 1-2 Back of House stairways for cleanliness and defects. 随机检查后场的一到两个楼梯的清洁以及故障

  • Ensure guest lifts and lift tracks are spectacularly clean and free from debris.确保客用电梯的清洁

  • Inspect public area washrooms for cleanliness (odor free) and functionality. Report defects to Engineering immediately. 查看客用洗手间的清洁无味。汇报故障的报告要发送给工程

Lobby 大堂

  • Lobby music, lighting, scent and internet are in excellent working order.大厅里的音乐、灯光、气味和互联网都是极好的工作秩序

  • Lobby furniture and fixtures are clean, organized and in good condition.大堂的家具和设备是干净的,有组织的,而且状态良好

  • Select 1-2 locations in the public areas to conduct MOD internet checks (Net 60/Net lift). 选择一到两个点进行公共区域的网络检查(Net 60/Net lift)

  • Meet and greet all Elite Platinum and Gold member arrivals.迎接白金以及金卡会员的到来

  • Conduct at least one check-in or check-out service audit based on BSA.根据BSA进行至少一次入住或退房服务审核

  • Engage the guest and manage queues during heavy check-in/out periods 与客人互动并在入住及退房高峰期时维持秩序

  • Inspect luggage room and make sure guest luggage secured. 检查行李房并确保行李的安全

Executive Lounge 行政酒廊

  • Conduct walk through during Breakfast and Happy Hour meal periods and engage Elite members and guests.在早餐,欢乐时光期间和白金客籍客人互动

  • Lounge music, lighting, scent and internet are in excellent working order. 酒廊的音乐、灯光、气味和互联网都是非常好的状况。

  • Ensure associates are engaging Elite members and guests in the Lounge. 确保员工在休息室与精英会籍客人进行互动。

Fitness Center/Gym/Pool Area 健身房/游泳池

  • Gym is clean, trash bins cleared and sanitizer pump is visible and ready for guest use. 健身房是干净的,垃圾桶被清理干净,洗手液可以被客人看到,并且可以供客人使用。

  • Music, lighting, scent and internet are in excellent working order. 音乐,灯光,香氛和网络都状况良好

  • Sound system and TV are working in gym. 健身房的音响系统和电视都状况良好

  • Locker room is clean and guest ready. 客用的更衣柜清洁

  • Pool area is clean and towels are neatly displayed on all pool deck chairs. 泳池清洁,毛巾整齐的陈列在泳池的休闲椅上

Meeting Rooms 会议室

  • Digital signage is updated with accurate information based on Daily Events Sheet. 根据每天的会议信息更新电子牌

  • Music, lighting, scent and internet are in excellent working order. Meeting foyer area is clean. 会议前厅整洁。音乐,灯光,香氛和网络都状况良好

  • Report any meeting room doors that are not locked. 汇报检查到会议门未锁情况

  • Restrooms are clean, odor free, trash bins emptied, supplies replenished and toilets flushing properly. 厕所干净、无异味、垃圾箱倒空、补给和马桶冲洗干净

Restaurant/Outlets 餐厅

  • Ensure service is prompt at all restaurants/outlets. Music, lighting, scent and internet are in excellent working order.确保餐饮的服务。 音乐,灯光,香氛和网络都状况良好

  • Check if there are any Elite members dining in the outlets. Ensure the Members Dine More discount benefit is accorded. 查看是否有精英会籍在餐厅就餐。 确保他们享受会员折扣

Back of House (BOH) 员工区域

  • Hallways are clean and free from debris.走廊是干净的,没有碎片

  • Light fixtures are working properly. Report any defects to Engineering.灯具工作正常。向工程报告任何缺陷

  • Ensure associate locker rooms are clean and tidy. Remove any shoes or belongings that are placed on top of locker areas.确保更衣室干净整洁。将放置在衣物柜上的鞋子或物品移走

  • Greet associates at the Laundry room. Ensure the temperature is appropriate for the working environment. 问候洗衣房的员工,并且确认温度适宜

  • Loading dock is clean and cleared of all deliveries.收货平台干净及货物整齐

  • Check in with Loss Prevention team to ensure all incidents are closed and any abnormalities are briefed to the MOD.和保安部确认所有的事故都已结案,以及所有的不正常情况都已经和MOD解释

  • Associate cafeteria and uniform room are operating in accordance to service hours.员工餐厅和制服室按照服务时间运作

  • Ensure service lifts and lift tracks are spectacularly clean and free from debris.确保服务电梯和轨道都是非常干净的

  • Shift handover to the next MOD.和下一个MOD交接工作

  • Add signature

IRD Checklist


  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds?<br>员工是否在响铃三声或十秒钟之内接听来电?

  • Was the telephone answered with appropriate greeting?<br>员工是否向来电者致以恰当的问候?

  • Did employee announce his/her department?<br>员工是否报出自己的部门?

  • Did employee announce his/her name?<br>员工是否报出自己的姓氏?

  • Was the employee able to answer any questions with regards to the menu?<br>员工是否能够回答关于菜单的任何问题?

  • Did the employee obtain a full and complete order (i.e. cooking instructions,accompaniments etc.)?<br>员工是否获取详细完整的点菜信息(如,烹饪说明、配菜等)?

  • Did the employee repeat the order either during or at the end of the call?<br>员工在通话过程中或结束时是否重复点餐内容?

  • Did the employee advise delivery time?<br>员工是否建议送餐时间?


  • Did order taker automatically offer drinks with the meal?<br>订餐员是否主动提出供应随餐酒水?

  • Did order taker suggest dessert with the meal?<br>订餐员是否建议随餐甜点?

Service 服务

  • Was the order served in the standard time? (Breakfast order card - 5 minutes of requested time. Telephone orders for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner -30 minutes)<br>点餐是否在标准时间供应?(早餐点餐卡——所要求时间的 5 分钟。早餐/午餐/晚餐电话预定——30 分钟)

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait ten seconds,and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again before entering the room?<br>员工是否在进门之前敲门/按门铃;若需要,等待十秒钟后,再次敲门/按门铃?

  • Did the employee ask where the guest would like the tray/trolley to be placed?<br>员工是否询问客人需要如何放置餐盘/手推餐车?

  • Did the employee secure the table leaf and set the table?<br>员工是否将活动桌面牢固并摆设好餐具?

  • Did the employee position the chairs accordingly?<br>员工是否相应地放置好椅子?

  • Did employee remove cloches with guest's permission?<br>员工是否在经客人允许后撤掉餐盖?

  • Did the employee explain the various condiments with the meal (if unidentifiable)?<br>员工是否说明了随餐的不同调味品(若无法辨识)?

  • Did the employee confirm the order and was it correct and complete?<br>员工是否确认送餐情况及其正确完整性?

  • Did the employee inform the guest of tray/trolley collection procedures or was a tray removal card present?<br>员工是否告知客人餐盘/手推餐车的收餐程序或出示餐盘撤除卡片?

  • Was the bill provided in a clean billfold with a hotel pen?<br>账目清单是否以洁净的皮夹垫衬提供给客人且附有酒店专用笔?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct?<br>清单条目是否清晰准确?

  • Were employees well groomed and immaculately presented in clean uniforms, polished shoes?<br>员工是否装扮得体,制服穿戴整齐,皮鞋光亮?

  • Were employees wearing name tags and clearly visible?<br>员工是否佩戴名牌且清晰可见?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and fully understood?<br>员工是否吐词清晰,语言使用简明易懂?

  • Did the employees smile and display a genuinely warm, friendly and sincere manner?<br>员工是否面带微笑且展示出真城、热情、友善的态度?

  • Did employee use the guest's last name at least once during the interaction?<br>员工是否在互动中至少一次使用到客人的姓氏?

  • Did the employee make eye contact and give the guest their undivided attention?<br>员工是否与客户眼神接触且全神贯注?

  • Did the employee make eye contact and anticipate the guest's needs with service being attentive at all times (i.e. the guest should not have to request/need service at any point)?员工是否进行眼神交流并时刻预测客人需要以提供服务(如,客人在任何时候无需要求/需要提供服务)?

  • Did the food directly resemble its description from the menu?<br>食品是否与菜单上的描述一致?

Tray/Trolley Setting托盘/餐车布置

  • Was the room service tray/trolley clean and in good repair?<br>送餐餐盘/手推餐车是否洁净且完好?

  • Was the table cloth/place mat/napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears (paper not acceptable)?<br>桌布/餐具垫/餐巾是否洁净,经过熨烫且无任何污点/破损(不可用纸替代)?

  • Was the correct cutlery, crockery and glassware provided and was it clean, in good repair and matching in pattern?<br>餐具、瓷器和玻璃器皿是否正确提供且洁净、完好,图案匹配?

  • Were salt and pepper cruets available and if so were they clean and full?<br>盐和胡椒粉调味瓶是否可用;若可用,是否装满且洁净?

  • Was a fresh floral/table decoration present?<br>是否使用鲜花/餐桌装饰?

  • Were all the drinks covered with stancaps and all plated hot food covered with clean cloches, unless delivered in a hot box?<br>所有酒水是否带盖;所有盘装热食是否以洁净的布覆盖,以保温箱送餐的除外?

  • Was all the food free of any plastic/paper/foil wrapping?<br>所有食品是否均未使用任何塑料/纸/锡纸包装?

  • Were the appropriate condiments served with the meal and were they decanted into the appropriate dishes or in miniature form?<br>合适的调味品是否随餐提供且该等调味品是否倾倒于合适的器皿内或置于迷你餐具中?

  • Add signature

Room Checklist

Entrance zone 房间入口

  • Main door 房间大门

  • Security chain / double lock 安全链及双锁

Closet 衣柜

  • Closet overall presentation 衣柜整体摆设

  • Hangers 衣架

  • Elsafe 保险箱

Honor Bar 吧台

  • Glassware 玻璃器皿 / chinaware 瓷器 / silverware 银器

  • Fridge 冰箱 / contents 内容

  • Electronic kettle set 电水壶

  • Coffee machine 咖啡机/ coffee maker 咖啡壶

Living Room 客厅

  • Television 电视 / TV remote control 电视遥控器

  • Writing desk overall 写字台整体

  • Trash Bin 垃圾箱 / inner-bin liner 垃圾箱内部

  • Sheer curtain 纱帘/ drapery 窗帘

  • Window 窗户

  • Sofa 沙发

Bedroom 卧室

  • Night stand overall 床头柜整体

  • Master panel 主控制板

  • Alarm clock 闹铃 / radio clock 无线收音机

  • Night stand underneath 床头柜下方 / bed underneath 床下方

  • Pillow cases 枕头套

  • Duvet cover 被套

  • Bed sheet(s) 床单

  • Decorative pillow 装饰枕

Bathroom 浴室

  • Bath towels 浴巾

  • Hand towels 手巾

  • Face towels 面巾

  • Bath mat 脚垫 / bath rug 浴室毯垫

  • Bath robe 浴袍

  • Vanity counter top 梳妆台面

  • Basin(s) / grouting 台盆

  • Tumblers 水杯

  • Mirror 镜子 / make-up mirror 梳妆镜

  • Trash bin 垃圾桶 / bin liner 内衬

  • Bathroom floor 浴室地面

  • Toilet unit 马桶/ toilet flusher 冲水装置

  • Toilet cover 马桶盖 / toilet seat 马桶座圈

  • Toilet zone-Floor 地面

  • Shower wall 淋浴间墙壁

  • Shower zone-Shower floor 淋浴间地面 / drainage 下水/ floor trap 地漏

  • Shower zone-Hand-held shower head 手持花洒/ rain-shower head 雨淋花洒 / faucets 水龙头

  • Shower zone-Grouting 地缝

  • Bath tub 浴缸

  • Bath tub zone-Tap(s) 龙头 / stopper 塞子

  • Bath tub zone-Grouting 地缝

General 总体

  • Lighting 灯光

  • Carpet 地毯

  • Walling base-board on edges of floor 地板边缘的踢脚板

  • Room odor 房间气味

Balcony 阳台 (if applicable 不适用)

  • Glass surface 玻璃表面

  • Floor 地面

  • Furniture 家具

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.