Conducted on
Cleaning Check
Front Entry External
Has all loose litter been removed?
Are all floor surfaces clean and up to standard?
Are all glass free of finger prints and smears?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Spa Facilities
Is the sauna clean and up to standard?
Is the steam clean and up to standard?
Is the spa clean and up to standard?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Are all floors clean and up to standard?
Have all bins been emptied?
Have all recycling bins been emptied?
Have all Blue shoe holders filled?
Is all glass clean and smear free?
Are all cobwebs and dust removed?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Female Change Rooms
Has all body fat been removed from shower area?
Is the shower floor clean and free of soap residue?
Are the toilets clean?
Is their enough toilet paper?
Are the mirrors free of smudges and finger prints?
Are the basins clean?
Is there soap in all of the dispensers?
Are all benches clean and dry?
Is under all benches clean?
Have all floors areas been hoovered and cleaned?
Have all floor areas been mopped and cleaned?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Male Change Rooms
Has all body fat been removed from shower area?
Is the shower floor clean and free of soap residue?
Are the toilets clean?
Is their enough toilet paper?
Are the mirrors free of smudges and finger prints?
Is their soap in all of the dispensers?
Are all benches clean and dry?
Is under all benches clean?
Have all floors areas been hoovered and cleaned?
Have all floor areas been mopped and cleaned?
Are the basins clean?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Are all mirrors clean and up to standard?
Are all windows clean and up to standard?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Has all recycling been emptied and liners replaced where required?
Has all Hand gel stations been refilled?
Has all wipe-pod and blue roll holders been filled?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Studio 1 & 2
Have all floor areas been vacuumed and up to standard?
Have all floor areas been mopped and cleaned?
Are all mirrors clean and up to standard?
Area free from cobwebs and dust?
Are all windows clean and up to standard?
Have all wipe-pod and blue roll holders been filled?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Have all floor areas been vacuumed and up to standard?
Have all floors areas been mopped and cleaned?
Area free from cobwebs and dust?
Have all bikes been cleaned and disinfected?
Have all wipe-pod and blue roll holders been filled?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Do all toilets have toilet papers?
Is the toilet area flooring clean and up to standard?
Are the basins clean?
Is there soap in all of the dispensers?
Are all windows clean and up to standard?
Are all mirrors clean and up to standard?
Have all floor areas been vacuumed and up to standard?
Have all floor areas been mopped and cleaned?
Have all wipe-pod and blue roll Holders been filled?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Area free from cobwebs and dust?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Do all toilets have toilet papers?
Is there soap in all of the dispensers?
Have all wipe-pod and blue roll Holders been filled?
Have all bins been emptied and replaced with liners where required?
Are there any other outstanding items that need addressing?
Sign Off
Signature Male Clean Team
Signature Female Clean Team
Signature DM