Jobsite Information

  • Job Name/Number

  • Job Address

  • Geotag
  • Job Superintendent/Foreman

  • NRCI Employees on site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

NRCI Site Safety Audit

Program Administration

  • Is the NRCI Safety Banner hung up at site entrance?

  • Picture of NRCI banner or Billboard

  • Is the NRCI IIPP /Codes of Safe Practices book available for review?

  • Is the NRCI Safety Manual on-site?

  • Has the NRCI Daily Job Site Safety Analysis (JSA) been filled out?

  • Has every employee on site reviewed and signed the JSA?

  • Does the JSA cover all hazards in detail. (tools, lifts, falls, scaffolds, RF exposure, etc.)

  • Is the Emergency Action Plan filled out?

  • Is the NRCI Emergency Calling Tree available?

  • Has the Weekly Tailgate Meetings been completed with individual signatures of each person on site?

  • Has all applicable inspection forms been completed? (equipment operator inspection, trench inspection, etc.)

  • Is drinking water available on site?

  • Deficiencies Found


  • Is an ANSI rated 1st Aid Kit available and properly stocked?

  • Picture of first aid kit in accessible and visible location

  • Is there at least two certified 1st Aid/CPR trained employees on site?

Fire prevention and protection

  • Is there type ABC fire extinguisher(s) readily available for immediate use on site?

  • Is there a fire extinguisher available for each separate work area? (i.e. rooftop and lower level equipment room)

  • Picture of fire extinguisher(s) in accessible and visible location

  • Are flammable liquids stored in metal safety cans and properly labeled?

  • Picture of Flammable liquid storage

  • Are all work areas clear of combustible scraps and debris?

  • Are all emergency exit pathways kept clear?

  • Are fire lanes kept clear so emergency vehicles can enter the site?

  • Deficiencies Found

Personal protective equipment

  • Is proper personal protective equipment being used when required?

  • Are Hard Hats being worn at all times?

  • Picture of hardhats being worn

  • Are all employees wearing Z-87 Safety Glasses on site?

  • Are safety glasses appropriate for lighting conditions?

  • Is the RF Monitor present and being used? Calibration within dates?

  • Is face protection being used when needed? Face shields for grinders or chop saws.

  • Is proper footwear being worn by all personnel?

  • Is hearing protection being used when needed?

  • Is respiratory protection being used when needed?

  • Is fall protection being used when required? (exposure to falls of 6 feet or greater to a lower level)

  • Are personnel using cut resistant gloves when handling sharp/rough material or tools?

  • Are all employees wearing long pants and shirts with minimum 4 inch sleeves?

  • Deficiencies Found

  • Ladders
  • Is the proper ladder for the job being used?

  • Picture of ladders

  • Are ladder inspections being performed?

  • Are ladders in good condition (no missing or broken rungs)?

  • Metal ladders are NOT being used?

  • Multi purpose, adjustable ladders are NOT being used?

  • Are defective ladders immediately withdrawn from service and marked "do not use" or destroyed?

  • Is 100% fall protection being used for working on ladders greater than 6 feet in height?

  • Deficiencies Found

  • Are step ladders on site?

  • Ladders
  • Are step ladders fully open when in use?

  • Is employee not standing on top two rungs of step ladder?

  • Are extension ladders on site?

  • Extension ladders
  • Are extension ladders being set up at a 4 to 1 ratio?

  • Are extension ladders tied off or secured at top?

  • Do siderails extend 36 inches above the top of opening or has a handgrip been put in place 36 inches high?


  • Is scaffolding on site?

  • Scaffolding
  • Has scaffolding been erected correctly?

  • Picture of scaffolding

  • Is scaffold erected on a firm and substantial surface?

  • Are scaffolds fully planked?

  • Are toeboards and guardrails in place on scaffolding?

  • Is a green tag in place and signed by a certified competent erector on all scaffolds? (scaffold company erector green tag)

  • Are workers tied off by an independent vertical life line while on yellow tagged scaffold?

  • Is the Solex daily inspection tag in place and signed by the supervisor for everyday the scaffold is being used.

  • Deficiencies Found

  • Is there rolling scaffolding (baker type) on site?

  • Rolling scaffolding
  • Do rolling scaffolds have locking wheels and are locked when used?

  • Picture of rolling scaffold (baker type)


  • Are the power tools with cords on site?

  • Power tools
  • Are cords in good condition not frayed, damaged or missing ground pins?

  • Picture of tools

  • Are handles, shields, and guards on all tools in good condition and being used correctly?

  • Are hoses on air or hydraulic tools in good condition and attached securely?

  • Does air tools have automatic air shut off for accidental release or whip ties at connections joints to prevent whip action?

  • Deficiencies Found


  • Is electrical lockout/tag out needed?

  • Lockout
  • Are all switch panels and devices that are energized marked and guarded to prevent accidental contact?

  • Are lockout devices used on all circuits that could become energized while work is being performed?

  • Do all employees working on the circuit have control over the lockout device?

  • Is live electrical work being completed?
  • Is live electrical work being completed by certified licensed electricians or Specific Equipment Qualified Persons (SEQP)?

  • Are rated insulated tools being used?

  • Is proper NFPA 70E category electrical PPE being worn?

  • Are fish tapes non-metallic?

  • Is there temporary electrical supply on site?

  • Temp Electrical
  • Is temporary lighting per the electrical wiring standard? (proper flexible cords, junction boxes or receptacles, no exposed wire nuts, etc.)

  • Are all temporary lights in work areas and supply trailers protected with guard? Are guards closed, bulbs in place, and not burned out?

  • Picture of temp lighting

  • Is temporary lighting hung by non-conductive material?

  • Deficiencies Found

  • Are temporary receptacles affixed to walls or stands? (wall mounted, spider box, etc.)

  • Are there any visual signs of outlet overloading?

  • Are temporary circuits properly guarded and grounded with GFCI protection?

  • Is there any job made outlets with extension cords affixed? (these type are not allowed and must be removed, only UL Listed types rated for hard usage)

  • Are extension cords on site?

  • Extension Cords
  • Are OSHA approved type extension cords being used on job site? Only UL Listed, rated at a minimum, HARD USAGE, no general type allowed.

  • Are extension cords being correctly used? They are not fastened with staples, hung from nails, or suspended by wire?

  • Are extension cords not damaged, frayed, missing ground pins, and are of the three wire type?

  • Do all cords have ground prongs and are not bent or broken?

  • Are all extension cords protected by GFCI at source of power?

  • Are extension cords protected from sharp edges and doorways? (i.e. protective sleeves at doorways or over metal stud track)

Trenching and excavation

  • Is there currently trenching and excavation taking place on site?

  • Trenching and Excavation
  • Do the subs have a competent person on site when deeper than 4 feet?

  • Has the competent person form for trenches deeper than 4 feet been signed?

  • Are all trenches and excavations properly barricaded? (i.e. danger/caution tape with delineators)

  • Does trenches have floor coverings at access/egress walk paths supporting at minimum 400 lbs.?

  • Picture of trenches

  • Is all excavated material properly stored 2 feet or more from edge?

  • In trenches more than 4 feet deep, are ladders within 25 feet travel distance?

  • Is protective shoring or trench boxes in place for trenches deeper than 4 feet?

  • If shoring or boxes are in place, is the tabulated data available on-site?

  • Is proper sloping being used for trenches?

  • Deficiencies Found


  • Is Welding/soldering currently taking place?

  • Welding
  • Has a hot work permit been obtained and on-site?

  • Is a fire extinguisher within range of welding/soldering work?

  • Are fire blankets being used where needed?

  • Are all shields, helmets and goggles in place and in good condition?

  • Picture of PPE for Welding

  • Have all cylinders been chained upright with valve caps in place?

  • Are hoses and gauges in good working order?

  • Are inspections for fire hazards be done when welding is completed?

  • Deficiencies Found


  • Are competent person forms for each sub on site?

  • Are proper housekeeping procedures being performed daily?

  • Are all tools and materials properly stored and placed so as not to produce slip or trip hazards?

  • Are all openings in floors and walls through which employees can fall protected?

  • Are all holes covered, secured, and marked?

  • Are rebar caps in place when needed?

  • Picture of rebar caps

  • Are sanitary systems and supplies available and adequate?

  • Is adequate lighting provided in all work areas?

  • At night is jobsite secure so that unauthorized persons are not at danger from tools, equipment and materials?

  • Are subcontractors being notified in writing when violations are found?

  • Deficiencies Found

  • Are copies of notifications being kept in jobsite safety manual?

  • Notes

  • undefined

  • Subcontractors on site today

  • undefined

  • Picture of violation

  • Picture of violation

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.