Title Page

  • Site conducted

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  • Location


  • 1. There are written policies for Preparation, handling and storage of food, Cleaning and sanitizing of tableware and utensils, and employee health relating to communicable diseases /illnesses.

  • 2. There is a written copy of local health department regulations for storage, handling and disposal of garbage.

  • 3. There is evidence of education for Food Service staff relating to safe food handling and foodborne diseases.

  • 4. The Manager/Supervisor is knowledgeable of the responsibility of Dietary/Food Service in the event of a foodborne outbreak

Receiving Food

  • 1. Evidence that all foods are inspected upon delivery

  • 2. Dented cans returned to the provender for credit

Storage of Food

  • 1. Food is stored only in designated areas in appropriate containers.

  • 2. Toxic cleaning materials and non-food items are stored away from food products.

  • 3. Food is stored at least 12” above floor level, away from walls in a cool dry ventilated area free of insects and rodents.

  • 4. Stock rotated, expiration dates are periodically checked. FIFO

Refrigeration Temperatures for storage of perishable foods are as follows

  • 1. Meats/Poultry – Freezer:(-10°F-10° F) Refrigerator: (34°F-40°f)

  • 2. Fish (frozen) - 100 F

  • 3. Diary Products/Eggs – (36°F-38°F)

  • 4. Produce – (32°F-40°F)

  • 5. Ice Cream/Frozen Foods – 0°F

Food Preparation/Cooking

  • 1. Frozen foods are thawed in the refrigerator at temperatures of 400 or below.

  • 2. Food cooking temps for poultry, stuffed meats, and stuffed pastas: 165°F

  • 3. Food cooking temps for ground beef: 155°F

  • 4. Food cooking temps for beef/pork roast and fish: 145°F

  • 5. Staff avoid touching food directly by using appropriate utensils.

  • 6. Equipment free of pits/crevices, chips and cracks

  • 7. Staff wash and dry all utensils, food contact surfaces and equipment between preparation of food items

  • 8. Reheated food cooked to a minimum of 165°F

Egg Handling and Preparations

  • 1. Bakery used regular shell eggs in all baked goods

  • 2. Pasteurized eggs will be used for cooking eggs for patients and residents.

  • 3. Liquid eggs will be used for all scrambled eggs requested, unless patient is lactose intolerant in which case, shell eggs will be scrambled to order

Management of Garbage

  • 1. Only leak proof, easily cleaned garbage containers with tight fitting lids are used.

  • 2. All garbage is promptly put in garbage containers and stored outdoors or on a smooth surface of non-absorbent material (concrete, asphalt).

Cleaning equipment/food contact surfaces/non-food contact surfaces

  • 1. All food grinders, choppers, and utensils are cleaned sanitized, dried and reassembled after each use.

  • 2. The dishwashing machine is maintained and run according to manufacture’s recommendations.

  • 3. Multiquat Oasis 137 used for all food contact surfaces

  • 4. Utilizing color coated cutting boards correctly

  • 5. Fans not blowing directly on foods

  • 6. Non-food contact surfaces are cleaned as often as necessary to keep them free of dust, dirt, food particles, etc.

  • 7. Food contact surfaces are washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any interruption of operations during which time contamination may have occurred.

Cleaning Rags

  • 1. Red buckets have Microquat solution, Green buckets have soap and water

  • 2. Red buckets kept below or away from food.

  • 3. Sanitizing solution changed every 2 hours.

Ice Machines in the food service area

  • 1. Ice is kept in ice machine with the doors remaining closed.

  • 2. Ice scoops and buckets ran through dishwasher at the end of the night.

  • 3. The top of the ice machine is free of food items.

  • 4. Ice scoops are stored in a clean, covered dry tray (not in the ice).

Ice Machines on patient care units

  • 1. The top of the ice machine is free of any stored items.

  • 2. In the event of a mechanical malfunction, ice will be transported in a clean, covered food service approved container from another machine in the facility.

Cafeteria specific Infection Control practices

  • 1. Hot food is maintained at 140°F (Minimum)

  • 2. Foods are held in small batches and at no time is additional food added to the contained.

  • 3. Food is served with tongs, scoops, and spatula, etc.

  • 4. “Sneeze Guards” at salad bars and serving lines are used

  • 5. Cold salad and desert tables are maintained at 400° F.

  • 6. Two-stage cooling requirement being used

  • 7. Food temps recorded on the log outside the refrigerator

  • 8. Leftovers labeled and stored in freezer or refrigerator no longer that 3 days.

Dish Room Procedures

  • 1. Temperature of dish machine final rinse water is at least 180°F, monitored and recorded after each meal.

  • 2. Silverware washed twice

  • 3. All dishes and silverware allowed to air dry before being used again.

Personal Hygiene

  • 1. Food Service staff adhere to the uniform policy

  • 2. Disposable gloves are used when preparing or serving food.

  • 3. Staff do not touch face, nose, mouth or clothing while preparing, serving food.

  • 4. Staff wash hands appropriately and no jewelry except a watch, wedding/engagement ring and small earrings

  • 5. No fingernail polish or gel/acrylic nails.


  • 1. All cylinders (oxygen, other compressed gas) are secured

  • 2. Fire extinguishers not obstructed from easy access

  • 3. No electrical panels are blocked

  • 4. Hospital furnishings/equipment are kept in good repair

  • 5. Countertops/doors are in good condition with no chipping to laminate

  • 6. No supplies stored under sinks

  • 7. Paper is not present on fire-rated doors

  • 8. Maintains the integrity of egress throughout the department

  • 9. There is at least 18" of open space maintained below a sprinkler deflector to the top of storage

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