Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Rotary Athletics Field
Has NSLAC got approval from Little Athletics NSW to conduct insured sanctioned activities by completing all reporting obligations?
Have participants been advised of the ‘Get in, Compete/Train, Get out’ approach?
Is there a minimum of one registered COVID Safety Coordinator (CSC) in attendance?
Who is the CSC at today's event?
CSCs have been fully briefed on the ‘Back On Track’ guidelines and have been provided with a with a copy of the ‘COVID Safety Coordinator Duty Statement’ document.
Venue entry procedures in place for training, including the recording of attendance and managing incidences of illness.
Participants have bee made aware that there is strictly no contact.
Participants have been made aware that 1.5m physical distancing must be observed at all times (athletes excepted when training or competing only).
Toilets opened.
Signage in place that states maximum patronage<br>allowed inside enclosed spaces.
Canteen to operate in accordance with ‘Restaurants and Cafes’ Guidelines
Equipment disinfecting protocols in place.
Personal hygiene procedures and expectations are communicated.
Adequate supplies of hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes and cleaning equipment are on site.
Hand sanitiser provided at athlete sign in, toilets and each event site.
Disinfectant wipes/materials provided at each event site where equipment is used (as required for that event).
Athletes advised to bring their own water bottles, towels and other personal equipment to avoid sharing.
Athletes and coaches advised on equipment usage protocols.
Hygiene posters (supplied by LANSW) displayed.