Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Items with a negative response to be further detailed and remedial requirements/action given in the details area for each.
1 - Site presentation & welfare
1.1 - Public safety - Are fences and signage in place? (repair any damage immediately)
1.2 - Public safety - Are all access points/gates secured when not in use?
1.3 - Signage - are the site safety signs clear and in place?
1.4 - Signage - are the site direction signs clear and in place? (this includes traffic management and internal signs)
1.5 - Compound/site/housekeeping - materials stacked and stored correctly/tidy?
1.6 - Are all oils/fuels bunded?
1.7 - Washing/toilet conditions - Are all areas clean and tidy?
1.8 - Washing/toilet conditions - are there suitable amounts of soap/hygiene equipment?
1.9 - Canteen - are these areas clean, tidy and bins available?
1.10 - Is there drinking water available?
1.11 - Drying Room - can clothes be stored correctly and dried?
1.12 - First Aid - Are there sufficient supplies in the first aid box? (expiry dates to be checked)
2 - Personal Protective Equipment
2.1 - Hard hats - Are all staff, visitors and contractors wearing these?
2.2 - Safety Footware - Are all staff, visitors and contractors wearing these?
2.3 - Eye Protection - Are all staff, visitors and contractors wearing these?
2.4 - Eye Protection - Are suitable stocks available?
2.5 - Gloves - Are persons using the most suitable gloves for the required task? (including PVC for oil)
2.6 - Gloves - Are suitable stocks available?
2.7 - High Visibility Clothing - Are all staff, visitors and contractors wearing these?
2.8 - Ear Protection - Available and in use?
2.9 - RPE - Available and in use?
3 - Excavation
3.1 - Edge Protection - Are there suitable fencing and barriers in place?
3.2 - Excavation stability - Are trench boxes or sheets available in use?
3.3 - Excavation stability - Are trench box or sheeting (ground support) designs being followed?
3.4 - Excavation stability - are ground conditions the same as those identified in the ground report or allowed for in the ground support design?
3.5 - Are soils and arisings stockpiled at least 1m from the edge of excavations?
3.6 - Is there suitable access and egress? Ladders tied?
3.7 - Are excavation inspections being completed?
3.8 - Have all services been identified and C.A.T scanned?
4 - Access to working areas and traffic management
4.1 - Is there a one way/traffic management scheme in place and working? (N/A if no scheme in place)
4.2 - Is the traffic flowing safely and at minimal disruption?
4.3 - Are there suitable barriers and warning signs etc in place?
4.4 - Is plant and machinery being used outside the compound being accompanied by a banks person?
4.5 - Are deliveries being escorted where required?
5 - Scaffolds and working at height
5.1 - Are scaffold standards on suitable sole boards and placed on firm foundation?
5.2 - Proper access and egress - Are access ladders securely tied, the correct length and at the right 1:4 angle?
5.3 - Are all the boards, toe boards, hand rails and brick guards in place and good condition?
5.4 - Is the scaffold tied to the structure?
5.5 - Has the scaffold been inspected by the appointed person and Forms complete?
5.6 - Where eaves protection is fitted, is it suitable for the task?
5.7 - Are mobile towers erected erected safely (including correct bracing) and being used correctly?
5.8 - Are trestle scaffolds stable and fitted with hand rails?
5.9 - Are stairways and lift shafts correctly barriered off?
5.10 - Are safety netting/air bags in use and installed correctly?
5.11 - MEWPS - Are they being used by trained personnel?
5.12 - Are safety harnesses being correctly secured within 'cherry picker' baskets?
6 - Plant / Lifting Appliances
6.1 - Are all lifting Slings/Shackles tested and in good condition? S.W.L marked?
6.2 - Where cranes are in use are they driven by a competent person? Are outriggers on secure ground?
6.3 - Is there an appointed person in charge of the lift operation? (Lift planned?)
6.4 - Are seat belts being worn on mobile plant?
6.5 - Are all relevant daily/weekly plant inspection forms completed and faults being rectified?
6.6 - Is reversing/visibility controlled and banksmen employed?
6.7 - Where stockpiles are larger, is there suitable edge protection to prevent plant from overturning?
7 - Power tools/electricity
7.1 - Are power tools and leads in good condition? (PAT tested?)
7.2 - All tools 110v or less?
7.3 - Are overhead power lines contrôlée by signage/goalposts?
8 - Hazardous Substances
8.1 - Are Hazardous substances identified and is storage adequate?
8.2 - Are COSHH assessments and data sheets available?
9 - Fire and Emergency Procedures
9.1 - Are flammable materials stored safely?
9.2 - Are flammable gas cylinders upright & secure with flashback arrestors fitted?
9.3 - Are there adequate fire extinguishers? (Tested and in date?)
9.4 - Are emergency numbers posted?
9.5 - Are there emergency/evacuation plans in place?
9.6 - Are there First Aiders available?
10 - Documentation
10.1 - Health and Safety policy available?
10.2 - Is the HSE Notification F10 posted?
10.3 - Is the Health & Safety plan being updated?
10.4 - Are subcontractors method statements available and signed?
10.5 - Are internal method statements available and signed?
10.6 - Have all persons been inducted? written record available?
10.7 - Are permits to work in use and correctly signed by all relevant parties?
10.8 - Are risk assessments available and being followed?
10.9 - Are accidents being recorded, including near misses?
10.10 - Are PPE registers being completed?
10.11 - Are toolbox talks being carried out?
Remedial Action and follow up inspection
I confirm that all remedial action was performed and a follow up inspection completed:
Date and Time