
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Audit Details

  • Please Enter Contract Number

  • Auditors Name

  • Gang Being Audited

  • Supervisors Name

  • Enter Audit Location (Locality)

  • Enter Audit Location (Street)

  • Take a photo of the overall site

  • Job Type Description

  • Who Employs The Team Being Audited?

  • Zone

Operatives Details

  • 1st Operatives Name

  • Valid Passport for Operative 1 ?

  • 2nd Operatives Name

  • Valid NPG Passport for Operative 2 ?

  • 3rd Operatives Name

  • Valid NPG Passport for Operative 3 ?

  • 4th Operatives Name

  • Valid NPG Passport for 4th Operrative?

Risk Assesment

  • 1.1 Has a detailed daily risk assessment been completed ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 1.2 Are generic risk assessments available on site ? if applicable

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 1.3 Are all risks to members of the public controlled and recorded on the risk assessment ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 1.4 Are all risks to operatives controlled and recorded on the risk assessment ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 1.5 Do all the operatives understand the risks recorded on the risk assessment ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 1.6 Have all the operatives on site signed on to the risk assessment or completed their own ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 1?

Signing and Guarding

  • 2.1 Is signing and guarding, driver/pedestrian friendly ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.3 Do adequate advance warning signs exist including traffic management ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.2 HAUC Accreditation on site ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.4 Are courtesy boards on display?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.5 Is a pedestrian walkway required and established?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.6 Is the work zone barriered off correctly?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.7 Is the safety zone barriered/coned off correctly?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.8 Are kerbs ramps in place where necessary and are they secure?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 2.9 Where signing and guarding does not comply to chapter 8 has this been logged on the risk assessment?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 2?


  • 3.1 Is the HIAB/Grab being used safely with correct PPE being worn by operatives?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 3.2 Is LOLER certificates available on site to view where appropriate?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 3.3 Is the excavator being used safely with the correct PPE being worn by operatives?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 3.4 Is Consideration being given to members of the public?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 3.5 Is any other plant being used on site, operated in a safe manner with the correct PPE?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 3.6 Do operatives have competency certificates for the plant they are using on site?

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 3?

Cable Installation

  • 4.1 Is the excavation to the correct size and depth for the works being undertaken?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.2 Is the bottom of the trench clear of obstructions likely to damage the cable?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.3 Is the spoil stored away from the trench sides?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.4 Is the bottom of the trench sanded?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.5 Has the correct tile tape been used?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.6 Is there safe access and egress to the excavation?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.7 Are cables suitably blinded where appropriate?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 4.8 Where applicable is the meter cabinet correctly secured and appropriate for the cable installation method used?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 4?


  • 5.1 Are all relevant operational authorisations in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 5.2 Do operatives have appropriate RUP authorisations and are they in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 5.3 Are operatives substation keys correct for authorisation level ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 5.4 Have operatives considered customers service during this job?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 5.5 Is the general attitude of staff good?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 5.6 Have operatives attended toolbox talks recently, are they aware of the latest safety alerts?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 5?

Work Instruction

  • 6.1 Does the work instruction clearly define the scope of work required?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 6.2 Are operatives aware of the scope of the task being carried out?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 6.3 Are appropriate utility plans on site where required or have alternative arrangements been made?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 6.4 Do site plans clearly identify proposed cable routes and are they being followed?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 6.5 Are the plans marked with HV cables where present?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 6?

Live/Dead Working

  • 7.1 Do operatives understand requirements of any safety document issued to/by them?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.2 Are portable earths and earth rods installed correctly?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.3 Are details of circuit isolation and notices correctly logged in the switching book?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.4 Are circuit main earths correctly locked and detailed on the safety document?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.5 Is appropriate PPE being worn for the task? (Flame retardant coveralls and insulated gloves, face mask etc)

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.6 Are suitable precautions being taken to prevent access to area whilst work is undertaken?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 7.7 Is the live work suitably accompanied?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 7?


  • 8.1 Are vehicles parked safely?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.2 Are vehicles correctly and safely loaded?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.3 Are loads correctly secured etc?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.4 Is there suitable storage for fuel where applicable ?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.5 Is there a suitable storage available for gas where applicable?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.6 Is the vehicle cab kept clear of loose materials and tidy?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.7 Is a fire extinguisher available, securely stored and in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 8.8 Compliance with the circle of inspection?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 8?


  • 9.1 Is there suitable storage for live working tools and are live working tools in good condition?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 9.2 Is there suitable storage for general tools and are they in a serviceable condition?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 9.3 Are battery/electrical tools and equipment stored correctly and within current test periods?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 9.4 Is all test equipment within current calibration dates?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 9?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • 10.1 Are all items of PPE in use appropriate for the risks for which it is being used?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.2 Is the equipment maintained so as to be in a fit state of repair?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.3 Are all items of PPE in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.4 Are all risks where PPE should be worn, but is not controlled by other risks?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.5 Is the PPE in use compatible with other items of PPE in use?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.6 Has appropriate accommodation been provided for PPE held and being used where appropriate?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.7 Is all PPE not in use stored within the appropriate accomodation?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 10.8 Does each user know the risks that the PPE will limit or avoid?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • !0.10 Does each user know what to do when PPE is no longer servicable?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 10?

Working At Height Equipment

  • 11.1 Are operatives wearing appropriate climbing equipment? (Harnesses, Pole Choker, Fall Arrest)

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.2 Does the risk assessment include selection of the climbing access method which justifies the method chosen?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.3 Are operatives using 2 points of attachment whilst working ? (where appropriate)

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.4 Is all the climbing equipment within current test dates?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.5 Is the equipment subject to an inspection by a manager/qualified inspector every 3 months?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.6 Are operatives trained in the method of access used?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 11.7 If MEWP in use - is it tested? (is the LOLER cert available for inspection?)

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 11?


  • 12.1 Is the equipment within current test period?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.2 Are ladders of an appropriate length for the work being carried out?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.3 Are operatives trained in the use of the equipment?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.4 Does the ladder extend 1m past any landing point?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.5 Are securing methods in place such as lashing or stabilisers?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.6 Can operatives justify use of ladders/steps where access could be gained by a more secure means?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.7 Are operatives suitably attached where appropriate whilst working from a ladder?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 12.8 Is the work of a short duration and considered light work?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 12?

Enviromental Concerns

  • 13.1 Are damaged cables leak free?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.2 Are transformers oil leak free?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.3 Are tree and headrow roots damage free?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.4 Is the use of plant and equipment on site pollution free?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.5 Are there adequate skips/roadside storage for contaminated spoil?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.6 Is the work being carried out on contaminated ground? What controls are in place?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 13.7 Are drainage systems free from pollution?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 13?

Site Safety

  • 14.1 Is a complete first aid gkit available on site and is it in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 14.2 Is an in date eye wash available on site and is it in date?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 14.3 Is site generally safe? (Consider slips,trips and falls. Access and egress and security to prevent inetrferreance from a third party)

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 14.4 Is equipment marked up with appropriate vibration levels and usage?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • 14.5 Do operatives hold a valid YEDL/NEDL passport card and van it be produced?

  • Select Audit Condition

  • Comments for any issues identified in section 14?

General Comments

  • Please add general comments here

  • Please sign here

  • Add Photo 1 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 1

  • Add Photo 2 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 2

  • Add Photo 3 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 3

  • Add Photo 4 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 4

  • Add Photo 5 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 5

  • Add Photo 6 if required

  • Please add comments here for photo 6

  • Make a sketch if required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.