Title Page
Conducted on
Sign Off
Prepared by
Duty Manager
Approaching the venue
Is the venue well lit on approach?
Is approach free from any obvious maintenance issues - eg broken tiles, cracked glass panes, missing door handles, peeling paint etc?
Is signage illuminated and in good order? (no missing letters, discolouration etc)
Is the external area clear of weeds, cigarette butts and general litter? (has it been swept this morning)
Is site A-board in good order?
Are there illuminated poster frames/messaging boards?
Is all POS in date and relevant?
Are Reasons To Visit Clearly Displayed as external messaging?
Walking past this venue would you be tempted to visit?
Entering the Venue
Are there door stewards on duty?
Are they dressed in uniform with SIA badge on display?
Are they welcoming guests on entry?
On entering the venue are local ROTW, 1 food message and 1 drink message evident?
Is the duty manager easily identified and dressed in smart casual wear?
Is there a manager leading the shift?
Is the manager on the floor and on hand to deal with any customer queries?
Is the manager able to discuss the days bookings?
Are customers acknowledged on entering to the venue if visible to team members?
Are all team members in uniform? T-shirt w/ site logo
Is there a shift plan available?
Are lighting levels appropriate for the time of day?
Are all light bulbs working?
Are all TV's working and on?
Are TV's showing relevant sport or advertising?
If commentary is playing, is it audible for the whole venue?
Is the music at the correct level? (during the day - music is distinguishable above the sound of people talking ie you can hear them speaking but not what they are saying if they are over 10ft away)
Is the temperature appropriate? eg are customers sitting with multiple layers on or is it too warm
Is Venue free from any obvious unpleasant odours?
Internals - floor
Is the floor clear of empty glass and tableware?
Are any available tables wiped and reset ready for the next customers?
Are all menus displayed as per policy, clean and in good order? Eg no dog ears, rips, discolouration
Is all furniture in good repair? No ripped seating, broken chairs, wobbly tables.
Are table and chair legs clean and dust/debris free?
Are all light fittings dust free and in good repair?
Is decoration in good order? (no pealing paint work, no holes in the walls)
Are all poster frames/POS in use with relevant posters?
If condiment caddys are stored in a public area, are they clean and presentable?
Internal Bar
Is all visible glassware clean and sparking?
If the bar has overhead glass racks are they lit with LEDs?
Are all beer taps badged, clean and lit?
Are all taps clear of glassware with glasses on them to signify they are OOS?
Are we marketing craft beer via Pourwall?
Are all Craft taps in operation?
Are tasting notes available either Physical or Digital?
Are only premium products or upsells being promoted on the bar?
Are all displays clearly merchandised, is it obvious what we are promoting?
Do displays have soft touches eg are they lit or accompanied by foliage etc
Are fridges stocked appropriately with labels facing forwards and no gaps?
Are fridge lights on? Windows clean and presentable?
Is the bar clear from spillages/has it been wiped recently?
Are visible area's of the bar clean and in good condition?
Are all bar light fittings working correctly?
Is the bar clear of any detritus and personal items? (eg staff clothing)
Do till screens work correctly?
Are there enough PED's? (are customers have to wait to use PED's)
Submit an image of the bars merchandising
Are the toilets free from any unpleasant/overpowering odours is the toilet vestibule or toilets?
Is it well lit?
Are the toilets well signposted?
Are all machines in good working order with no grafitti?
Are all toilet roll holders working and stocked?
Are all soap dispensers working and stocked?
Are all cubicles free of grafitti?
Are cubicles in good condition?
Are all locks working?
Is hot water available?
Are all mirrors free from damage?
Are all hand dryers working?
Are tiles below hand dryers free from mould?
Are all vanity units free from damage?
Garden Spaces
is there an outside space?
Is the garden space free from weeds?
Are available tables clean and wiped?
Have ashtrays been empty and wiped after use?
Is all lighting working?
Are all heat lamps working?
Is the garden in good repair? walls and structures
Is furniture in good repair? No peeling paint or damage
Is all paving secure? ie no loose paving
Are all drain covers secure and well fitting?
Has anything stood out as excellent on your visit, please take photo so we can share best practise?