
  • Document

  • Audit Title Oaktree Compliance Solutions Site Inspection

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Principal Contractor.

  • All actions from previous inspection report completed.

  • Number of site operatives on site at time of inspection.

1. Principal Contractor Procedures

  • 1.1 Have all company employees/ sub-contractors been inducted on to site

  • 1.2 Have all company employees/ sub-contractors signed in on the daily sites register each time attending/leaving site?

  • 1.3 Have pedestrian routes and traffic routes been segregate where ever possible and are being maintained in a safe condition?

  • 1.4 Are company employees/ sub- contractors using designated pedestrian routes where provided?

  • 1.5 Are daily/weekly toolbox talks being carried out if required by principal contractor or as part of companies health and safety procedures. If required are records available showing subject covered with attendees names and signatures?

3. Canteen/Drying room & toilet facilities

  • 3.2 Canteen provided in good condition clean and adequate for numbers on site?

  • 3.4 Running Hot and Cold (Warm) water is available?

  • 3.5 Adequate means for boiling water and heating food are provided in the canteen?

  • 3.6 Adequate numbers of tables and chairs with back support are provided?

  • 3.7 Toilet facilities provided in good condition clean and adequate for numbers on site?

4. Site Requirements

  • 4.1 First aider available on site either under principal contractors arrangements, or under companies health and safety procedures?

  • 4.2 First aid facilities provided, all provisions in date and sufficient for work activities and number of workers present on site?

  • 4.3 Fire plan established including alarms?

  • 4.4 Site security established?

  • 4.5 Site material storage established?

  • 4.6 Are all employees/sub-contractors wearing mandatory PPE in accordance with general site rules, is PPE in good condition and fit for purpose

5. Working area

  • 5.1 Work space clean and free from trip hazards

  • 5.2 No materials blocking access routes

  • 5.3 Materials stored safely on scaffold i.e not above brick guards on scaffolding

  • 5.4 Have all scaffolds been inspected prior to use,inspected at prescribed intervals. Is there evidence that inspection have been completed (SCAF tag)?

  • 5.3 Have all work platforms been inspected prior to use?

  • 5.5 Are all access routes on working platforms or scaffolds in use free from tools,equipment and materials allowing for free movement by workers using these working areas?

  • 5.6 Are all loading towers fitted with correct protective hand rails and are only being loaded within permitted safe working loads?

  • 5.7 Site registers being completed I.e Plant Inspections, LIfting equipment etc

6. Companies Health and Safety procedures and policies

  • 6.1 Risk assessments/method statements in place for the tasks being carried out?

  • 6. 2 Risk assessments/ method statements signed by companies employees/sub- contractors working on site?

  • 6.3 Correct PPE being worn for the tasks being carried out?

  • 6.4 Dust suppression systems in place and being used for mechanical cutting operations?

  • 6.5 Electrical equipment in good order and PAT tested?

  • 6.6 Have risk assessment and method statements been reviewed in the event of any accident, near miss or unsafe condition reported or recorded on site?

  • 6.7 Have there been any recorded accidents since work started on site or since last site health and safety compliance visit. If yes was the accident book completed and record sent to companies health and safety manager, was principal contractor notified of incident and of any follow up investigation carried out?

  • 6.8 Have there been any near miss reports or unsafe conditions reported to the principal contractor since work has started on site, or since the last site health and safety compliance visit. If yes what actions have been taken to resolve the issues identified?

6. Summary

  • Safety Advisor

  • As site manager/supervisor I confirm that a copy of this report has been given to me and that corrective actions have been taken or will be taken to rectify those items identified.

  • As site manager I confirm that all actions highlighted within last report (if applicable )have been completed.

  • Site Manager

  • Summary of site visit.

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