Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Knowledge of the SMS
Where would you find a copy of the health and safety policy?
Is there anything you would change in our SMS system or improved and do you have any specific safety concerns?
Do you understand how the reporting culture works and have you interacted with it within the last year? If not is there any reason why you haven’t reported any occurrences?
How do you interact with our SMS system?
Is the safety board information up-to-date clear and orderly? Does it contain the company policies and the employers liability certificate?
Is there a health and safety law poster in the workplace? Are the details filled in correctly?
Base Familiarisation
What instructions in the bases LBI cover the site specific safety awareness or instructions?
How do you ensure any visiting pilots are aware of any Specific aspects of safety?
Is the internal lighting adequate and sufficient?
What is the process for refuelling?
What documentation do you use to support refuelling?
Is a viable spill kits available and how are replacement items sourced?
In the event of a spillage fuel what is the process involved?
How would you know who to communicate with? (Spill plan)
Is the company spill contingency procedure displayed with the relevant emergency contact details?
Is bunding of storage vessels adequate considering rainfall?
How is waste disposed at this base including general and hazardous waste?
First aid
What is the process regarding first-aid injuries and accidents?
Is the first aid box fully equipped and in date?
Is the base compliant with the first-aid policy
Risk assessments
Is there a current legionella risk assessment and are there any outstanding actions?
Is the fire risk assessment up-to-date and have any findings been resolved?
Where are the risk assessments located?
Where would I be able to locate the COSHH risk assessments?
Does the base have any spare PPE For both personal and visitors?
How would you know when to use PPE? Does the base have any spare PPE For both personal and visitors?
Are earplugs or ear defenders available for the use of visitors appropriately stored with the correct signage in place?
LOLER / PUWER/ Tools and Equipment
Is all equipment is suitable, sufficient and regular serviced? What is the evidence?
Is all lifting equipment subject to regular testing by a competent person?
It’s all lifted equipment marked with the safe working load?
Is there sufficient and adequate equipment on site for assisting with loads?
Is there any evidence of any defective or unserviceable equipment and how is it dealt with?
Have base personnel any suggestions to improve movement of loads at the base?
Are safety checks or inspections recorded in accordance with tech form for all steps ladders and platforms ?
Is there sufficient and adequate maintenance platforms and staging available?
Are tools appropriately stored and what tool control is in place?
Are all electrical appliances PAT tested?
What is the process for dealing with faulty equipment and is there any evidence available?
Are there compressors or pressurised vessels used are they maintained and below250 bar PSR?
Is the base compliant with the PUWER/LOLER policy?
Company vehicles
Is there is no smoking sign in the vehicle?
Can base personnel identify three aspects of a producer check? Do you have them yes yeah no come on in close the door I’ve just done
Are all chemicals stored in appropriate locker and is there any signs of damage to the lockers?
Is the COSHH folder in situ, accurate and are there any assessments missing?
What methods are used for identifying shelf life of chemicals? What is the process when chemicals are found to be out of date?
Is the base compliant for COSHH policy.
Are fire action plans displayed throughout the base?
Are fire alarms tested weekly? What is the evidence?
Has an evacuation been practised recently and is there evidence to support this?
What is the evidence of the emergency lights being tested regularly?
Are fire extinguishers in place and are they serviceable? Is there any sign of deterioration of the structure of the extinguishers?
Are all fire routes clear of obstructions?
Is the correct fire signage displayed throughout the base?
Is the base compliant with the fire precautions policy and legionella policy?
Is there sufficient and adequate signage for the following?
Fire safety (extinguishers, blankets )
Emergency evacuation (green)
Mandatory PPE (blue)
Warning (asbestos, electrical hazards)
Housekeeping and Storage
Is there any evidence where the standard of housekeeping is not in line with company expectations? What reasons were given?
Are there any uncontrolled slip or trip hazards? Our extension cables used to the minimum ,controlled and contain surge protectors?
Are rest room and change of clothing facilities available, suitable and sufficient?
Are material stored so that good manual handling practices can be applied?
Are storage racks in good condition and not overloaded with the correct safe working load displayed?
Are lifting operators /supervisors suitably trained in the use of the equipment and operations including ground handling
Has all training been completed for the following on safety hub?
Manual handling
Forklift training
Ground handling
Office safety
What do base personnel do when visitors or external contractors visit the base? Does the base have a safety brief?
What aspects are considered in the safety brief for contractors or visitors?
Security and Lone Working
What security provision are at the base and do base personnel have any suggestions?
What internal and external lighting does the base have? Are there any areas of the base that are in darkness that affects daily routines?
Is all UK Onshore equipment and machinery secure e.g all lockers secured, keys stored securely, doors locked etc?
Does the base practice lone working? Are base personnel aware of the current internal procedures and the device associated with it?
Health and wellbeing
Has the Base engineer undertaken a occupational health surveillance during the past year?
Are based personal aware of Onshore eyecare provision?