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Game tempo
Game difficulty
Conducted on
Evaluator Andy Johnston 0439 779 709
On line positioning
Has a close proximity to Touchdown situations with a clear view of the ball on the scoreline
Reads play in advance in confined and tight areas and is aware of the long ball and works to improve positions to have the best line of sight.
Positioning in General Play
Stays close to the acts at all times into the ball /play to make accurate and credible decisions
Pro Active Communications
Early &Effective to obtain maximum for both attack and defence
Early Advantage play with the latest possible penalty to make sure there is a full run from the advantage first
5m presence: consistent 5m (inc all aspects of 5m control) with early nominations for best flow on effect, including checking both sides for shooters
2x2x2 system: has a complete understanding of the specifics and outcomes required from this
Physical: quick response with appropriate action to physical pay
Dual changes made with confidence and with the ref being on the 5m line and square before the 1st touch is made
Hs the referee provided value added input to enhance the performance of the team
Individual: confidence with personal decision-making, adopts a leadership role on the field
Rulings: applies correct and consistent decisions I.a.w. playing rules
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