General information
Name of Project
Date of Project
Name and Surname
Job function
User Experience
Have you used OASYS before this before this project?
What was your first impression of the OASYS?
How did the performance compare to your previous experience?
Please mention any improvements you noticed:
Which aspects declined in satisfaction?
Were you given any training on OASYS?
Was the training sufficient?
Please list where you felt you could use additional training
Do you feel you require more training on how to use OASYS?
Did you experience any bugs/errors while using OASYS?
Which bugs/errors did you encounter?
Please share any additional notes on your experience:
OASYS Functionality
Which features of OASYS did you like the most or stand out to you?
Which features of OASYS could be improved on?
Was onshore support required at any point during the project?
Was this mostly due to hardware or software issues?
Did OASYS meet expectations?
Please list for us the expectation not met:
Thank you for taking the time to help us make OASYS better!