Title Page
Full Name:
Mobile Number:
Any medical condition:
If yes, how would that limit your ability to work at height or work with electrical installation?
Person to contact in emergency:
Emergency Contact Number:
Induction done:
Competency Assessment
1)Which government regulator is responsible for WHS regulation, implementation and law enforcement in your state? Choose correct answer from options below depending the state(s) you are working:
2)You must have strict policy regarding use of Drugs & Alcohol at work place. Do you agree?
3)Who can assist/guide me regarding compliance matter such as Safety, Electrical, Standards etc.?
- SafeWork
- Licencing Department
- Grid Distributors
4)Which form do I need to use to report an incident/a near miss?
5)It is legal requirement to fill out SWMS/JSA for each job before work starts. Is this correct?
6)Before job starts, what are required to confirm from the list?
- Prior roof/property damage
- Correct cable/CB size is available
- ANY meter/switchboard work is required
- Location of Inverter/Conduit
- 1P/2P/3P active as necessary
7)What are the consequences if installer doesn’t follow his obligations regarding Safety. Such as not preparing SWMS/JSA, not using edge protection/safety harness where it is practical to do so?
- Result into injury
- Loss of life
- Large fine to business or individual
- Prosecution in the court
8)If you are working in NSW, How much minimum ‘on the spot fine can be issued by SafeWork Inspector for breach of WHS laws and regulation? (A) Personal:$1720 Company:$4600 <br>(B) Personal:$1000 Company:$5000 <br>(C) Personal:$720 Company:$3600 <br>(D) Personal:$2500 Company:$10,000<br>Please remember: These figures may be different in your state.
9)Out of two, which is the most effective control measure that can be implemented to minimize the risk of fall from height?
10)What ratio you need to maintain while setting up the ladder?
11)How often Safety harness must be checked by a competent person?
12)Do you always do visual inspection of safety equipment before use i .e. Safety Harness, Anchor Points?
13)What is the purpose of setting up ‘Emergency Assembly Point’?
14)Do you need a license to remove or work on Asbestos?
15)What kind of kit do you need to rescue someone from electrocution while working on low voltage?
16)Do you agree that Sunboost Site Safety Compliance Manager can do random site audits?
Yes, I agree
17)What are the minimum accreditation/licenses required for Installer or Electrician to install PV System? Choose from the options below. Please check your state legislation for further requirements.
- CEC Accreditation
- Electrician Licence
- Work at height
- White card
18)It is installer’s responsibility to check that his crew is competent and trained to complete the task. Such as work at height card and White Card. Is this sentence correct?
19)To comply with CEC/CER’s guidelines, The Installer must take 3 selfies at 3 stages of installation, on SPV app. Is this correct?<br>Please Remember: You may need EXTRA SELFIES if job stretches to multiple days.
20)None of your crew member can work on electrical circuit if they are not licensed. Is this correct? <br>Please Note: Electrical Apprentice needs DIRECT supervision by fully licenced electrician all the time.
21)Anyone must not work on live electrical circuit. Is this correct?
22)What can be the possible disciplinary actions taken by regulatory bodies if installer found to be non-compliant?
- Probation
- Suspension / Fine
- Cancellation of Licence/Accreditation
- Prosecution in the court
23)Select all correct options from the list below which can be considered correct selfie of a CEC accredited installer?
- Selfie with inverter (partially commissioned)
- Selfie from car
- Selfie on the roof showing general progress of work
- Selfie during set up of safety equipment
- Selfie against tree or bush
- Group selfie at tool box talk, before starting the work
- Selfie against plain wall
- Selfie with customer while explaining the functionality of system (with consent of customer)
- Selfie with inverter (fully commissioned)
- Selfie with installation site visible in background
- Selfie against another property
Contractors'/Installer's Signature
While at work, a worker must (Section 28 of the WH&S Act 2011):
a) take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
b) take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and
safety of other persons; and
c) comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by
the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act;
d) co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the business or
undertaking relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.
My signature below confirms that I understand the NSEG safety rules and Installer Procedures,
outlined above. I am responsible to observe these safety requirements at all times while on site for
my own safety and for the safety of others. I confirm that I have been consulted, read, understand
and have signed off on the safe work method statement of my employer for the installation work
to be conducted when on site, and agree to follow the process to the best of my ability at all times.
I shall report immediately any unsafe work practices, unacceptable behaviour, injuries or hazards
that exist on site and any notifications, infringements, non-compliances issued by the Regulators’(
SafeWork, CEC etc).
I shall stop work if the work is deemed unsafe and not accordance with the required controls in the
SWMS. I will resume work when the correct controls have been put in place and the task is safe to
complete. I will actively participate in OH&S programs and toolbox talks as required. -
Inductor's Name
If you already have provided documents mentioned below, please only upload your live selfie.
Electrician Licence
Electrical Contractor Licence
CEC Accreditation
Driver's Licence/ Passport
White Card
Work at height card
First Aid Certificate
Workers Insurance
Public Liability Insurance
Work with Asbestos
Battery Endorsement such as Tesla Certification
VU22744/22515VIC (VIC only)
Please rate your expertise on the scale of 1 to 10. 1 Not doing it or not licenced. 10 - Expert.
Availability - No. of Jobs per Week
How many jobs can you complete in a week? Please Remember: Installer can sign-off max 2 full installations a day.