Audit Report

  • Restaurant

  • Divyanshu Gupta

  • Islington


  • Food premises registration document available & signed

  • Policy documentation available, signed & dated

  • Documentation brought to the attention of staff


  • Organisational structure in place


  • No unauthorised suppliers used

  • Banned food list available & adhered too (if applicable)

  • Chilled food delivered @ +8 deg C or colder

  • Frozen food delivered @ -12 deg C or colder

  • Food delivery temperatures recorded

  • Condition of delivery vehicles & driver checked & recorded

  • Deliveries not left unattended, uncovered, etc

  • Date coding & food quality checked

  • Abused or damaged goods rejected

  • Unwrapping/ decanting carried out in separate areas


  • Chilled/ frozen food stored without delay

  • Store room in clean & tidy condition

  • Food stored on suitable racking off the floor (6")

  • Fabric & condition of store rooms acceptable

  • Environmental factors satisfactory (temperature, etc)

Refrigerated / Freezer Storage

  • High risk chilled food stored @ or below +8 deg C

  • Frozen food storage @ -18 deg C or colder

  • Defrosted food never refrozen

  • Use by date codes transferred to containers

  • Food not stored in open containers

  • Cardboard/wooden containers not used in refrigerators

  • Glassware not used to store food in refrigerators

  • In multi-use refrigerators are raw & cooked products separated to avoid the risk of cross contamination

  • Refrigerators not stocked/overloaded

  • Strict stock rotation being observed

  • Food containers sanitised before use

  • All "open foods" kept wrapped, inc cheese, etc

Ambient Storage

  • Storage temperature is appropriate

  • Is storage area well lit

  • Protective light shields (diffusers) cover all light sources

  • No open dried goods

  • Food not stored near chemicals

  • Date codes transferred to decanted food

  • Strict stock rotation being observed

  • No out of date dried goods identified


  • Adequate supplies of sanitiser available & used

  • Correct application of sanitiser & staff appropriately trained

  • Knives, slicers, etc, sanitised / washed after use

  • Detergent sanitiser used in dishwasher or correct manual washing methods used

Initial Food Preparation

  • Raw food not prepared near cooked food & utensils/surfaces sanitised between each use

  • Disposable towels used to wipe down food surfaces

  • Frozen food defrosted under refrigerated conditions

  • Cold food refrigerated between preparation & service

  • High risk foods kept out of refrigerated conditions as short<br>as possible during preparation

  • All high risk foods not left unattended e.g. During breaks

  • All food prepared with minimum delay

Per-cooking & Reheating

  • No unnecessary per-cooking

  • If hot food has to be per-cooked are suitable control<br>measures in place & strictly followed

  • If cold food has to be pre-cooked are suitable control<br>measures in place & strictly followed

  • Blast chiller available if pre cooking regularly & short cook<br>chill code of practice applied

  • Blast chiller temperatures / time records available &<br>completed

  • If no blast chiller, are hot foods chilled quickly

Home Freezing

  • No home freezing


  • Stock only from dried or other commercial bouillon mixes

Cold Food

  • Display units not overloaded

  • Food on display kept below +8 deg C or 4 hour rule applied

  • Leftover food from display above +8 deg C disposed of

  • Buffets out for a Maximum time of 4 hours

Hot Food

  • All high risk food cooked to a core temperature of @ least 75<br>deg C

  • Hot food display temperature kept above 63 deg C

  • Hot food from display never reheated

Temperature Monitoring Procedures

  • Probe wipes available

  • Temperature test medium available in all refrigerators & used

  • Probe used to check fridge & freezer temperatures

  • Frequency check in line with company procedures (or at<br>least twice a day)

  • Probe calibrated monthly & checks recorded

  • Annual formal calibration & certification available

  • Probe breakdown procedures in pace

  • Action taken for unsatisfactory product temperatures

Temperature Records

  • Food deliveries (chilled & frozen)

  • All refrigerators

  • All freezers

  • High risk hot food core temperatures

  • Cold food display / salad service units (if applicable)

  • Hot food display/ service units (if applicable)

  • Records kept for at least 3 months

Food Service

  • Delays between preparation & service kept to a minimum

  • Cold food refrigerated between preparation & service

  • Adequate protection for display avoiding contamination

  • Food covered where possible

  • Display units cleaned & sanitised after use

  • Display units cleaned & sanitised after use

  • If no blast chiller available, is action taken to chill food as quickly as possible & used within 24 hours

  • Left over meat / fish is not re-used in other made up dishes

  • 4 hour rule taken into account

  • Glass / crockery containers or other items avoided

  • Glass breakage procedures understood & operated

Loose Fittings

  • Any loose fittings, nuts,bolts, screws, drawing pins, etc seen<br>above food preparation areas

  • Notice boards not positioned above or in close proximity to food preparation areas

  • No drawing pins on notice boards

Wood, Packing Materials, Cloths, Wire Wool, etc

  • Wooden handled equipment not in use

  • Crude outer packaging not on food preparation surfaces

  • No worn / frayed cloths, tea towels, etc

  • Wire-wool, brillo pads, metal scourer, etc not in use

Complaints procedure

  • Procedure understood & followed

  • Customer comments book available

  • Suitable replies to customers comments entered

Personal Hygiene Standards

  • All food handlers issued and trained in good hygiene guidance

  • Finger nails are short, unpolished & clean

  • Good personal hygiene practices being followed (seen @<br>time of inspection)

  • Staff not eating or drinking in food rooms

  • Staff not coughing / sneezing over food, etc

  • Staff not fondling hair, picking nose, scratching, etc

Staff Hygiene

  • Clean protective over-clothing worn

  • Over-clothing not worn outside work

  • Personal clothing stored appropriately

  • Suitable head covering provided & worn for all working<br>within the food preparation area & food rooms

  • Long hair properly tied back, including waiting staff

  • Did staff wash their hands between tasks (handling raw<br>meat, seafood,, mops, garbage, etc).

  • "Wash you hands now" notices displayed in WC areas

  • Bacterial soap provided at all wash hand basins

  • Disposable paper towels provided & used to dry hands

  • Only approved jewellery worn

  • Serving spoons / Utensils used wherever possible

  • Smoking Banned in food rooms

  • Suitable external segregated smoking areas provided

  • Open sores, cuts, or splints & bandages on hands are completely covered while handling food

  • No open wounds, sores, etc noted.

  • Management fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of staff illness

  • Catering staff fully aware of procedures to follow in the<br>event of illness

  • Return to work sickness forms / questionnaires completed


  • Defect reporting system in place

  • System for auctioning urgent defects in place

Pest Control

  • Pest control contract in operation

  • Suitable preventive measures in place for controlling pests &<br>vermin, including clean areas externally, adequate proofing,<br>sound structures, etc

  • Un-screened windows / doors kept closed

  • No active infestation noted

Food Sampling & Retention

  • Samples taken for each meal

  • Correct foods being sampled

  • Correct amounts being sampled (min 3oz (75gms))

  • Correctly labelled

  • Kept for 14 days

  • Stored frozen & segregated

Food Hygiene training

  • Managers & all food handling staff fully trained in<br>appropriate safety & hygiene requirements

  • Details recorded on personal training files

  • Photocopies of certificates, etc available & held on file

Food Safety Policy Training

  • Managers and all food handling staff fully trained & details<br>recorded on training forms, etc

  • Photocopies of certificates, etc available & held on file

  • Available for each member of staff

  • Completed, dated, signed & up to date

  • Food hygiene training given during induction

Cleaning schedule, etc

  • Cleaning schedule on display & implemented

  • Schedule monitored daily & checks recorded

  • Deep clean contract in place & included within cleaning<br>schedule

  • Deep cleaning records retained

  • Deep cleaning contractors risk assessments available & held<br>on file

  • Deep cleaning contractors Safe Systems of Work available &<br>held on file

  • All cleaning staff fully trained &competent to carry out<br>specialist works

  • Photographic evidence available following extract duct deep<br>cleaning

Cleaning Standards

  • Utensils store age appropriate

  • Cleaning equipment colour coded

  • Floors & walls / floor / equipment junctions

  • Wall surfaces to hand height (low level)

  • High level areas (who's responsibility)

  • Cooking equipment, including ovens, grills, fryers, etc

  • Internal surfaces of refrigerators &freezers

  • Refrigerator & freezer doors seals

  • Food preparation equipment, e.g. Food slicers, mixers, etc

  • Food preparation surfaces, including chopping boards

  • Cooking utensils

  • Crockery

  • Drink dispensers, ice machines & post mix machines

  • Wash hand basins & sink units

  • Overall effectivity

Refrigeration & Maintenance Records

  • Microwave emission checks carried out @least annually

  • Microwave emission test records available

  • Refrigeration maintenance contract in place

  • Records of call outs / actions retained

  • Dishwasher maintenance

  • EHO inspection reports available & action points if any rectified

  • Cooking oil stored in bundled area

  • Waste oil disposed of through recognised contractor

  • Out of date or unfit food appropriately disposed

  • Glass breakage procedure in place & operated

Waste Management

  • Have all waste products been identified & assessed

  • Disposed of through authorised waste disposal company

  • Are duty of care waste transfer notes available & held on file

Sanitary Provision

  • Provision of adequate facilities for staff

  • Provision of adequate facilities for others

  • Clean

  • Provision of suitable washing / drying facilities

  • Hot & cold running water

Changing Rooms

  • Adequate facilities provided


  • Smooth, impervious, non flaking

  • Light coloured

  • Capable of being easily cleaned

  • Undamaged


  • Smooth, impervious, non flaking

  • Fire resistant

  • Light coloured

  • Coved at wall joints

  • Capable of being thoroughly cleaned


  • Non-absorbent

  • Anti-slip

  • Without crevices

  • Capable of being thoroughly cleaned

  • Resistant to acids, grease, salts, etc

  • Trapped drain gullies provided

  • Sufficient gradient for drain off (1 in 60 minimum)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.