Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location




  • Employees wash their hands with soap and warm water before starting work, immediately after using washroom, any time needed to prevent cross-contamination.

  • All staff well groomed: hair properly confined, no facial hair, no jewelry, nails short and clean, full uniform.

  • Employees wearing clean outer garments.

  • Employees are in good health with no open cuts, sores, or signs of fever.

  • Employees personal items stored away from work areas.

  • First Aid is present in area and fully stocked.

Handwashing Station

  • Station is easily accessible and unobstructed.

  • Hand washing area is clean

  • Is there an adequate supply of liquid soap available at all times.

  • Are there clear and visible signs reminding individuals to wash their hands properly.

  • Are soap and paper towel dispensers in good working condition.

  • Paper towel is present in the area

  • Handwash sinks are used for hand washing only and effective handwashing by staff is regularly observed.

Food handling

  • Wrapping used for ready-to-eat items is kept in a clean area.

  • Frequent handwashing takes place when handling ready-to-eat food.

  • Proper usage of gloves is observed.

  • Correct coloured cutting board is being utilized for items being prepared.

  • High risk foods are being prepared in small batches and placed in the fridge immediately after handling/preparation.

  • Vegetables/fruits are washed thoroughly using a proper sanitizer to assure proper food hygiene.

  • Controls are in place to prevent contamination by chemicals/foreign bodies (e.g. glass, packaging materials, bolts, rust, cleaning chemicals).

  • Staff are aware of food allergy hazards.

  • Proper traceability procedures are available for all food items utilized in the food production process, from receival (delivery) to exposure (on buffets).

  • Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are only evident in designated areas away from preparation, service, storage and ware washing areas.

  • Food is cooked to the required safe internal temperature for the appropriate time.

  • All foods are protected from potential contamination.

Equipment and Utensils

  • Food contact surfaces are cleaned with sanitizer before, during, and after use.

  • All equipment (i.e) stoves, grills, tables, sinks, ice machine ect. clean and well maintained.

  • Single service utensils are properly stored and dispensed.

  • All service utensils are clean, properly stored, maintained and dispensed.

  • Dishware and utensils are stocked properly to allow proper air drying.

Ware Washing

  • Dish wash machine clean and in good condition

  • Plate racks are clean and in good condition

  • The machines are equipped with Rinse-Aid & Detergents.

  • Wares are stocked to allow proper air drying to take place.

  • Manual sink ware washing procedure being followed (wash, rinse, sanitizing)

  • Wiping clothes clean, sanitized, stored and maintained properly.

  • Pocket thermometers and sanitizer test kit readily available to verify temperatures and concentrations

Garbage and Waste - Pest Control

  • Trash containers are lined with plastic bag at all times

  • All hard-to-reach areas of the facility (under countertops, equipment, and shelving units) are being cleaned on a frequent enough basis to prevent build-up.

  • Keep all areas free of debris, moisture, and visible soil and well lit

  • Bins are kept covered

  • Garbage removal is frequent to maintain premises in a sanitary condition

  • No pest sightings or evidence of pests (droppings, dead bodies, or live pests).

  • The garbage bins are clean (interior and exterior).

Temperature Control

  • An accurate thermometer, approved for measuring food temperatures is available

  • Thawing of food is done using acceptable methods

  • Reheat food to a minimum 74c within 2 hours. Hold at minimum 60C


  • Equipment is clean.

  • Items are covered and properly labelled.

  • Raw foods are separated from ready-to-eat foods.


  • Equipment is clean.

  • Items are covered and properly labelled


  • All food is stored a minimum 6" off the floor and 6" away from the walls.

  • All food is labelled, dated and stored in food grade containers.

  • Products are stored in accordance with FIFO/FEFO.

  • Area free of expired items.

  • Chemicals stored away from food items.

  • Chemicals are labeled.

  • All food is protect from potential contamination


  • Logs are completed correctly/up-to-date



  • Employees wash their hands with soap and warm water before starting work, immediately after using washroom, any time needed to prevent cross-contamination.

  • All staff well groomed: hair properly confined, no facial hair, no jewelry, nails short and clean, full uniform.

  • Employees wearing clean outer garments.<br>

  • Employees are in good health with no open cuts, sores, or signs of fever.

  • Employees personal items stored away from the work areas.

  • Is the bar clean.

Handwashing Station

  • Station is easily accessible and unobstructed.

  • Hand washing area is clean.

  • Is there an adequate supply of liquid soap available at all times.

  • Are there clear and visible signs reminding individuals to wash their hands properly.

  • Are soap and paper towel dispensers in good working condition.

  • Handwash sinks are used for hand washing only and effective handwashing by staff is regularly observed.

Equipment and Utensils

  • Food contact surfaces cleaned before, during and after use

  • All equipment (i.e) blender, ice machine, soda guns, slush machine, coffee machine, etc is clean.

  • Ice shovel is stored in a sanitizer bucket with sanitizing solution to maintain cleanliness.

  • All service utensils are clean, properly stored, maintained and dispensed.

  • Single-service utensils are properly stored and dispensed.

  • Dishware and utensils are stocked properly to allow proper air drying

Ware Washing

  • Glass wash machine clean and in good condition.

  • The machine is equipped with Rinse-aid/Detergent.

  • Wiping clothes clean, sanitized, stored and maintained properly.

  • Racks for glasses are clean.

  • Glasses are clean and in good condition.

Garbage and Waste - Pest Control

  • Trash containers are lined with plastic bag at all times

  • All hard-to-reach areas of the facility (under countertops, equipment, and shelving units) are being cleaned on a frequent enough basis to prevent build-up.

  • Keep all areas free of debris, moisture, and visible soil.

  • Bins are kept covered.

  • Garbage removal is frequent to maintain premises in a sanitary condition.

  • No pest sightings or evidence of pests (droppings, dead bodies, or live pests).

  • The garbage bin is clean (interior and exterior) with a functional pedal.

Cooling Equipment

  • The thermometer is visible and working.

  • Temperature is correct.

  • All products are covered and dated.

  • The equipment is clean (interior/exterior).


  • All food is stored a minimum 6'' off the floor and 6'' away from the walls.

  • All food is labeled, dated and stored in food grade containers.

  • Products are stored in accordance with FIFO/FEFO.

  • Area free of expired items.

  • Chemicals stored away from food items.

  • Chemicals are labeled.

  • All food is protected from potential contamination.


  • Logs are current/up-to-date.

Lounge Dining Room

  • All staff well groomed: hair, no jewelry, nails short and clean, full uniform.

  • Tables are cleaned and disinfected after every guest's use.

  • Coffee area is clean and in order.

  • coffee pot are clean (external and internal).

  • Storage Cubicles for storing food products (teabags, cereals, chips, etc.) are free from dust and food debris.

  • Milk (regular and condensed) pots are properly cleaned and maintained (free of milk residues on exterior, etc.)

  • The correct procedure for the cleaning of tables by the server with chemicals is done.

  • crockery/glassware/jars are cleaned, faced down on clean surfaces

  • Cupboard/shelves are clean and in order.

  • Products are stored in accordance with FIFO/FEFO

  • Chemicals labelled and stored away from food items

  • Nu-Foam Sanitizing solution spray bottles and sanitizer buckets are at each side station.

  • Nu-Foam Sanitizing solution spray bottles are properly labelled and in good condition

  • Sanitizing solution readily available at a minimum of 200 ppm Nu-foam.

  • Bins are lined with plastic

  • Bins are kept covered

  • The staff avoid having personal items in the area

Buffet Units

Cold Unit

  • Is the display equipment clean.

  • Is the area clean and in good condition.

  • The appropriate signs for the food types are present and properly aligned.

  • Signs illustrating allergen containing ingredients in foods are displayed.

  • Food items are readily available in the units.

  • Serving utensils are in good repairs

  • Log completed correctly/up-to-date

Hot Unit

  • Is the area clean and in good condition.

  • Is the display equipment clean.

  • The appropriate signs for the food types are present and properly aligned.

  • Soup/Porridge units are clean and in good working condition.

  • Signs illustrating allergen containing ingredients in foods are displayed.

  • Area clean and in good condition? free from gravy stains, spills, etc.

  • Serving utensils are in good repairs

  • Food items are readily available in the units.

  • Log completed correctly/up-to-date

Restroom/Public Area Facilities

Toilet cubicles

  • Toilets bowls are clean, free of lime scale and in good condition.

  • Toilet cubicle has tissue present.

  • The tissue holder is in good condition (free of rust, discoloration, etc.)

  • A sanitary napkin bin is present, not full, and in good condition.

  • Caution signs are readily available and in the best condition.

  • Cupboards by sink are varnished and free of defects.

  • No expired chemical products are present in the area.

  • Chemicals are labeled.

Faucets and Surrounding Areas

  • Taps are sanitary and in good condition (free of defects, discolorations, etc.)

  • Mirrors are clean and in good condition (free of cracks, rusting, discoloration, etc.)

  • Floral decorations are clean.

  • Hand soap dispenser is present, clean (interior and exterior) and functioning well.

  • Hand soap is readily available in dispenser.

  • Hand towel dispenser is present, clean (interior and exterior) and in good condition.

  • Hand towel is readily available in dispenser.

  • Hand dryers are clean and functional.

  • Sharp objects container is available and properly labeled.

Chemical Storeroom

  • Storage area entrance door has proper signage.

  • Door is free of defects.

  • Throughout room there is no sign of moulds growth.

  • Wash basin is clean and in good condition(free of defects, mould-growth, etc.)

  • Shelves are clean and in good condition.

  • There is a proper area for hanging mops to reduce pest infestation.

  • No pest sightings or evidence of pests (droppings, dead bodies, or live pests).

  • Chemicals are properly stored.

  • Chemicals have proper labels.

  • The storage area is adequately lit and ventilated.


  • The bathroom checklist is readily available for inspection and up-to-date.



  • walls, ceilings and windows clean, well maintained, and in good repair

  • Floors clean, well maintained and in good repair.

  • The glasswasher final wash temperature is 75C or higher

  • Damaged or unapproved utensils have been repaired or replaced.

  • The cooler gaskets and door chambers are cleaned and in good condition.

  • Refrigerated food are stored at 4C or colder

  • A/C Vents are clean and in good condition (free of dust, leakage, is producing cold, and clean (not moldy) air).

  • There are no signs of leakage.

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation provided throughout the facility

  • Handwash sink is equipped with clean hot & cold water?


  • walls, ceilings and windows clean. well maintained and in good repair

  • Floors clean, well maintained and in good repair

  • Handwash sink is equipped with clean hot & cold water?

  • Inoperable equipment has been repaired, replaced, or removed from facility.

  • Refrigerator thermometer visible and working properly.

  • Non-food contact surfaces visibly clean and in good repair ( No signs of rust, dust etc.)

  • A/C Vents are clean and in good condition (free of dust, leakage, is producing cold, and clean (not moldy) air).

  • Hand washing sink is working properly

  • Damaged or unapproved utensils have been repaired or replaced.

  • Thermostats on Altoshaam, freezers, and cold units are periodically calibrated.

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation provided throughout the facility

  • Gasket and door is clean and in good condition

  • Refrigerated food are stored ar 4C or cooler

  • Refrigerated food are stored at -18C or colder

  • Holding hot foods at a minimum of 60C

  • Dishwasher machine is operating at 82C or above.

  • The foot pedal on the bin is functional.


  • Ceilings are free of watermarks and uneven surfaces (e.g. Bulging due to water accumulation).

  • walls, ceilings and windows clean. well maintained and in good repair

  • Light fixtures have approved safety covers.

  • Areas are free from leaks.

  • Chairs are in good condition (free of defects such as holes, marks, unraveled materials, tilts, etc.).

  • Wooden Furniture and are clean, and in good condition (free of defects, well varnished).

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation provided throughout the facility.


  • Display equipment thermometer visible and working properly.

  • Warm units are operating at ideal temperature (60C or higher )

  • Cold Units are operating at ideal temperature (4C or below )

Restroom/Public Area

  • Hot and cold water are readily available at the faucets.

  • Faucets are clean and in good condition (free of cracks, rust, mould, etc.)

  • Floor tiles are free of pits and water.

  • Walls are in good condition (free of holes, dust, cobwebs, etc.)

  • Floors clean, well maintained and in good repair

  • Dual-flush toilets have push bottoms which are functioning well.

  • Toilet Doors are in good condition (free of defects, sturdy, well painted/varnished).

  • Hot and cold water is readily available.

  • There are no signs of leakage.

  • Door hooks in cubicles are present and in good condition.

  • Regular toilets flush handle is working and in good condition.

  • Ceilings are of good material, properly sealed and free of dust, cobwebs, etc.

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation provided throughout the area


  • Evacuation routes are clear.

  • There is an adequate supply of fully functional fire extinguishers.

  • Fire extinguishers are properly mounted and easily accessible.

  • Fire extinguishers are fully charged

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.