Title Page
Remote Audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audits Log
Company Overview
Does the company has a copy of official standard for MS1900:2015?
If the answer is No, why?
If Yes, can you show us a copy of the said standard available in your keeping?
Does the management understand the Standard especially, The Top Management?
Since the pandemic, does the company arrange and online training or awareness training?
If so, who and how many people attended the course?
In terms of Organising the business operations, does the management has Organization chart together with the reporting lines?
Auditee section
Do you agree that you have full filled the standard requirements?
When was the last date the company had completed the products review from Shariah experts?
Standard Application
Does the company has Shariah Governance Manual?
When was the last date the company had completed the manual review with proof?
When was the last time the management attended the course for Shariah Risk-based application?
To your best knowledge, what is the level of management commitment towards Shariah compliant
Is there any chance the company allow for external Shariah audit?
How many times Shariah board and review meeting done in one year?
How many Shariah Advisory Council meetings had completed last year?
Describe your opinion on Shariah compliance efforts done the company.
Do you agree that Shariah is important for the sake of company's business?
Imagine that you encounter a problem with the product and service in terms of Shariah principles, what would you say?
Business model is available and up to date.
Products model and Shariah contract available?
At least the company use two Shariah contract which has control elements on non compliance incidents if any.
The process flows are adequate.
Compared with the business process, the practice is adequately performed.
The company recognised every SAC decision.
The company recorded every minute of Shariah Advisors meeting?
The Secretariat of the SAC keep the attendance record.
Every SAC decision shall be made available to the management for action to be taken?
SAC has a proper and sound resolution or certificate of Approval or Compliance.
Account/Finance Management
The company will only be able to do business with a proper and segregated fund policy in the company.
The company aware of Islamic banking accounts for itself.
The company also has a conventional account.
Shariah Advisory Council Meeting
The company has at least one Shariah Advisor and Secretariat.
SAC has an annual meetings plan.
The company will communicate with the SAC members on annual review and meetings.
The company should allow the SAC members to meet at the premises.
The minimum quorum of SAC meeting
In the event of absence of SA or members during the meeting, what could be done to ensure that the approvals are adequately done?
The minimum period of the contract for SAC member is one year
It is possible to get SAC approvals via on-line meetings
Customer(s) and their properties
The company is fully aware of customers and clients charter.
The company has a minimum requirement for customer satisfaction survey rating and score.
It is eventually possible to get the information pertaining customers experience via any means that possible.
Absence of the customer feedback surveys, shall mean the company is not responsible for the customer's rights.
The company has a proper and sound calibration system for asset and system maintenance.
All personal information about the customers, are highly restricted.
Non Compliance Reporting
Internal Shariah Compliance team has a proper and sound Shariah non compliance reporting process and procedure.
It is really hard to get the information pertaining to the SNC
It is possible to identify and rectify of any SNC events that occurred.
The company truly believes that every SNC will effect the business and revenues.
In the event that the company unable to control the non compliance inward business, the cleansing policy will apply for the segregated incomes.
Shariah Risk
It is deemed important to have Shariah Compliance Enterprise Risk policy.
The is liable to furnish the significant SCER in the governance manual
The SCER policy and procedures are sufficient.
The company aware of Shariah non compliance parameters.
The company has its own risk rating and severity tables.
The company is able to provide and apply its risk profiling and mitigating processes.
Last year (2021) Corrective Actions
Record of SNC is well maintained.
The SNC internal incidents are traceble
The company has a compiled SNC and it's corrective actions.
Corrective Actions Record (CAR) for every year shall be available in hard copy.
Latest CAR records and application.
CAR for the last year status.