Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Aircraft Arrival
Stand, FOD checked before DGS lights were turned on.
No ground equipment inside the safetyzone when aircraft enters stand
No equipment in safetyzone until anti collision lights have been turned off
Only one person in safetyzone to supply groundpower and 1 set of chocks
No personel in safetyzone until anti collision lights have been turned off
All other staff outside safetyzone until anti collision lights are turned off
Safety inspektion/walkaround performed before aircraft is "opened"
All chocks and warning cones in place before aircraft is "opened"
Have Gate Coordinator given OK sign before preconditioned air hose are attached
Have equipment been cleared of garbage/FOD before aircraft arrives at stand
All equipment have been test started before aircraft arrives
Equipment brake test done when entering safetyzone
Equipment brake test done two (2) meters from aircraft (FULL STOP)
No equipment drivning under the aircraft (wings & tail)
Equipment driven at walking speed
Are beltloaders clear of personel on the belt when approaching aircraft ("Belt Surfing")
Are equipment backing towards aircraft, guided by guideperson?
Are all equipment guided to aircraft by guide person
When in place, are equipment parkingbrake activated
Priority bags unloaded first
Priority bags driven to baggage arrival hall first
Live animals driven to cargo area/baggage arrival hall as quickly as possible
Transfer baggage are separated from local baggage
In adverse weather, baggage on baggage carts are covered from the elements
Cargo/mail documents placed with unloaded cargo/mail
Cargo/mail on baggage carts are covered from the elements
Incoming Dangerous Goods, are properly secured after unloading
Are equipment removed from aircraft if all handling staff leaves the aircraft
Aircraft cargo doors are closed if all handling staff leaves the aircraft
Aircraft Departure
Equipment brake test done when entering safetyzone
Equipment brake test done two (2) meters from aircraft (FULL STOP)
No equipment drivning under the aircraft (wings & tail)
Equipment driven at walking speed
Are beltloaders clear of personel on the belt when approaching aircraft ("Belt Surfing")
Are all cargo holds checked before loading starts
Are Loading supervisor in possession of loadplan before loading of aircraft starts
Are equipment backing towards aircraft, guided by guideperson?
Are equipment guided to aircraft by guide person
When in place, equipment parkingbrake activated
Are live animals placed in the aircraft as quickly as possible
Are Live animal cage checked before loading (cage door, cracks in cage)
Are Live animal secured correctly in the aircraft hold
Bagtags on each bag are checked before loading (Date, destination, flight number)
Transfer baggage are separated from local baggage
Are ULD's placed in the aircraft with openings facing cargohold doors?
Cargo/mail documents are placed in the designated document folder/bag
Dangerous Goods, are properly secured
HEA are properly secured
Are ULD locks, raised in no-fit positions
Are nettings fastened in no-fit positions
Are nosegear hydraulics disconectet by switch/bypass pin before connecting pushback
Are pushback connectet to the aircraft 5 min. before STD at the latest
Is headsetoperator doing the safety check/walkaround 10 min. before STD at the latest
Are headsetoperator performing a propper safety check/walkaround.
Are headsetoperator performing safety check/walkaround camly and safe
Are headsetoperator looking for FOD when performing safety check/walkaround
British Airways, Delta Airlines
Are a chock placed in front of aircraft nosegear, before disconnecting towbar
Does pushback block flight taxi while visible from flightdeck, after disconnect
Are headsetoperator clear of taxipath before giving final clearence/show bypass pin
Does personel remove all ground equipment before leaving the stand
Are stand checked for FOD before personel are leaving the stand
Efficiency Stands
Are movable stairs put on aircraft
Are tenserbarriers used
Are the boarding row sign used