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Assessment Conditions and Appeal process


Appeal Process

  • If you are unhappy with the assessment process you are encouraged to talk through the issues with the Assessor first. If you are still unhappy or feel the need to talk the issue through with someone other than the Assessor, you are encouraged to contact any of the people below:

    Stuart Fraser
    Training and Education Manager
    New Zealand Transport Agency
    Ph: 04 894 6355

    Neil Greaves
    Training Consultant
    NGTC Ltd
    Ph: 04 905 3275

    John Boyson
    Training Consultant
    John Boyson Consultancy Services

    Richard Quin
    National Safety Advisor
    Fulton Hogan
    Ph: 09 5796187

Verification Certificate

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Pre-Assessment Tasks

Theory Questions

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Assessment Tasks and Marking Guide

CoPTTM Level 2/3 Practical Assessment

  • Date:

  • Name:

  • ID No.

  • Company:

  • Site Location:

  • Type of Closure:

  • Type of Work:

  • Tick as required:

  • NZTA Qualification (Warrant Card)

  • NZQA Qualification (Unit Standard)

TMP Satisfactory

  • Assessment Standard:
    Assessors should note that the TMP may not contain all the items listed above. The candidate may be judged competent if no more than 2 errors are made while checking the TMP.
    N.B. If the TMP has a major deficiency which renders it unsatisfactory; the assessors have standing orders to stop the assessment until the issue(s) have been satisfactorily rectified

  • The STMS should be satisfied that the TMP is complete and fit for the task in hand. Specific items that should be checked are:

  • Drawing reflects road environment that operation will take place on.

  • Drawing is clear and easily understood.

  • Drawing meets requirements of COPTTM except where EEDs have been authorised.

  • TMP is approved by delegated representative of all affected Road Controlling Authorities (RCA).

  • All necessary authorisations have been obtained for all affected roads including: * EEDs (RCA). * Temporary Speed Limits (RCA). * Road Closures (RCA). * Non Standard Signs (RCA). * Variable Message Signs (RCA). * Temporary Traffic Signals (RCA).

  • All areas not complying with COPTTM have correctly authorised EEDs.

  • Correct delay calculations have been made where carriageway capacity has been reduced.

  • Does the TMP cover all phases of the operation including: * Unattended site situations, * Installation, modification and removal procedures.

  • Correct Mobile Phone Number for the STMS.

Road Condition OK

  • Has the STMS checked that the traffic volumes are at or lower than levels described within the TMP?

  • Has the STMS checked that there is not any incident or event which may be affected by the establishment of the site e.g. a rugby match or traffic accident?

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency the candidate must correctly carry out both the traffic volume assessment and the check on incidents or events.

    The traffic volumes are normally checked at the site prior to proceeding with the closure. Checking for any incident or event which may interfere with the closure can be carried out by calling the local NZTA control centre, where available.

Clothing/Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and must be rectified asap. failure by STMS to notice a deviation from the TMP and to take steps to correct would lead to NYC.

    TOOL BOX Briefing.
    Covered duties of crew
    Covered correct laying of taper
    Covered correct procedure for the uplifting of taper.
    Note item missed !

  • Comments:

  • Are high visibility garments:

  • Being worn correctly?

  • Compliant with COPTTM?

  • In a satisfactory condition?

  • Safety boots , laces done up?

  • Has the STMS actually personally visually checked staff?

Crew Duties

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency in personal safety the Candidate must remind crew of safety zones, PPE and if relevant any traffic related hazards. If the company uses a hazard register this must be read and signed by the crew. A failure to carry this out would lead to a NYC

  • Personal Safety:
    Have safety zones been clearly detailed for installation? i.e.

  • Do not stand at the rear of the truck mounted attenuators (TMAs)

  • Do not stand within 10 metres of a vehicle fitted with a TMA

  • Do not exit vehicles into live lanes or designated safety zones

  • Has the STMS directed crew to check (Personal protective Equipment)PPE to ensure that:

  • It complies with COPTTM?

  • It is being worn correctly e.g. done up?

  • It is in "satisfactory" condition?

  • They have it?

  • Has the STMS briefed crew and have they signed the associated documentation on identified traffic related hazards e.g.:

  • Traffic Speed/Volume?

  • Sun Glare?

Installation Procedures:

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency in “installation procedures, it is vital to the success of the closure to ensure that everyone understands what is happening and what they must do. STMS should question crew to check full understanding of the essential items detailed above in relation his/her responsibilities and any interaction required
    If the Assessor has any concerns about the level of understanding by any of the crew, the Assessor should question the crew at the conclusion of the briefing. The candidate is competent if each crew member understands his/her responsibilities and any interaction required

  • Has the STMS explained:

  • Who drives which vehicles?

  • The location of the TMP i.e. it is held with which vehicle.

  • Who installs which equipment?

  • The precise order of site establishment?

  • The Re-assembly location(s)?

  • The Pre-occupation checks?

  • Which routes are to be followed?

Contingency Plans:

  • Does the briefing include details to cover the following contingencies:

  • Provision for emergency services to pass site?

  • Weather? e.g. • Heavy Rain • Snow • Fog • Wind

  • Unacceptable delays?

  • Traffic accidents/breakdowns?

  • Spillage of hazardous substances?

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency in Contingency Plans the candidate must detail the likely contingencies, and detail the actions to take should that contingency arise.
    Assessors should check on the TMP for the listed contingencies and check that these are covered. Failure to cover these would result in a NYC

Communication Systems

  • Is the STMS equipped with a functional mobile phone for external communication? (This is required to ensure that the STMS can be contacted by Police, Traffic Management Coordinator (TMC), Engineer, RCA and the ATTOMS control centre in the Wellington and Auckland Regions.) Has the STMS provided his contact number to the crew?

  • Is the crew equipped with radio sets with a dedicated channel for their exclusive use?

  • Have they been checked to ensure that they are functioning?

  • Have the crew holding communications been allotted call-signs?

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency with communication systems the Candidates’ brief must cover each of the abovecheck, often the callsigns are written on the radio so they may not be covered in the brief. The STMS will be judged Not Yet Competent (NYC) if the serviceability of the radios is not checked. This operation should not start without serviceable radios.
    If the callsigns are not assigned the Assessor should
    At this point he would notify his mobile phone number. As a contingency measure he would inform the visitor where the TMP is kept.
    STMS checks that the visitor has correct personal safety equipment, if not ensures that it is supplied.

Safety Zones

  • Has the STMS ensured that all personnel, plant and materials are clear of all safety zones?

  • Lateral

  • Longitudinal safety zone

  • Near live lane

  • Near wire rope /concrete barriers

  • Behind Attenuators

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and must be rectified asap. Allowance must be made for lapses that are out of sight of the Candidate. Assessor should immediately point out serious safety faults to the reserve STMS, the STMS is to make ajudgement as to whether to take control from the candidate or to instruct the Candidate to rectify the situation immediately failure by the Candidate at this stage to take steps to correct would lead to NYC

Equipment Requirements

  • Are there sufficient stocks of all equipment to fulfil the TMP requirements and any contingency plans?

  • Is the equipment fully serviceable?

  • Is the equipment loaded in the order that it is required on the appropriate vehicle to match the implementation plan?

  • Has the inspection been documented?

  • Assessment Standard:
    For competency in Equipment Requirements the Candidate must hold a list of the equipment required for the closure and should have his team carry out quantity and quality checks. If insufficient equipment the STMS must arrange for additional supplies, if some equipment is unserviceable the STMS must have it replaced.
    The Assessor may assume by signing off the equipment, the Candidate signifies that there is sufficient available to set the plan in place. The Candidate will fail in competency if while setting up it is discovered that there is insufficient equipment to meet the requirements of the TMP. If this occurs as a safety precaution the Assessor should order the closure to be aborted.


  • Are the attenuators compliant

  • Are the cushions compliant

  • Check arrow boards

  • Are all systems working /lights etc Mobile operations ....

  • Is all equipment correctly placed in mobile operation

  • AWVMS used in place of Pilot

  • Assessment Standard:
    Ensure that the equipment is appropriate for the operation .
    If any equipment is not functioning then the assessment is to be stopped until it is corrected

    Ensure that during the layout all equipment is correctly placed.

Staff on vehicles

  • Are staff remaining in safety zones

  • Are staff remaining on vehicle when vehicles are returning to the on ramp

  • Assessment Standard:
    If staff remain on a vehicle exceeding 50kph then a NC should be considered.
    Any staff that get off the vehicle and enter the live lane an immediate NC should be considered unless the STMS picks it up and the appropriate action is taken.


  • Are conflicting permanent signs covered or otherwise obscured from the view of approaching road users?
    Are vehicle mounted arrow boards being used in compliance with COPTTM i.e.

  • Correct display? E.g. arrow in correct format and point in the right direction or where arrow is inappropriate caution mode is used.

  • Meeting clear sight distance (CSD) requirements?

  • All displays fully functional?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and are either rectified asap or picked up during the drive through check. Assessor checks following drive through and notes any failure to take steps to correct.
    • More than 2 signs faults at the completion of setup will result in a NYC.
    • If a major safety fault occurs due to the candidate’s actions this would lead to NYC
    • If a major non-hazardous fault occurs the STMS must recognise the fault and correct it, otherwise a NYC will be awarded.
    A Major fault affecting the efficiency of the closure without unduly becoming a hazard does not require immediate action; a major fault that is hazardous to safety should be immediately rectified by the Candidate. In the event of major safety fault that is not immediately rectified by the Candidate, the qualified STMS will be called in to sort the situation; this will result in a NYC.

  • Placement of Signs:

  • Placed in accordance with the TMP?

  • Upright?

  • Visible to approaching road users?

  • Not obstructing side roads or accesses?

  • In a condition that complies with COPTTM?

Channelising Systems Cones etc

  • Are channelising systems positioned:

  • In accordance with the TMP?

  • With correct spacing for intermittent devices?

  • With a smooth alignment either straight or curved as necessary to match the road situation?

  • With correct length tapers and chicanes?<br>

  • Condition of cones ?

  • Is the mobile closure equipment used to install the arrangements correctly positioned to allow road users to either safely pass the operation, or be held back as necessary?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Two minor faults are allowed before a NYC is awarded.
    Minor faults do occur and are either rectified asap or picked up during the drive through check. Assessor notes any failure to take steps to correct more than two channelisation faults.

Mobile Equipment

  • Are the TMAs lowered:

  • At the right height above the road surface to maximise their effectiveness?

  • Prior to them assuming their operational position in the mobile closure?

  • Are used square on to oncoming road users to maximise their effectiveness?

  • Do the TMAs meet COPTTM TMA specifications?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and should be rectified asap. Allowance must be made for lapses that are out of sight of the Candidate. If the Candidate has been in a position to see a fault or has had a fault reported, and has failed to take corrective action, this would lead to a NYC. The Candidate must be given the opportunity to comment while being debriefed. The Candidate’s reasoning should be taken into account.

  • Use of Mobile Closure Vehicles

  • Are the installation crew adequately protected at all times during the operation?<br>

  • Are the vehicles fitted with the TMAs positioned to maximise the effectiveness of these units at all times?


  • Assessment Standard.
    The layout should be as per the tool box and in line with COPTTM procedures.
    A NC would occur if the attenuator encroaches into the adjacent lane and interferes with traffic.
    Attenuators / AWVMS arrowbaords should be in the correct mode.
    Any differing notifications should be bought to the attention of the STMS to correct immediately.

  • Is the layout undertaken as per the Tool box . Sign , LHS , RHS , Taper etc. ?<br>

  • Laying taper.

  • Is the attenuator correctly placed?

  • Does the attenuator cross into the adjacent live lane?

  • Is the correct procedure adhered to?

Site Access and Exit

  • Is the site access and exit point(s) positioned in accordance with the approved TMP?

  • Is the site access correctly signed and delineated?

  • Are the site access and exit points appropriately monitored and controlled?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and must be rectified asap, failure by STMS to notice a deviation from the TMP and to take steps to correct would lead to NYC.

Standard of Equipment

  • Equipment should have been checked prior to leaving the yard. If a faulty cone or other item of equipment is discovered it should replaced

  • Assessment Standard:
    Minor faults do occur and must be rectified asap. failure by STMS to notice a deviation from the TMP and to take steps to correct would lead to NYC.


  • Do documents allow the recording of:

  • Problems with the TMP?

  • Installation and removal times?

  • Incident reports?

  • Routine inspection and consequent action records?

  • Are records being maintained in a timely and complete manner?

  • Are records readily available on request?

  • Are tool box sign on available ?

  • Have all staff signed on?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Assessor to give a NYC if the documentation has not been completed in accurate and timely fashion.
    Assessor should wait until the STMS has finished the set up and should allow sufficient time for the documentation to be completed before asking to see it.


  • Are they:

  • Checked and faults identified and recorded?

  • Satisfactorily rectified where faults have been identified?


  • Channelising systems must be:

  • Checked and faults identified and recorded?

  • Satisfactorily rectified where faults have been identified?


  • Equipment checked, e.g. attenuators, arrowboards, barriers:

  • Faults identified and recorded?

  • Fault rectified where they have been identified?

  • Assessment Standard:
    Fault Identification and Rectification during the first inspection
    Assessors can make an allowance for up to two minor faults that have not been rectified. Major faults having a direct bearing on safety must be rectified or the site disestablished. If the Candidate fails to rectify or disestablish the Assessor is to issue an NYC.

Personnel Behaviour Assessors should note the attitude of the crew, if they are fooling around and the Candidate does nothing to stop this, a NYC should be applied.

  • The Assessor should listen to the radio communication. The Candidate should be calling the majority of the activities. If it becomes apparent that someone in the team has taken over this role, issue a verbal warning. If the Candidate does not take back control a NYC will be applied.

  • Leadership of STMS

  • Has the STMS taken charge of the operation or is the team making some of the decisions?

Incident Management

  • Where an incident occurs:

  • Did the Candidate have an opportunity to do more to prevent it before it happened?

  • Was the incident managed and brought under control in a timely and satisfactory manner?

  • The Assessor is to note whether the Candidate saw an incident arising and failed to act, or once an incident has occurred and it is apparent to all whether the Candidate ensured it was dealt with quickly. A typical incident would be the cone laying vehicles began laying the taper in the wrong place. If the Candidate is aware of the problem and fails to take steps to fix the situation, a NYC would apply. This should be discussed with the Candidate and the Candidates reasons should be considered before proceeding with the marking.

Visitor Briefing:

  • The candidate covers the following in the briefing:

  • Role of STMS to manage the safety of all on site, no one permitted on site without the STMS approval and they must be briefed on the site before proceeding.

  • The Candidate checks that the visitor is wearing the correct personal protective equipment before proceeding.

  • The general arrangements and TMP layout for the site.

  • The purpose, locations and dimensions of tapers, longitudinal and lateral safety zones, and the Roll Ahead Buffer in front of vehicles fitted with TMAs that are being used as protection devices.

  • The purpose, locations and dimensions of tapers, longitudinal and lateral safety zones, and the Roll Ahead Buffer in front of vehicles fitted with TMAs that are being used as protection devices.

  • Access & Exit – explain the following

  • Use of Orange Flashing Light?

  • To be aware of other road users as these movements are made?

  • A suitable safe parking point?

  • To switch off the orange flashing light once on site.

  • The location of the site access and exit points?

  • How the site access point can be identified?

  • The first action of any person arriving on site is to report to the STMS or nominated deputy for any further safety related instructions and a check of PPE?

  • Access and Exit procedures

  • Use of indicators?

  • Assessment Standard:
    STMS introduces himself, explains he is in charge and that this is a worksite under his control and that he must brief the visitor and ensure the visitor is aware of all site hazards, the purpose and location of the safety zones.
    Candidate to give visitors brief prior to occupying the closure. This can be given to the Assessor in the yard. To be judged competent the STMS will need to cover the access and exit locations and the procedures especially the use of flashing

Assessment Result Form

ASSESSMENT RESULT (Complete and attach to front of papers)

  • Verifier name:

  • Signature:

  • Date:

  • Verifier endorsement: In my opinion the trainee has completed all practical tasks fully and correctly

Assessment decision for unit standard 20880. Select as required:

  • Further work needed to pass this unit standard assessment:

  • Related Media Files

  • Competent

  • Assessor Name:

  • Assessor Signature:

  • Date:

  • Not Yet Competent

  • Assessor Name:

  • Assessor Signature:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.