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Understanding the site’s traffic needs
1) Have you consulted with workers, mobile plant operators and your supply chain (e.g. delivery driver) to help understand all possible risks relating to the interaction of traffic and people on site.<br><br>Consider:<br>- Types of vehicles and mobile plant accessing the site.<br>- Pedestrian access for people with disability (e.g. wheelchairs).<br>- work involving road closures.<br>- Environmental factors (e.g. road surfaces, shade, glare, lighting, weather and noise).<br>- Unexpected or changing circumstances (e.g. queuing of vehicles, peak traffic times, road works, schools, intersections and blind corners).<br>- Work area design and layout.<br>- Overhead electrical line structures.<br>- Whether loading zones, parking and reversing ares are adequate and what happen with overflow traffic.<br>- Drug and alcohol policies and procedures.<br>- Work demands and fatigue management (e.g. shift work).<br>- Other traffic issues commonly encountered or reported by workers, pedestrians or visiting drivers.
2) Have you reviewed previous incident or near-miss reports to better understand contributing factors and identity how the traffic management system could be improved?
Developing a traffic management plan (TMP)
3) Is a TMP in place that outlines:<br>- The desired flow of pedestrian and vehicle movements<br>- The expected frequency of interaction between vehicles and pedestrians <br>- How short term, mobile work or complex traffic situations will be managed.<br>- Roles and responsibilities of people in relation to traffic management.
4) Does the TMP include a sketch or illustration of the worksite?<br>This should show the location of:<br>- Traffic routes <br>- Pedestrian walkways<br>- Barriers and signage <br>- Loading/unloading areas<br>- Carparks/supply delivery waiting area<br>- maintenances bays, worksite, buildings, wash out bays and set up area<br>The sketch should also include contact details to notify when arriving at the site.
5) Is traffic management included in the following components of the work health and safety management system:<br>- Hazard identification<br>- Risk management <br>- Contractor management code of conducts and quality standards <br>- Electrical useage and tags
6) Has a documented method of the TMP and site schedule been forwarded to those involved with the site project and at risk in advance to commencement.
Managing the risk of people being hit by mobile plant or vehicles
7) Level #1 - Elimination controls <br>Are measures in place to eliminate the risk of being hit by mobile plant of vehicle traffic?<br>- Physically separating pedestrian route with overhead walkways or barriers<br>- scheduling activities involving mobile plant or vehicles at a time when works or pedestrians are not using the area<br>- Professional tradesmen traffic management
Providing information, training, instruction and supervision
8) Do mobile plant operators, vehicle drivers and traffic controllers (if required) hold the relevant licences to preform their work?
9) Has the competency of mobile plant and vehicle operators been verified?
10) Is everyone entering the work site been informed of their obligation, aware of site risk and been inducted?
11) Does the work site have adequate supervision in place for the task ahead?<br>This includes:<br>- Observing traffic and pedestrian behaviour <br>- Adequate supervision available <br>- Procedures for supervising contractors and visitors
Preparing for an accident and emergency
12) are control measures or procedures in place that aim to isolate hazardous area and redirect traffic in event of an emergency?
13) Is there a designated meet point in case of an emergency evacuation and has everyone been informed of these area’s?
14) Are there communication systems, signals and signage in place of an emergency?
15) Is there an adequate first aid kit available in case of an accident, injury or emergency?
16) Is there a qualified first aid person on the work site?
Qualified traffic management to control traffic and minimise risk
17) Is certified traffic management required to control traffic flow?
18) Has the requested traffic management been informed of work site procedures, schedule and been inducted?<br>
19) Company name of requested Traffic management and time proposed use of there service? Provide following information: - Company name and address? - Team leader name onsite and contact while on site? - Approximately how many days needed of there service?
Requested contractors, mobile plant, vehicle operators, traffic management, workers/staff and visitors onsite informed of traffic procedures and inducted
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