Building Information
Building Name
Contact name
Contact phone
Contact email
Additional Info
Conducted on
Prepared by
Add signature
Risk Score:
1. People
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enter comments if score is 0 or 5
2. Property
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enter comments if score is 0 or 5
3. Process
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enter comments if score is 0 or 5
4. Internal Exposures
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enter comments if score is 0 or 5
5. External Exposures
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enter comments if score is 0 or 5
Building details & Risk Profile
1. Describe the primary use of the building. When entering the building details into SMS select the most suitable option. Significant or unusual uses of parts of the building such as night clubs, boarding houses, backpackers etc should also be listed and identified as tenancies.
2. How is the building constructed?
- bricks, Blocks etc
- Reinforced concrete with non combustible cladding
- Reinforced Concrete with combustible Cladding
- Metal frame protected
- Metal frame unprotected
- Timber frame protected
- Timber frame unprotected
- Reinforced concrete tilt slab
- Plastic construction; Composite materials
- Unable to Classify
3. Approximate year of the buildings construction
- Pre 1900
- 1900-1945
- 1946-1969
- 1970-1991
- 1992-2005
- 2006 Onwards
4. Is the approximate floor area greater than 500 m2?
5. Number of floors (From ground level)
Number of floors
6. Is there a basement?
Number of basements (Below ground level)
Number of basements
7. How High is the Building
- < 3 Metres
- 3-7 Metres
- 7-12 Metres
- 12-24 Metres
- 24-48 Metres
- > 48 Metres
8. Fire alarm & fixed fire protection. List any fire alarm systems in building including, sprinkler systems. Other features such, emergency lighting, riser or internal hydrant systems etc may be included. (Update SMS “Alarms”)
- None
- Whistles, horns, shouting etc
- Manual fire alarm
- Automatic fire alarm with heat detection
- Automatic fire alarm with smoke detection
- Smoke alarms (Battery powered, hardwired, security alarm)
- automatic fire sprinkler system
- EWIS (Voice communication)
9. Are there any Hazardous Processes or other Hazards in the building?
Detail any hazards or conditions which may effect fire-fighting operations and fire fighter safety including listing any hazardous materials used or stored on site
Add Photo of site plan etc
Sketch of site plan