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Site conducted
Conducted on
Audit Completed by
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Record Keeping
Client H&S site Induction and safety rules are provided to NIC Services Colleagues?
NIC Services Group Safety rules are being enforced visually?
NIC Colleagues completed all necessary specific on the job training and is it recorded on the NIC training record?
Is an EL certificate/hazard reporting, slip, trip and falls, colour coding posters displayed?
Colleagues completed mandatory NIC H&S induction?
Cleaning documentation/digital information i.e. toilet checks, housekeeping logs, spillage reports available and adequate?
Emergency & First Aid Procedures
Colleagues aware on what to do in the event of a fire/emergency evacuation/raising the alarm?
Colleagues aware of site emergency assembly points locations and the locations of fire exits and extinguishers?
Are all fire exits/routes free of obstructions that relate to NIC Services Group?
Colleague aware of the specific procedures in place in the event of accidents, incidents and near misses and hazards?
Is there a suitable and sufficient client issued first aid kit available?
Are yard areas/loading docks, smoking shelters clean?
re walls/floors/ceilings/storage areas racking aisles, cleaned in accordance with the SWPs?
Are areas kept free from slip, trip and fall risks?
Is the toilets & wash hand basin & hand soap dispenser clean?
Colour coding system in place and adhered to?
Spillages cleaned in accordance with client specification?
Is housekeeping satisfactory within machine storage areas and cleaning cupboards?
Is heating, lighting and ventilation standards satisfactory?
Are there arrangements for welfare? (i.e. WCs, changing facilities, rest areas)
Are traffic routes for pedestrians and vehicles marked and segregated?
Have colleagues read and understood and signed for RAMS that are applicable to their job role?
Are significant risks brought to the attention of colleagues?
Are work areas kept free from obstructions/hazards?
Are floors/barriers been used wet mopping or using of scrubber dryer/cleaning up spillages?
Are colleagues adhering to the site no smoking policy?
Are colleagues aware of specific client policy's and locations?
PPEs per the requirement (face shields, goggles, safety glasses, masks , safety gloves, weather proof high visibility clothing)
Is PPE assessable and do colleagues know where too access PPE required?
Are colleagues adhering to the high visibility vest 360 policy
Work equipment
Is equipment suitable for its purpose, is it inspected before use and recorded on the necessary documentation?
Does any equipment pose a special risk or hazard?
Colleagues operating equipment have been trained and inputted onto the necessary training cards?
Equipment guards are in place and must prevent all access to moving parts?
All equipment is switched-off if not in use?
Is equipment PAT tested?
Appropriate safety containers & pelican pumps are being used for chemical handling?
Chemicals stored in accordance with NIC Services Groups procedure/Clients/Manufactures?
Appropriate PPE worn when handling chemicals?
Chemicals stored away from food preparations areas?
Containers are clearly labelled with the appropriate content (including trial materials)
Chemical water sinks, inspected before use & defects and damage reported?
Appropriate COSHH posters within cleaning store rooms?
Are colleagues adequately trained, informed and instructed and supervised? Are records available?
Sluice areas free from standing water?
Manual handling
Do colleagues demonstrate awareness and make full and proper use of systems of work used to reduce manual handling?
Are risk assessments in place, documented and monitored by suitably qualified staff?