Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Part 1

  • Instructions

    1. Use the slider in providing numbers of Non-Compliance Reports.
    2. Upload a photo by clicking Add Media, annotate on the NCR and add a comment explaining the NCR.
    3. Place your comments by clicking on the paper clip found on the Media Section and NOT ON THE SLIDER.
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signatures of both auditor and service provider.
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.

1. Infrastructure

1.1 Building Fabric External including: External walls, windows and glazing, Roof, Slabs, Fire escapes, Safety barriers, Balconies, Eaves, Boundary wall, fencing and gates/barriers, Gutters and Pipes, Drainage systems, Balustrades and handrails (inc testing) & Car park shades.

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • All elements of building fabric and finishes or a services system component must be functional and operational
    • Sound, secure and weatherproof where appropriate
    • Free from structural cracks and/or deflection.
    • Free from damp penetration or spalling.
    • Cladding, copings and parapets are structurally sound and secure.
    • Free from areas capable of harbouring vermin and/or pests.
    • Free from debris and moss growth.

  • Number of NCRs

  • Photos

1.2 Building Fabric Internal including: Internal walls, Partitions/Cubicles, Ceilings.

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • All elements of building fabric and finishes or a services system component must be functional and operational
    • Free from structural cracks and/or deflection.
    • Free from damp and vermin.
    • Free from undue damage and of reasonable appearance for location.

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1.3 Furniture Fixtures and Fittings including: Tables, desks, chairs, other furniture, Windows and sills (incl. Window Suites), Hatches, Vents, Sky lights, Joinery, shelving, Cupboards, Railings, Racking, Notice boards, Mirrors, Balustrades, Ceiling tiles

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Operate as intended, in a safe way, without making undue noise and without observable stains on hinges, locks, catches and handles, and without binding, rubbing or catching in any
    • Must function as intended, and must be free from all but minor surface blemishes and minor wear and tear.
    • Luminescent strips, signs, notices, warning signs are intact, legible and illuminated where appropriate.
    • Free from corrosion.

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1.4 Doors and door furniture (locks, hold open and other safety devices)

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Operate as intended, in a safe way, without making undue noise and without observable stains on hinges, locks, catches and handles, and without binding, rubbing or catching in anyway, all in accordance with the Design Requirements.

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1.5 Floor and Floor Coverings

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • The floor covering is complete, according to the Design Requirements and manufacturers specifications.
    • The floor covering is fully fixed to the floor so as not to cause a health and safety hazard.
    • The floor/floor covering is free from tears, scoring, cracks or any other damage that is unsightly and/or could cause a health and safety hazard.
    • The floor covering is free from all but minor surface blemishes and minor wear and tear.
    • Floor coverings/surfaces must be maintained in such a way as to provide a suitable uniform surface, with minimal resistance, for wheeled bed trolleys, wheel chairs and any other wheeled vehicle or equipment in use in the Precinct.
    • Floor coverings/surfaces allow adequate drainage where necessary.
    • Floor coverings/surfaces are free from pests.

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1.6 Decorative Finishes including: Paintwork, Tiling, Fabric and special finishes applied to walls, Ceilings, Woodwork, Metalwork, Pipework and other visible elements.

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Complete according to the Design Requirements and manufacturer’s specifications.
    • Free from all but minor surface blemishes or undue wear and tear.
    • Free from cracks, or any other surface degradation consistent with a building maintained in accordance with Best Operational Practices.
    • Properly fixed in place with grout, mastic, welding or similar to joints according to the Design Requirements and manufacturer’s specifications.
    NOTE : no ‘patching’ will be allowed – full wall or shadow line

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1.7 Site Circulation Routes / Hard Landscaping/Soft landscaping including: Pavings, Paths, Driveways, Roads, Vehicular patrol roads, Carparks, Hard standings, Precinct entrances, Courtyards and paved areas

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must be sound, safe and even surface with no potholes, sinkings or trip hazards.
    • Kerbs and edgings must be sound and paintwork in good condition.
    • No loose kerbs or paving stones.
    • Road markings are clear and complete.
    • Provision for good disabled access such as for the visually impaired and wheelchair users.
    • Soft landscaping to be in good condition with no dead plants
    • Soft landscaping to be maintained in good, aesthetically pleasing condition, trimmed, pruned and cut to accepted practice
    • All planting shall be free from disease and pests
    • Ensure Seasonal planting twice per year to agreed standard/quantity

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1.8 External Furniture and features including street furniture including: Guard rails, Copings, Statues or ornamental objects, Seating, tables, Permanent waste bins, Fences, barriers and bollards, Grates and pits, External fitness equipment, Shelters and shades & Barbecues

  • Compliant rating base on:
    • Sound secure safe and free from damage.
    • Operating at their design performance where applicable.
    • Maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
    • External furniture is intact and operational.
    • Shelters and shades are free of build-up of sand, litter, dirt etc. (including roof areas).

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1.9 External Lighting

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Sound, secure and safe and free from damage.
    • Operating at their design performance where applicable.

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1.10 Boundaries including: Fences/Walls & Gates

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Intact, safe, sound and secure.
    • Must be free from graffiti and/or vandalism.

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1.11 External Areas (incl. Play/Recreational areas)

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must be sound, safe and even surface with no potholes, sinkings or trip hazards.
    • At all times suitable for disabled and elderly access.
    • At all times accessible and easily observable by carers and staff.
    • Must be free from graffiti and or vandalism.
    • Kerbs and edgings must be sound.
    • No loose kerbs or paving stones.
    • Line markings are clear and complete

  • Number of NCR's

  • Photo

1.12 Irrigation to landscaping areas

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must be regularly inspected and maintained including:
    o Checking for possible leaks
    o Checking timing and operation of automatic systems
    o Inspecting and testing the operation of pumps, emitters, valves, backflow prevention devices and filters
    o Periodic flushing.

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1.13 Swimming Pools/Water features

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Water to be clear, sparkling, with no algae on surfaces, floating debris or build up of dirt on sloping or horizontal surfaces and with the quality to be maintained in accordance with Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001
    • Lining, pipework, pumps and valves to be free of leaks and to operate as designed.
    • No use of chemicals that causes changes in hair colour (pools) or colour of adjacent finishes from splashing.
    • Use of chemicals in terms of best practice
    • Cleaning and water testing on a daily basis

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2. Systems

2.1 DLP management

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Liaise with client and installing contractors with regards to de-snag, punch out and DLP related issues
    • Advise client on any issues believed to be DLP, latent defect or warranty related

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2.2 Emergency Power Supply

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Standby power sources such as generators, battery banks and UPS must be operational, secure, have adequate fuel and be tested regularly in accordance with AS3009.
    • Emergency lighting units must be tested regularly and comply with AS2293, be free from dust, operational and fully charged.

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2.3 Portable appliance testing

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • All loose equipment to be tested to meet the IEE requirements for appliance testing

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2.4 LV Distribution System including: Distribution equipment and protective devices fuse switches, Isolators, Distribution boards, Fuses, MCBs, ACB, ELCBs and RCDs, exposed distribution cables, & Check meters

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Correctly operating in accordance with AS3000.

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2.5 Lighting systems including: Light fittings and fixtures, Tubes, lamps, ballasts and other ‘consumables’, Lighting controls, switches etc, Luminaires, diffusers and Louvres, Aircraft Warning Lighting Systems

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Correctly operating in all respects
    • Clean and free of dust and finger marks
    • Provide appropriate levels of lighting
    • Consistent use of ‘colour’ lamps

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2.6 Hot & Cold Water Systems including: CW Supplies, DCW systems, DHW systems, Filtration and treatment systems & Tanks and associated valves

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Deliver water at the temperatures and flow rates defined in the Design Requirements without undue noise and vibration.
    • Taps, valves and other related fittings and fixtures function as intended.
    • Pipework and fittings must be fastened securely to their intended points of anchorage.
    • There must be no drips or leaks of water from pipework, taps, valves and/or fittings.
    • Reverse osmosis systems operate correctly.
    • Compliance with public health measures for Legionella.
    • Water supply pressured maintained.
    • Tanks and storage system level controls and alarms maintained.
    • All tanks to be cleaned, sanitised and certified

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2.7 Heating, Air Conditioning and Mechanical ventilation Systems including: Air conditioning systems including chillers, AHU, FAHU, FCU, fans, cooling and heating coils filters, dampers, ductwork and grilles, VAV boxes and associated sub elements, automatic controls, Central solar caalorifier units, Chilled water system including chillers, pumps, piping and valves, etc. Water Treatment and Dosing Systems, Supply and exhaust ventilation systems including central exhaust for WC’s fans, ductwork, dampers, Cooker hoods to apartments, grilles, etc, BMS & ETS

  • Compliant Rating based on:
    • All air conditioning and ventilation systems and associated plant components must function as intended without undue noise or vibration.
    • Air changes and ventilation levels as required to achieve the requirements set out in the Design Requirements so that the location remains Fit for the Intended Purposes at all times.
    • Temperatures to each part of the location are maintained to the levels specified in the Design Requirements and Completion Requirements.
    • Ductwork, fittings and pipework must be securely fastened to their intended points of anchorage.
    • There must be no leaks of water (or other heating/cooling medium) or air from ventilation systems.
    • Secure to authorised access only.
    • Free from corrosion, erosion and organic growth.
    • Compliance with public health measures for Legionella.
    • All vents to be clean and clear of dust, dirt, cobwebs, debris and the like which may adversely affect airflow.
    • All relevant interfaces to BMS Systems correctly operating.

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2.8 BMS: System, Hardware, Components & Software upgrades

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • The Supplier must maintain the system as per Manufacturers Recommendations and the operation and maintenance manuals.
    • There must be no live alarms on any system for more than 24 hours without acknowledgement/escalation as required
    • Production of all reports to comply with Estidama requirements
    • Optimize performance of each building through smart use of BMS.

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2.9 Electrical Power and other Cabled Systems including: IT, Intercom, Lightning protection, Communications, Safety systems, Alarm systems & Hoisting Equipment

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • All installations to comply with and operate within relevant Quality Standards.
    • Weatherproof where appropriate.
    • Function as intended without undue noise or vibration.
    • Wiring, fittings, fixtures, controls and safety devices shall be properly housed and fastened securely to their intended point of anchorage and labelled.
    • Lightning down conductor should be complete, isolated and comply with AS1768.
    • All relevant interfaces to BMS/Security Systems correctly operating.

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2.10 Public health and other drainage systems including: Sewer system, All sanitary ware, Sewerage tank cleaning (De-sludge and sanitize) & Garbage chutes (deep clean and sanitize)

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must function as intended, without undue noise and vibration.
    • Provide a safe and comfortable environment.
    • All pipework and fittings fastened securely to their intended points of anchorage.
    • There must be no leakage of waste and/or foul water
    • Filtration and treatment plants maintained and output quality tested.
    • Chute hoppers and interlocks to be maintained and fully functional at all times
    • Chute to be free from blockages

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2.11 Automatic/ Sliding doors

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must function as intended including all safety devices without undue noise or vibration.

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2.12 Lifts

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must function as intended without undue noise or vibration.
    • Must have a fully functioning control panel and phone.
    • No persons must be trapped in a lift for more than 30 minutes.
    • Statutory inspection certificates in place and renewed as required across the term of the contract

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2.13 Clocks

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • Must, at all times, be accurate to within 2 minutes of local time.

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2.15 LPG systems: Tanks, Pipework, Valves, Regulators, Meters & All sundry associated equipment

  • Compliant rating based on:
    • To be maintained in good condition, free from corrosion and leaks
    • All seals to be inspected and replaced as necessary
    • To be tested for compliance with statutory requirements
    • Meters to be calibrated annually

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Part 2

Completion - Sign off

  • Auditor's Signature

  • On-site Representative

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.