Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Site Name/Location

  • Contract No

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • Reverse Parking/ Traffic Management 0 - Reverse parking is generally not adopted and signs not erected/not included in induction 1 - One or more vehicles are not reverse parked 2 - All vehicles are reverse parked 3- All vehicles are reverse parked and parking bays are set out and well managed

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Safe Walking/Plant Routes & underfoot conditions 0 - No safe walking routes or safe plant movement routes/ safe areas have been established on the site 1 - Some safe walking routes / safe plant routes have been established, but not all risk areas are covered 2 - Safe walking routes, exclusion zones are fully established with signage but not mentioned in the site induction. 3 - Safe walking routes, exclusion zones are fully established with signage and inclusion in the site induction

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Safe Storage (outside and inside the office) 0 - No separate safe storage areas are in place. The site/yard is a mess, or items stacked or on shelves potentially unsafely 1 - Separate storage area(s) are in place, but materials/tools etc are occasionally not well organised or pose tripping/other hazards. 2 - Separate storage areas are set up and managed well with shelving, walkways, bays etc, with not potential safety hazards. All is tidy and organised. 3 - Separate storage areas are set up and managed well with shelving, walkways, bays etc, with not potential safety hazards. All is tidy and organised, with quarantine area and register for any damaged or faulty tools/plant etc.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Signage 0 - No signage on the approach to the site entrance and no SHE signage when entering the site/on site 1 - Signage is provided on the approach to the site entrance and all SHE signage is in place at the site entrance. 2 - Signage is reviewed regularly, is cleaned/maintained and is present throughout the whole site for general SHE risk awareness and controls. 3 - Signage is reviewed regularly, is cleaned/maintained and is present throughout the whole site for general and specialist/site-specific risk awareness and controls.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Lighting 0 - No lighting is provided 1 - Some lighting is provided, but not in all areas required. 2 - Adequate lighting is provided in all areas 3 - Adequate lighting is provided in all areas and it is monitored every shift, with spares and back up available where required.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Welfare Facilities 0 - No welfare facilities are on site, or they are not sufficient for the number of staff and operatives present. 1 - Welfare facilities are available and are sufficient but are dirty and or do not have things like kettle, microwave, fridge, toilet paper, hand wash etc. 2 - Welfare facilities are fully provided and are clean and tidy with all required white goods, equipment, consumables etc. 3 - Welfare facilities are fully provided and are clean and tidy with all required consumables. There is a regular daily inspection and this is recorded.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Signing in book & Fatigue Management 0 - No signing in book in use 1 - Signing in book in use but not used by everyone on site. 2 - Signing in book in use and everyone on site has signed in, giving their travelling time, location etc. All those who have left site have signed out. 3 - The signing in book is in full use as required and the Supervisor has checked the working and travelling hours excrescences and signed every shift with no exceptions.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Fire Safety 0 - No fire extinguishers and or no fire plan available on site, and or staff/operatives smoking on site 1 - Fire extinguishers are on site, but some are out of date. Fire Plan is available but no evidence of it being briefed in the induction or separately. 2 - All fire extinguishers are in date, they are in all required areas. Fire Plan is displayed clearly and there is evidence of it having been briefed to all staff and operatives on site. 3 - All fire extinguishers are in date, they are in all required areas. Fire Plan is displayed clearly and there is evidence of it having been briefed to all staff and operatives on site. Fire risk assessment completed and available.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Safety Board 0 - No safety board on site 1 - Incomplete safety board on site, missing policies, HSE poster, emergency plan, insurances etc. 2 - Fully detailed safety board on site, with some messages in need of up dating (Stop Think! moments etc) 3 - Fully detailed safety board on site, with all insurances, policies, accreditation, posters, stop think! moments etc.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • First Aid & emergency arrangements 0 - No First Aider on site or First Aider without competence certificate 1 - First Aider on site with personal basic first aid kit and A&E contact details/route map. 2 - First Aiders are sufficient on site with full sized first aid kits available in all areas. 3 - First Aiders are on site and in office, with fully stocked first aid kits and defibrillator(s)

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • PPE 0 - Some people arrive without the right PPE or fail to wear required PPE (boots, gloves, eye protection, dust masks, safety helmet, HV clothing). 1 - Some people have dirty or faulty/ineffectual PPE. 2 - All staff and operatives are wearing eye protection, cut 5 gloves, safety helmet, safety boots, HV clothing. 3 - All staff and operatives are wearing clean, good quality eye protection, cut 5 gloves, safety helmet, safety boots, HV clothing and any ear/respiratory/fall prevention protection etc needed for the job in hand.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Inductions (by whom, what quality, are rules being obeyed?) 0 - No inductions file available with induction content and /or no records of inductions given 1 - Inductions file is available, but one or more people on site are not recorded as having received an induction. Inductions are not engaging and or are given ineffectually by inexperienced or junior person. 2 - Inductions file is in full use with records of all inductions properly kept and maintained. Inductions given effectiviely by experienced person in authority (Supervisor/Site Manager/other manager) 3 - Inductions are given professionally and effectively by experienced people, and I.O.s are raised during inductions to improve delivery, awareness etc.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Competence Records (plant ops, Sentinel/ICI, CSCS etc.) 0 - No competence records file available with copies of Sentinel/ICI/CSCS? Plant operator competencies etc. 1 - Competence file is available but not all staff and operatives on site have their copies of certificates/cards included. 2 - All staff and operatives on site appear to have their competence cards recorded in the file where plant/safety competencies are being used. 3 - All staff and operatives on site appear to have their competence cards recorded in the file and where competencies are being used, all are in date and checked on every shift to ensure this. Expiry dates for critical plant competencies etc are highlighted in the file with a register.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • CPP 0 - CPP is not available 1 - CPP is available on site but is not signed 2 - CPP is available and is signed as required. All WPPs in use are referred to in the CPP. 3 - The CPP is in regular use and is up to date with any work content, risks and personnel changes.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Supplier Selection review (Builders Profile/RISQS/Construction Line) 0 - No evidence of supplier selection processes being used 1 - All suppliers have Builders Profile/Construction Line OR RISQS. 2 - All suppliers have Builders Profile/Construction Line and RISQS. RISQS codes have not been checked. 3 - RISQS product codes/RICCL codes have been check for specific services being employed for all suppliers, and all are correct

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Project Quality Plan 0 - No PQP on site 1 - PQP on site but not authorised/signed off 2 - PQP is on site and signed/authorised as required. 3 - PQP is on site and authorised and is being regularly reviewed as part of the site /project management processes.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Programme 0 - No programme available 1 - Programme is displayed but out of date 2 - Up to date programme is displayed 3 - Up to date programme is displayed and current progress marked up.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Risk Assessments & Risk Register 0 - Risk Assessments and/or Register are not available 1 - Risk Assessments/Register are available, but do not appear to be in use. 2 - Risk Assessments/Register are available and clearly being used, but have not been reviewed within the last month . 3 - Risk Assessments /Register are available, and have been reviewed within the last month by the Site/Project Manager and signed/initialled and dated for each risk reviewed. Any additional or changed risks have been added and included in WPPs and TBs.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Environmental Management Plan 0 - No EMP is available 1 - EMP is available but no evidence of briefing to all concerned 2 - EMP is available and has been briefed to all concerned, but is not up to date/requires revision. 3 - EMP is available , is up to date and has been evidenced as briefed to all concerned

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Work Package Plans 0 - WPPs are not on site or not signed off (by Octavius /NR) for works being carried out on the shift . 1 - WPPs are on site, but one or more staff undertaking the works has not been briefed and recorded as received. 2 - WPPs are on site for all works being carried out and all staff and operatives involved have been given and acknowledged the WPP briefing. 3 - WPPs are on site as required and operatives give adequate responses when questioned over the contents for risk controls etc

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Task Briefings 0 - TBs are not on site or not signed off (by Octavius /NR) for works being carried out on the shift . 1 - TBs are on site, but one or more staff undertaking the works has not been briefed and recorded as received. 2 - TBs are on site for all works being carried out and all staff and operatives involved have been given and acknowledged the TB briefing. 3 - TBs are on site as required and operatives give adequate responses when questioned over the contents for risk controls etc

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Tool Box Talks 0 - Tool box talks not being done or no evidence available 1 - Tool box talks have been done, but not every period or not for obvious subjects/activities. 2 - Tool box talks are being given on the relevant subjects every period 3 - Tool box talks are given by Supervisors, Gangers, Suppliers etc every period for relevant subjects.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Site Diaries 0 - No site diaries are being used 1 - Site Diaries are in use but limited information recorded, and not useful/ unreadable. Possibly copied each day and filed, without new, useful information 2 - Site diaries are kept every day with specific useful information and kept on file. 3 - Site diaries are kept every day with specific useful information and kept on file. Site Manager/Project Manager initials and dates when read and reviewed, and implements resulting actions as required.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Weekly Site Manager Inspections 0 - Site Manager Inspections are not being done by the Site Manager 1 - Site Manager Inspections are infrequent or being done by the Supervisor and not agreed and countersigned by the site manager. 2 - The Site Manager is completing the inspections every week and closing out the actions raised. 3 - The Site Manager is completing the inspections every week, closing ouit the actions and these are countersigned by the Project/Programme Manager

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • SHE Department /SHE Adviser Inspection reports 0 - No SHE inspections available 1 - SHE Inspections available but not all actions addressed 2 - SHE Inspections available and all actions addressed 3 - SHE Inspections available and all actions addressed. Trends and learning shared to benefit other sites.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Project Manager's Periodic Inspections/Management Reviews and actions identified and closed out. 0 - No record of PM Management review 1 - Review is available but more than month old 2 - PM Review is available and less than a month old. 3 - PM Review is available and less than a month old. All actions identified are completed or in hand.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Meeting minutes (with team, suppliers and Customer, identifying SHE and Quality actions and close outs 0 - No minutes available for inspection 1 - Minutes are available but are more than a month old 2 - Minutes are available and are less than a month old 3 - Minutes are available and are less than a month old . All actions identified are completed or in hand.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Evidence of Take 5's 0 - No evidence of Take 5's being done 1 - Some evidence of Take 5's but rare/ not well recorded. 2 - Take 5's regularly being done daily/ weekly and well recorded via the I.O. system 3 - Take 5's are part of how the site runs, all recorded and submitted via the I.O. system. Workforce expects take 5's to be done when discussed during audit.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Traffic Management Plan 0 - No TMP is available 1 - TMP is available but no evidence of briefing to all concerned 2 - TMP is available and has been briefed to all concerned, but is not up to date/requires revision. 3 - TMP is available , is up to date and has been evidenced as briefed to all concerned

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Permits (hot works, Excavations etc) 0 - No permits are in place for normally permitted works such as; excavations, hot works, loading/striking temporary works, ladders etc 1 - Some permits are in place, but not for all works being carried out 2 - All necessary permits are in place and kept in the live permits rack, with completed permits signed off 3 - All necessary permits are in place and kept in the live permits rack, with completed permits signed off and held on archive fil

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Buried Services Management (permits and co-ordinator process being followed) 0 - No permits are in place 1 - Permits are in place, but no competent co-ordinator on site during use. 2 - Permits and competent co-ordinator are on site with all information available. 3 - Permits and competent co-ordinator are on site with all information available. New information has been recorded and utility owners advised formally .

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Stability and fall prevention of excavations and earthworks/scaffolds 0 - No obvious management to control is in place at any risk position. 1 - WPPs and TBs address the Risks, but not everyone on site has received the briefing 2 - All documentation is on site and everyone has received the briefing 3 - All documentation is on site and everyone has received the briefing, and suppliers and other workers are able to explain the controls and the reasons for them.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • ALO Plans and or Lift Plans 0 - No ALO Plan on site for ALO related works 1 - ALO Plan on site but not authorised or methods not being complied with 2 - ALO plans are on site and are authorised by competent and trained ALO Responsible Manager for all ALO related works. Site Co-ordinators check sheets are being completed by competent trained staff. 3 - ALO plans are on site and are authorised for all ALO related works. Site Co-ordinators check sheets and ALO Assurance check sheets are being completed by competent trained staff.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Scaffold Register 0 - No register available 1 - Register available but not being used 2 - Register is available and being used every week, all signed up. 3 - Register is available and being used, with evidence of identified issues which have been reported and resolved.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Plant Inspections Register & OTP Planning management records (check sheet Appx fs). 0 - No register available/ no OTP check sheet completed on record Register 1 - Check sheet available but not being used properly/fully 2 - Register/check sheet is available and being used every week (when needed), all signed up. 3 - Register is available and being used, with evidence of identified issues which have been reported and resolved.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Site Communications 0 - No phone line/phone signal, no internet connection 1 - Mobile signal available 2 - Mobile signal and internet available for stand alone laptop access to I.T. 3 - Mobile Signal, internet and full I.T. facilities available.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Waste Management 0 - No waste management plan in place 1 - Waste Management Plan in Place but not used 2 - Waste Management Plan in Place and used but not up to date 3 - Waste Management Plan in Place and is completed up to date

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Dust/ Exhaust Management 0 - No dust/exhaust management in place where it is needed to protect staff, operatives and general public. 1 - Staff and operatives are protected from dust/exhaust risks 2 - Public, Staff and operatives are protected from dust/exhaust risks 3 - Dust & exhaust is being managed as required by the WPP/TB and the EMP.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • HAVS Assessments 0 - No HAVS assessments have been completed for HAVS related works being carried out on the shift 1 - HAVS assessments are being used for some activities on the shift but not all. 2 - HAVS assessments are in place for all HAVS related activities on the shift 3 - Records indicate that HAVS assessments have been consistently completed during the construction phase of this project.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Manual Handling Assessment 0 - No manual handling assessments have been completed for manual handling works being carried out on the shift 1 - Manual handling assessments are being used for some activities on the shift but not all. 2 - Manual handling assessments are in place for all manual handing activities on the shif 3 - Records indicate that maula handling assessments have been consistently completed during the construction phase of this project..

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • COSSH Assessments 0 - No COSHH assessments have been completed for COSHH related works being carried out on the shift 1 - COSHH assessments are being used for some activities on the shift but not all. 2 - COSHH assessments are in place for all COSHH related activities on the shift 3 - Records indicate that COSHH assessments have been consistently completed during the construction phase of this project.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Noise and vibration Management 0 - No noise or vibration management in place where it is needed to protect staff, operatives and general public. 1 - Staff and operatives are protected from noise and vibration risks 2 - Public, Staff and operatives are protected from noise and vibration risks 3 - Noise and vibration is being managed as required by the WPP/TB , EMP and the Section 61 requirements.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Temporary Works Management 0 - No Temporary works management is in place in terms of documented controls 1 - Temporary works drawing and specifications are on site, but no trained Co-ordinator available to manage the process 2 - Temporary Works information, designs etc are on site and approved and there is a trained co-ordinator available, managing the process. 3 - Temporary Works information, designs etc are on site and approved and there is a trained co-ordinator available, managing the process. Suppliers and Supervisors can explain the control process for loading and striking temporary works.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Electrical Installations Certificate 0 - No Electrical installation certificate available on site 1 - Electrical Installation Certificate is available but has expired 2 - Electrical installation Certificate is available and in date, but does not cover the whole site 3 - Electrical Installation Certificate in available, in date and covers the whole site

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • PAT Testing in date on all appliances 0 - No PAT testing carried out or is more than a month out of date. 1 - PAT testing has been done but is out of date by less than a month 2 - PAT Testing is all in date, but no plan available for next tests. 3 - PAT Testing is all in date and a programme of planned checks for PAT testing is available for inspection.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Drawings Register & Version Management 0 - No Drawing Register available 1 - Drawing register is available but not up to date 2 - Drawing register is available, and is up to date. All document control is in place 3 - Drawing register is available, is up to date and latest versions kept in rack, with all superseded drawings marked S/S and archived.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Worksafe Procedure & CIRAS certification/ contact info available to all 0 - no information visibkle to staff 1 - Mentioned in Induction 2 - Mentioned in induction and CIRAS certificate on safety board 3 - Mentioned in induction and CIRAS certificate on safety board and Tool Box Talk given on record.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • I.O.s submitted by Osborne staff 0 - no I.O.s recorded 1 - some, but few I.O.s recorded 2 - Regular I.O.s recorded 3 - Regular I.O.s recorded across the staff and of good , useful and pro-active quality. I.O.s are part of the culture and conversation on site.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • I.O.s submitted by Suppliers staff 0 - no I.O.s recorded 1 - some, but few I.O.s recorded 2 - Regular I.O.s recorded 3 - Regular I.O.s recorded across the staff and of good , useful and pro-active quality. I.O.s are part of the culture and conversation on site.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Improvement Opportunity

  • Good Practice adopted/shared 0 - No new good practices observed as developed or shared 1 - Good practices adopted here where shared by other projects 2 - New good practices are created/developed and used here 3 - New good practices are created here and shared with others for use elsewhere.

  • Photograph if applicable

  • Comments and observations (both positive and negative)

Sign off

  • Completed by name and signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.