Title Page
Prepared by
Site conducted
Conducted on
1. Stop, Switch On - Think about the 'Life Saving Rules'
Am I Physically and Mentally fit for work?
Have I stretched and planned for regular rest breaks for this task?
Have I read and understood the procedure or instructions for this task?
Are the tools and equipment in good order?
Do I have the correct PPE for the task?
2. Think about the Hazards - What do I need to control?
- Tick all Identified Damaging Energies Present
Human Energy
Machine Energy
Thermal Energy
Noise Energy
Gravitational Energy
Object Energy
Chemical Energy
Susceptible Part
Vehicular Energy
Electrical Energy
Radiation Energy
Specialized Energy
Do I require any permits, certifications, or special authorisation?
If YES, see your supervisor. A JHA may be required.
Are there any hazardous energies present prior to commencing the task that cannot be controlled? (refer to the above energies/part)
If YES, see your supervisor. A JHA may be required.
Does the task have potential to harm others in the work area?
If YES, see your supervisor. A JHA may be required.
3. Control the Hazards - what do I need to control?
Have all the hazards been addressed before starting the task?
If NO, do not proceed. STOP and see your Supervisor
Have controls been applied to those hazards and confirmed as effective?
If NO, do not proceed. STOP and see your Supervisor
4. Final Check - does this feel right?
Have I got a clear plan in mind to complete the task safely?
If NO, do not proceed. STOP and see your Supervisor
Do I have Area Owner's authorisation to complete the task?
If NO, do not proceed. STOP and see your Supervisor
5. Do the Task Safely
Is the ground Support installed to Standard?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Is there adequate ventilation?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Is the area clear of misfires?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Are the communications in the area adequate?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Are the travel ways/Housekeeping to standard?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Are the required markers/signs/barricades in place?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
I can confirm that all open holes or voids nearby are barricaded?
STOP if you answered No, call your Shift Boss
Where is the location of the nearest Refuge Chamber or Escape Way?
Have I confirmed the area is free from entrapment risk?