Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Job Briefings
Is the JHA/Job Briefing complete?
Does the JHA/Job Briefing identify the hazards on the job?
Does the JHA/Job Briefing define how to control or mitigate the hazards identified?
Does the JHA/Job Briefing include Insulate/Isolate techniques to be used when work is in proximity of energized lines and equipment?
Does the JHA/Job Briefing identify personal protective equipment to be used?
Does the JHA/Job Briefing provide emergency response information?
Do crews hold additional JHA/Job Briefings as job tasks, site conditions, or personnel change?
Have all crew members participated and signed the JHA/Job Briefing?
Do all crew members have an understanding of the items covered in the JHA/Job Briefing? (Interview employees)
Are visitors given a JHA/Job Briefing?
Is the AED location listed on the JHA/Job Briefing?
Personal Protective Equipment
Hard Hats
Safety Glasses
High Visibility Clothing
ARC Rated FR Shirts
ARC Rated FR Pants
Work Gloves
Other (LIST)
Qualified Observer
Is the activity being observed covered by the best practice "Qualified Observer"?
Has a member of the crew been identified to act as a Qualified Observer?
Does the QO ensure clearances are maintained?
Does the QO ensure P.P.E. Is properly used?
Does the QO ensure effective cover is being used?
Is observing critical tasks the only duty of the QO?
Energized Work
Are there any electrical hazards?
Is the activity being observed covered by the Best Practice Cradle to Cradle Rubber Goods?
Are employees observed wearing insulating gloves and sleeves cradle to cradle when performing glove work on energized parts or conductors?
Is rubber insulating equipment rated for the voltage employees are exposed to?
Is the observed activity covered by the Best Practice Locl to Lock Rubber Goods?
Are employees observed wearing insulating rubber gloves and sleeves Lock to Lock when working on energized parts or conductors?
Are all employees within a 5 foot radius of the (opened) front of an energized URD apparatus wearing rubber insulating gloves and sleeves?
Are rubber insulating gloves and sleeves rated for the voltage employees are exposed to?
Are approved live line tools used when removing/replacing elbows?
Are rubbers goods properly stored?
Has protective cover been installed?
Are Hot sticks being used?
Are they in date and serviceable?
Is the crew working behind protection? (Cutout/reclosure)
Have the trucks and equipment been properly grounded?
Are there any A/C tools being used?
Are they GFCI protected?
Are the cords in good shape?
Are all guards in place?
Fall Hazards
Are there any falling hazards?
Are harnesses/lanyards being used properly?
100% fall protection being used?
Is rescue equipment available a and ready?
Is there any lifting and rigging activities observed?
Load Line/Hook condition
Boom visual appearance?
Winch rope/line condition?
Sheave condition?
Turn table visual condition?
Tag line being used?
Sling/shackle condition?
Controls labeled?
Are there any underground operations on site?
Have locates been called in/marked?
Spoil piles back a minimum of 2 feet?
Excavation protection installed/utilized properly?
Vehicles and equipment set up properly?
Daily vehicle inspections complete?
Loads secured properly?
Fire Extinguisher inspected?
Traffic control?
Seat belts?
Drinking water/Ice?
First Aid kits inspected/full?
At least 2 employees CPR/First aid trained?