Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Is the Latest Loungers Food Safety Management System (FSMS) available on the APP?

  • Are manager on duty checks' in the FOHD completed and reflecting standards.

  • Are due diligence logs being completed accurately

  • Are results of probe accuracy check recorded minimum weekly and completed correctly.

  • Cooling records demonstrate that food is below 20°C in 2 hours and below 8°C, in a refrigerator, within an additional 2 hours (4 hrs total).

  • Has weekly review been completed in the BOH Diary noting any issues from the week

  • Weekly Oil Management and Acrylamide controls checks completed in BOH Diary.

  • Are there any outstanding issues from previous inspection.

  • Are there any Structural issues identified that haven't been logged/ reported

  • Team members aware of how to handle an alleged food poisoning, allergic reaction, or foreign body complaint.

  • Are E-learning Food Safety Level 1 training records up to date.

  • Are E-learning Food Safety Level 2 training records up to date.

  • Are all E-learning Allergens training records up to date.

  • Is there Evidence of food safety level 3 training for General Manager completed.

  • Does the Manager know what is a primary authority and who are Loungers Primary Authority.

  • Does the following apply to any BOH team members - Hair untidy, dirty, not tied back, too long or uncovered.

  • Are chefs removing protective clothing when leaving the kitchen for breaks or when not working?

  • Are there any outdoor clothing and / or personal belongings stored in food areas.

  • Food handler only using hand wash sinks to wash hands and not washing them in the prep sinks.

  • Are Visitors entering the kitchen wearing protective clothing including hats (hat as a minimum standard for contractors).

  • Are hand wash basin obstructed by equipment or utensils.

  • Are hand wash sinks stocked with blue roll and soap.

  • Do any team members have the following Nails dirty, false nails or nail varnish worn.

  • Do you have spare catering hat and coat for visitors to wear in the kitchen.

  • Chefs with any Cuts, sores are covered with blue, clean plasters/dressings.

  • BOH team members are Wearing adequate and Clean protective clothing uniform including hats.

  • Observe hand washing procedure and mark no if any of the following apply: Thorough washing and drying of hands not occurring before starting work, after using the toilet, smoking, blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, cleaning or touching cleaning implements or chemicals, handling rubbish, handling raw food, every break and when entering the kitchen.

  • Is there any Food purchased from a non-approved supplier present in the kitchen (allowed to use supermarkets but not corner shops).

  • Is there evidence of incorrect stock rotation.

  • Is there any raw food stored above cooked or ready to eat food including eggs.

  • Presence of chilled/high risk food outside shelf life.

  • Food not stored/wrapped/covered so as to prevent a risk of contamination (chilled food only).

  • did you find any food which was not labelled correctly.

  • Are Chilled food or fridge temperature at the required standard? Policy Note: Storage Temperature/ Critical Limit for food in storage: Chilled Food: 0 to 8°C. Refrigerated foods held above 8C for more than 2 hours is discarded as waste.

  • Delivery of chilled/frozen foods not put away quickly to maintain the cold chain.

  • Frozen food and freezer temperatures above minimum standard. (-18 degrees)

  • Any frozen food found outside shelf life.

  • is there any food being stored on the floor

  • Food which has defrosted has not been refrozen.

  • Do any Freezer requires defrosting.

  • is there any food being stored in severely dented/blown canned food, damaged containers/packaging (cracked/burned tubs etc).

  • Presence of food outside shelf life - ambient (dry goods).

  • Are colour coded boards/utensils being used correctly.

  • Are boards, utensils or other food contact surfaces being cleaned and sanitised between different products.

  • Is Food being prepared in the correct area e.g. raw meat on the raw section, within the timed limits if applicable.

  • Clean chopping boards are racked upright when not in use.

  • Chopping boards are free of damage.

  • Is Fresh produce in good condition/ Produce washed in cold running water in the food prep sink

  • Is Washed produce stored in clean, dry, covered container.

  • Are chefs using probes during service to ensure Core temperature of 75°C or hotter is reached (75°C for ALL Beef Burgers) or except where stated otherwise (eg, a permitted variation highlighted in the dish spec manual).

  • Is there any evidence of Food products being reheated more than once.

  • Are Serving spoons/tongs in use dirty.

  • Is there any Evidence of cross contamination from hands, cloths, crockery, cutlery or glassware.

  • Any sign of serving cloth/chefs cloths in contact with raw food used or in close contact with plated foods or serving utensils.

  • Is Probe being sanitised before taking food temperatures.

  • Damaged or defective equipment, utensils, crockery, cutlery or glassware in use

  • Are Glass and crockery breakages being handled correctly.

  • Lion Quality standard eggs must be used.

  • Ice machine is clean externally and internally with no build-up of mould.

  • Is Ice scoop stored in clean covered container.

  • Can Kitchen staff describe how to label soups with allergy information.

  • Have soup allergy labels been completed correctly?

  • Are kitchen staff washing hands and equipment after handling allergenic foods?

  • Is allergen information displayed at the bar or other customer service point?

  • Can a front of house team member provide an allergen matrix?

  • Can the food service team correctly demonstrate the process of assisting a guest with a food allergy to choose from the menu?

  • Can the site demonstrate an effective system of communication between front of house and back of house for allergen meals?

  • Is there a system in place to record ingredient details and presence of any allergens if a contingency/alternative supplier is used?

  • Are the correct fryers used to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Have the kitchen team been questioned about fryer cleaning and allergens?

  • Are all in-house cocktail ingredients labelled correctly?

  • Are bar food storage conditions suitable to ensure product identity and prevent cross-contamination?

  • Are allergen-free cocktails and drinks made using clean sanitised equipment?

  • Does the site know what to do in the event of a customer having an allergic reaction while on the premises?

  • Does the kitchen layout allow adequate separation of raw and cooked/ready-to-eat food handling stations?

  • Does the kitchen have a dedicated food preparation sink with fresh cold running water?

  • Are there missing/cracked/damaged wall tiles?

  • Are the walls continuous, smooth, and cleanable surfaces in all places?

  • Any unsuitable / damaged / uneven floor coverings. The floors are not continuous, smooth or cleanable surfaces in all places.

  • Wall/floor junctions difficult to clean.

  • Dampness or mould found on wall / ceiling surfaces.

  • Excessive staining of ceiling structure/evidence of recent water leak.

  • Any Broken or defective lighting.

  • Are there any Missing grease filter to ventilation canopy.

  • Broken or defective plumbing or drainage.

  • Do any to fridge/freezers have Defective door seals.

  • Is cellar temperature between 9°C -13°C.

  • Is there any shelving or racking to fridge/freezer in Poor condition .

  • Any Damage to lids/fabric of fridges/freezers.

  • Any evidence of a pest infestation.

  • Is there any unsatisfactory waste storage internally (including any food recycling).

  • Pest contractor's recommendations not actioned.

  • Are Cleaning chemical segregated from stored food.

  • Is there a Cleaning regime/schedule available.

  • 'Clean as you go' policy not evident.

  • How are the levels of cleaning that are posing contamination risks.

  • Are Soiled cleaning cloths used.

  • Are separate sinks used for cleaning and food preparation.

  • Cellar being maintained in a clean condition.

  • Structures (walls, floors and wall floor junctions) clean

  • Food and hand contact surfaces being sanitised regularly.

  • Equipment (including cooking equipment) and utensils are clean or free from dirt, debris, grease etc.

  • Are food remains scraped off cookware and crockery before placing in dishwasher.

  • Is Dishwasher clean and in a good condition and operating at correct temperature.

  • The cleaning company have COSHH Data sheets for their cleaning chemicals on site.

  • The General Manager has reviewed risk assessments within the past 12 months or on management change or after an incident.

  • Loungers COSHH Data sheets available.

  • The COSHH Risk Assessment have been fully completed or reviewed on an annual basis.

  • Expectant mothers' risk assessments (Where applicable) have been completed & reviewed at least monthly.

  • Young persons' risk assessments (Where applicable) have been completed.

  • Is Contractors sign in / out log sheet in use.

  • Latest EHO Report available on NSF Connect.

  • Through questioning a relevant member of staff, safe procedures are not known for accessing kitchen canopy grease filters

  • Ask a BOH member of staff what is the safe procedure for cleaning and emptying fryers

  • Ask a Staff member to describe the safe use of chemicals.

  • Ask a Staff member to demonstrate the correct lifting techniques.

  • Are all Management aware of the Accident/AFP/FB Reporting procedure

  • Ask a member of staff what they would do in the event of a fire.

  • All team members have received site-specific fire safety training on their induction.


  • The Health and Safety at Work poster is displayed and filled in correctly.

  • Kitchen team member wearing suitable, synthetic soled shoes which enclose the toes.

  • - Kitchen equipment in good condition/defective machinery/equipment controlled.

  • - Electrical wiring, sockets and plugs are in a satisfactory condition.

  • - Chemicals stored in a safe, lockable room, cupboard or metal locker.

  • - All chemicals in properly labelled containers so that it is easy for user to know what is in the bottle, and bulk storage of chemicals in a safe location and properly stored.

  • - Portable electrical appliances have been tested as per company policy.

  • - Gas cylinders are stored safely and securely.

  • - Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) available, with staff awareness of why / when it is required, and evidence to suggest that it is actually being used.

  • - Cellar maintained in a safe condition including the storage of beer barrels in line with company policy.

  • - Are beer lines being cleaned correctly and procedures followed.

  • - Fire escape doors & escape routes (including external fire escape stairs) are clear and unobstructed.

  • - Fire extinguishers or fire suppression systems (Ansul) have been serviced within the last 12 months.

  • - Has the fire alarm been tested every week for the last 12 weeks and recorded on the Fire Alarm Test Record.

  • - Is there clear signs of Grease build up on cooking extraction system. E.g. filters

  • - Emergency lighting checks have been completed by management Monthly and serviced within the last 12 months.

  • - Has Duct Cleaning been completed within the last 6 months.

  • - Has a Fire Evacuation Drill taken place.

  • - Management Monthly Fire Equipment Check complete.

  • Is the premises fire risk assessment available, being followed by the premises and significant findings actioned with reasonable timescales?

  • Emergency evacuation plan that is site specific available.

  • Combustible material is stored away from sources of heat or ignition e.g. boilers

  • Are electrical cupboards or rooms free from combustible materials / equipment.

  • Is Part B of the premises Licence summary on prominent display

  • Is the Full Premises Licence including licence plan in compliance folder

  • DPS Authorisation Letter form been signed by DPS and does it include all current bar staff

  • Challenge 25 notice displayed at POS & back of house (only score if not displayed by bar)

  • Does the site have a till refusal log to record any refusals (under age / intoxicated guests etc.) and incidents, and is this reviewed regularly by the GM to ensure that it is being applied by all team members.

  • Section 57 notice on display

  • Manager unable to access the CCTV and show the prior day recordings

  • Manager unable to describe the licence conditions for the site, including any that are site specific

  • Are fridge maps being used with the right ingredients in each saladette?

  • Are dividers supporting the containers being used in the drawer fridges?

  • Are you confident the daily oil tasks are being carried out?

  • Is the daily oil sheet being filled in?

  • Is the oil in good condition in each fryer?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.