
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Consultation (page 8)

  • Have workers and their health and safety representatives been consulted on any decisions about the adequacy of the facilities? <br><br> <br> <br>

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Location and nature of the workplace (page 8)

  • Is the workplace near appropriate facilities?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is the means of access safe?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Do all workers on all shifts have access to the facilities?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Managing facilities (page 8)

  • Are consumable items, such as soap and toilet paper, replaced regularly?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is broken or damaged infrastructure, such as plumbing, air-conditioning or lighting, repaired promptly?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is equipment and furniture, like fridges, lockers and seating, maintained in good condition?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are facilities cleaned regularly, at least daily?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Workspace (page 9-10)

  • Is there safe entry to and exit from the workstation?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there enough clear space, taking into account the physical actions needed to perform the task, and any plant and personal protective equipment that is needed?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there enough space in walkways and around cupboards, storage or doors, in addition to the clear workstation space?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Floors (page 10-11)

  • Is adequate floor covering provided for workers who need to stand for long periods?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are the floors maintained to be free of slip and trip hazards?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Are factors such as the work materials used, the likelihood of spills and the need for washing considered when choosing floor coverings?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Seating (page 11-12)

  • Can the work be done from a seated position?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Can the chair be adjusted for individual needs and is it appropriate to the type of work being carried out?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Can the chair be adjusted for individual needs and is it appropriate to the type of work being carried out?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Lighting (page 12)

  • Does the lighting allow workers to move about easily and to carry out their work effectively without adopting awkward postures or straining their eyes to see?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Does the working environment minimise the amount of glare, contrast or reflection?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Air quality (page 13-14)

  • Is the temperature between 20°C and 26°C (or less if the work is physically active)?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are ventilation and air-conditioning systems serviced regularly and maintained in a safe condition?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are rates of air movement in enclosed workplaces between 0.1 m and 0.2 m per second?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is local exhaust ventilation used to control airborne contaminants released during a work process?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Exposure to heat or cold (page 14-16)

  • Have all reasonably practicable control measures been implemented to minimise the risks of working in extreme hot or cold conditions?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Have workers been trained to recognise unsafe conditions arising from exposure to hot or cold conditions, to follow safe work procedures and to report problems immediately?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Drinking water (page 17-18)

  • Are the drinking water outlets accessible to workers?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are the drinking water outlets separate from toilet and washing facilities?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is the water clean, cool and hygienically provided?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Toilets (page 18-19)

  • If the workplace has 10 or fewer workers (and two or fewer of one gender), has at least one unisex toilet been provided?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • If the workplace has more than 10 workers, is there at least one male toilet for every 20 men and one female toilet for every 15 women?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are there adequate toilet facilities for workers with disabilities?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are toilets clearly marked, and do they have lockable doors, adequate lighting and ventilation?<br>

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are toilets cleaned regularly?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there adequate toilet paper, hand washing facilities and soap, rubbish bins and sanitary disposal?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Hand washing (page 19-20)

  • Are there enough hand washing basins for men and women?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Does the nature of the work require additional hand washing facilities (taking into account exposure to dirty conditions, infectious agents, contaminants and health regulations)?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are the hand washing facilities separate from work-related troughs or sinks, protected from weather and accessible from work areas, dining facilities and toilets?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is hot and cold water, soap or other cleaning product provided?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is hygienic hand drying provided that does not involve workers sharing towels?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Dining facilities (page 20-21)

  • Does the nature of the work cause a health and safety risk to workers from preparing food or eating in the workplace?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is a dining room or dining area required, taking into account the guidance on page 20 of this Code?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there adequate protection from the elements, the work area, contaminants and hazards?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • For workplaces needing a dining room, is there 1 m2 of clear floor space for each person likely to use the dining room at one time?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • If a shared dining facility is used, can it accommodate all workers likely to be eating at one time?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Personal storage (page 21)

  • Is there accessible, secure storage at the workplace for workers’ personal property, including any tools provided by a worker?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is it separate from any storage facilities provided for personal protective clothing and equipment?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Change rooms (page 21-22)

  • Are change rooms provided for workers who are required to change in and out of clothing?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are there arrangements in place for the privacy of male and female workers?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Do change rooms allow a clear space of at least 0.5 m2 for each worker?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is the change room temperature comfortable for changing clothing?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there enough seating, accessible mirrors, an adequate number of hooks for the numbers of workers changing at one time?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are there well-ventilated, accessible and secure lockers for each worker for storing clothing and personal belongings?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there clear space of at least 1800 mm between rows of lockers facing each other and at least 900 mm between lockers and a seat or a wall?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Showers (page 22)

  • Are showers provided for workers where the work: • requires strenuous effort • leaves them dirty or smelly • exposes them to chemicals or bio-hazards

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there one shower cubicle for every 10 workers who may need to shower?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are there separate facilities for male and female workers, or other appropriate forms of security to ensure privacy?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there a slip-resistant floor area of not less than 1.8 m2, which is capable of being sanitised?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are partitions between each shower at least 1650 mm high and no more than 300 mm above the floor?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there an adjacent dressing area for each shower, containing a seat and hooks, with a curtain or lockable door enclosing the shower and dressing cubicle?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there clean hot and cold water and soap or other cleaning product?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • If workers need to shower before they can leave the workplace, are towels provided?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Outdoor work (page 23)

  • Are there appropriate procedures to ensure outdoor workers have access to clean drinking water, toilets, dining facilities, hygienic storage of food and water, and emergency and first aid assistance?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there access to shelter for eating meals and taking breaks and for protection when weather conditions become unsafe?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Mobile or remote work (page 23-25)

  • Are there appropriate procedures to ensure that mobile or remote workers have access to clean drinking water, toilets, dining facilities, hygienic storage of food and water, and emergency and first aid assistance?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Can mobile or remote workers access emergency communications that are reliable in their location, such as a satellite or mobile phone?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Accommodation (page 25-26)

  • Is the person conducting a business or undertaking accommodation separate from any hazards at the workplace likely to present a risk to the health or safety of a worker using the accommodation?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is it appropriately equipped, including: • safe access and egress • security of personal possessions • fire safety arrangements • electrical safety standards • drinking water • toilets, washing, bathing and laundry facilities • procedures to ensure cleanliness <br>• suitable, quiet sleeping accommodation • crockery, utensils and dining facilities • rubbish collection • heating, cooling and ventilation

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Does the accommodation meet all relevant structural and stability requirements?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Are the fittings, appliances and any other equipment maintained in good working condition?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

Emergency plans (page 27-28)

  • Is there a written emergency plan covering relevant emergency situations, with clear emergency procedures?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is the plan accessible to all workers?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Are workers, managers and supervisors instructed and trained in the procedures?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Has someone with appropriate skills been made responsible for specific actions in an emergency (e.g. appointment of an area warden)?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is someone responsible for ensuring workers and others in the workplace are accounted for in the event of an evacuation?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are emergency contact details relevant to the types of<br>possible threats (e.g. fire, police, poison information centre) displayed at the workplace in an easily accessible location?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are contact details updated regularly?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there a mechanism, such as a siren or bell alarm, for alerting everyone in the workplace of an emergency?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is there a documented site plan that illustrates the location of fire protection equipment, emergency exits and assembly points?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • If there is a site plan and is it displayed in key locations throughout the workplace?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Are procedures in place for assisting mobility-impaired people?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Does the workplace have first aid facilities and emergency equipment to deal with the types of emergencies that may arise?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is the fire protection equipment suitable for the types of risks at the workplace (e.g. foam or dry powder type extinguishers for fires that involve flammable liquids)?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is equipment easily accessible in an emergency?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Are workers trained to use emergency equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers, chemical spill kits, breathing apparatus, lifelines)?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Have you considered neighbouring businesses and how you will let them know about an emergency situation should one arise?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Have you considered the risks from neighbouring businesses (e.g. fire from restaurant/takeaway food outlets, Q fever from cattle yards)?

  • Comments

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  • Actions to be taken

  • Are emergency practice runs (e.g. evacuation drills) regularly undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the emergency plan?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

  • Is someone responsible for reviewing the emergency plan and informing staff of any revisions?<br>

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Actions to be taken

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.