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Is there a signed HSE policy in place ?
Is there an Asset Management Policy in place?
Is there a Risk Management policy in place?
Is there a BCM policy in place?
Is there an Environmental/Sustainability policy in place?
Are the policies current i.e. dated within the past 12 months
Are the policies readily available for staff to see?
Is the policy communicated to staff?
Is the MRS available on the Hub?
Is the department's risk register current?
Are all risks identified and adequately controlled?
Have the control measures been verified against the risks i.e. are they working to an optimum level?
Is there a current list of all risk assessments in place, in date and cover all of the main risks within the department?
Are all risk assessments in the proper Format using the GLAL template?
Has there been any significant changes in the past twelve months relating to changes in personnel, equipment, assets which have not been risk assessed for managing change?
Has all applicable legislation been identified and recorded within a department or Airport level legislation tracker?
Has the departmental objectives been defined within section 4 of the departmental MRS?
Is there evidence that the departmental objectives and targets are on track and discussed at departmental MRG meetings?
Are the departmental objectives linked to and reflected in the Airport's objectives and targets?
Do staff within the department have clear personal objectives with detailed roles and responsibilities? Ae these contained within section 5 of the departmental MRS?
Does the department have a current asset list?
Does the asset list cover Integrity, Performance and Condition as applicable?
Does assets critical to integrity have relevant workplace risk assessments inplace?
Does the department have business continuity plans in place which cover their main risks?
Has the department undertaken a business impact analysis in the past 12 months?
Is there a 5 year strategy in place?
Is there an action plan in place to deliver the 5 year strategy?
Does the department have a clear training matrix, including all mandatory training?
Is the training matrix held within Section 6 of the departmental MRS?
Are there formal training records to confirm that training has taken place as per the matrix?
Are all members of staff currently in compliance with their mandatory training (this includes CMT members)
Are departments using the correct document control methodologies as per LOP 008?
Are documents held on the Hub or the departmental MRS?
Are documents within their review and revision dates?
Are documents signed off by a named sponsor?
Do documents contain a control mechanism for printed documents e.g. "Uncontrolled when Printed"
Are documents archived when outdated?
Do documents contain suitable retention periods?
Is there evidence that departments cascade information from the Airport MRGG to their teams at departmental MRG's?
Is there a departmental notice board relating to all aspects of HSSE and is the information displayed current?
Is the department aware of the specific emergency arrangements within the department and how this is managed?
Are staff aware of the contents of business continuity, contingency and emergency plans relevant to their department?
Have staff been involved in tabletop or live play exercises?
Are departments using the incident recording system (OSHENS) correctly?
Are actions relating to incidents closed out in a timely manner?
Is the information contained within the reports accurate, suitable and sufficient?
Is there evidence of frontline managers and supervisors taking responsibility for the correct recording of incidents on their shift?
Do Heads of Department review incidents and close out the incident in a timely manner?
Does the department measure their own performance against the objectives and targets set for the year?
Are CART actions closed out on time?
Does the department currently have overdue CART actions?
Are Senior Manager Tours completed to programme and recorded in the Airport MRS?
Is there evidence of departmental safety inspections and are they correctly recorded with evidence of closure of actions from the inspections?
Does the department have a plan of self-audit for the year in Section 13 of their MRS and is this linked to the Airport audit plan?
Do post incident washups take place following any learning event?
Is there evidence of closure of actions following incident washups?
Have departmental MRG's taken place each month?
Is there suitable representation of the department during MRG meetings i.e. not only management?
Is the department suitably represented at the Airport MRGG with a minimum of 60% attendance?
Is there evidence that the departmental MRG is driving continuous improvement?
Are the results of audits, inspections, incidents and events discussed at the MRG meetings?
Does the departmental MRG follow the template of the MRS (14 sections)?
Are CART actions reviewed at departmental MRG's to ensure closure of actions in appropriate timescales and drive continuous improvement?
Health & Safety
Are departmental COSHH assessments completed?
Is there a register of all high risk COSHH substances?
Is there full evidence of completion of vehicle inspections as per HSSE-SAF-LOP-003 in place?
Have all DSE assessments been completed?
Have all incidents and events (other than those with actions or investigations underway) been closed out on OSHENS?
Have all overdue actions been closed out on OSHENS?
Is there a evidence of workplace inspections in place?
Is the safety noticeboard fully up to date with relevant information?
Electrical equipment tested, tagged and safe
Electrical switches/sockets in good condition
Furniture safe and undamaged
Is there records of tank and interceptor maintenance in place?
Is there records of F-Gas replacement in place?
Is waste management transfer notes in place?
Is an appropriate spill management procedure in place and working effectively?
Are there records of staff training in Sustainability/environmental?
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