Customer store number:
Technician and Company Name:
City and Post Code:
System Configurations Entrance and Exit
iSense system (add at least 1 system):
iSense system
Does the store environment meet the global standard?
Is the system installed in line with the approved drawings?
230V Electricity Outlet available?
Position of Nedap Power Supply:
Circuit breaker description (Fuse box):
Network socket description:
Antenna group information:
Antenna group registration (add at least 1 group):
iD Gates/iD Tops
Group name:
Number of antennas in group:
Firmware version:
Picture of power / threshold page:
Static Item Filter on?
Beam Steering Version:
Tag movement for Beam Steering V2:
Forget Time:
EAS database information:
EAS database IP:
Port number:
EAS database communication tested succesfully?
Statements Information
Was there a clear training, including test and troubleshooting instructions, provided by the technician?
Please give the names of the people who attended the handover and training session.
Were the Nedap RFID Test Tags handed over to the store manager?
Give the reason why there are no instructions given.
Any comments, notes or references:
Custom system settings used (in collaboration with Nedap HQ):
Confirmation / Signatures
We hereby confirm that the installation was carried out in line with the details specified in the order/order confirmation. The system has been explained and handed over in a working state.
I hereby confirm that the above listed information is correct. Signature of technician:
I hereby confirm the fulfilment of the order and that the above listed information is correct. Signature customer / Client:
If any environmental issues have been experienced during the installation/service visit, please specify:
If any 3rd party issues have been experienced during the installation/service visit, please specify:
Pictures [add photo(s) from entrance(s) and iD Gate(s)/Top(s)].