Title Page
Site conducted
Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Responsible Person:
01 - Organisation & Staff Facilities
01-01: The property has a "Property H&S, Environmental Policy Statement" updated within the last 12 months?
The H&S policy have have been validated by GM/HM?
01-02: There is a named person responsible for H&S mentioned in "Property H&S, Environmental Policy Statement"
A: Named person for Staff Facilities mentioned?
Enter Name:
B: Name person for First Aiders mentioned?
Enter Name:
C: Named person for First Aid Kits mentioned?
Enter Name:
D: Named person for PPE mentioned?
Enter Name:
E: Named person for Legionella Control mentioned?
Enter Name:
F: Named person for PAT mentioned?
Enter Name:
G: Named Person for Electrical Safety mentioned?
Enter Name:
H: Named Person for Gym/Fitness & Sports Facilities mentioned?
Enter Name:
I: Named Person for Traffic Management mentioned?
Enter Name:
J: Named Person for COSHH mentioned?
Enter Name:
01-03: A copy of the certificate for H&S training of member of the "Occupational H&S and Environment Committee" is correctly filed and have been signed, dated and rubber stamp of the H&S Committee Chairman.
The management level certificate?
The supervisor level certificate?
The committee level certificate?
01-04: H&S Committee Organisation Chart showing names and positions?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped within the past 12 months?
5 departments represented?
Both Management and Team Members are represented?
01-05: There are a minimum of 12 H&S committee meeting minutes in previous 12 months?
How many meeting minutes have there been in the past 12 months?
All validated by GM/HM signature?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the H&S Chairman?
01-06: An "Health & Safety Opinion Counts Survey" has been conducted?
All TMs have been surveyed within past 12 months?
An executive summary of the survey has been produced?
01-07: The records of the monthly inspection of TMs facilities are correctly filed and have been signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Visual Inspection
H&S - Yellow File
01-A: The H&S filing system complies with the ONYX standard?
Yellow Files?
Correct Numbering of Files?
Correct use of Tabs?
01-B: Both the H&S Policy and Org Chart are displayed on the H&S Notice Board?
Includes the local language?
Updated within past 12 months?
02 - First Aiders
02-01: An up to date list of First Aiders for the property is correctly filed?
The list has been signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person within past 12 months?
02-02: Copies of the First Aid training certification for each First Aider are correctly filed and in-date?
The training photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Physical Inspection
02-A: The operator/front office has a list of First Aiders on duty at all times?
02-B: The Security Control Room has a list of First Aiders on duty at all times?
02-C: First Aiders sign for their responsibilities at the commencement of the shift?
02-D: From the records reviewed it appears that the property always has a First Aider on duty at all times?
03 - First Aid Kits & AEDs
03:01: There is a full asset register of First Aid Kits detailing their reference number, owning department and location? (P.HS.01.002)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-FAB-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
03-02: A record of the monthly First Aid Kits inspection is correctly filed and validated?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
03-03: The property has an AED available?
The monthly checking of the AED and battery status is correctly filed and signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
03-04: The property has an Oxygen Tank & Mask and or Ambu-Bag for pool water drowning incidents? (5 or 2 points)
The monthly checking of the status of the Oxygen Tank & Mask and/or Ambu Bag is correctly filed and validated by the date, signature and rubber stamp of the responsible person?
The property has budgeted for an Ambu Bag and/or Oxygen Resuscitation Bottle for the next year.
Physical Inspection
A First Aid Kit can be shared with other nearby facilities.
03-A: There is a prominent sign displayed at the Front Desk indicating the location of the nearest First Aid Kit?
03-B: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit at Front Desk. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-C: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Laundry, It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-D: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Engineering Department. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-E: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit at the Swimming pool/Pool Bar. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-F: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Security Control Room. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-G: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Housekeeping Department. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-H: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Fitness Room/Spa. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-I: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Kids Club. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
03-J: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Kit in the Kitchen. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached?
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
04 - Ladders
04-01: There is a full register of all ladders in the property detailing their unique reference number, owning department and location? (P.HS.01.021)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-LAD-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by responsible person?
04-02: The record of the monthly safety inspection of each ladder is correctly filed?
ONYX Standard Form?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
04-03: The training records of all TMs on the safe use of ladders is correctly filed?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
Includes all Engineering Department TMs?
Includes all House Keeping Department TMs?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
04-A: Each ladder has a unique asset reference number painted on it?<br>
04-B: Each ladder has good condition to store
05 - Personal Protection Equipment
05-01: There is a full asset register indicating all PPE in the property?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-PPE-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by responsible person?
05-02: The records of the monthly inspection of all PPE are correctly filed?
ONYX Standard Form?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
05-03: The training records of all TMs in the correct inspection and use of PPE sufficient for the roles undertaken are correctly filed?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation includes the need for checking the PPE item is in good condition prior to use?
Includes all Engineering Department TMs?
Includes all HK TMs?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by responsible person?
Physical Inspection
05-A: All PPE was adequate for TMs and free of damage /defects and properly fitted?
06 - Eye Wash Bottles/Stations
06-01: There is a full asset register of all Eye Wash Bottles/Stations? (P.HS.01.020)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-EWB-001)?
The asset register identifies all Eye Wash Bottles/Stations by a unique identification number and its location?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
06-02: The records of the monthly inspection of the Eye Wash Bottles/Stations are correctly filed?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by responsible person?
06-03: The training records of all TMs on the location and correct use of Eye Wash Bottles/Stations is correctly filed?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
Includes all TMs?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
06-A: Eye Wash Bottles/Stations are in the correct mandated locations? (Laundry Chemical Store)
The eye wash bottle/station is located in easy reach of TMs?(i.e.main entrance door)
06-B: Eye Wash Bottles are in the correct mandated locations? (Swimming Pool Plant Room)
The eye wash bottle/station is located in easy reach of TMs? (i.e.main entrance door)
06-C: Eye Wash Bottles are in the correct mandated locations? (Housekeeping Office)
The eye wash bottle/station is located in easy reach of TMs? (i.e.main entrance door)
06-D: Eye Wash Bottles are in the correct mandated locations? (Engineering Office/Workshop/Painting Room)
The eye wash bottle/station is located in easy reach of TMs? (i.e.main entrance door)
06-E: Eye Wash Bottles are in the correct mandated locations? (Main Stewarding Area)
The eye wash bottle/station is located in easy reach of TMs? (i.e.main entrance door)
Practical Demonstrations and Testing
06-G: The TM questioned was able to explain what is the Eye Wash Bottle/Stations used for? and how to use it?
07 - Working at Heights
07-01: There is a full asset reference of all "working at heights" equipment? (Scaffold Platforms/Platform Lifts/Genie Lifts/Gondolas)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-WAH-001)?
Each item is identified by a unique reference number and location?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
07-02: There is a full up to date record of all persons trained and authorised to use working at heights equipment (Working at Height Certificated issued by Certified Training Institute)?
Signed and rubber stamped by the Chairman of the Health & Safety Committee?
Copy of the Permits to Work at Height Certificate of all TMs trained.
Copy of completed Permits to Work at heights Form are filed correctly?
07-03: The records of the annual inspection certification by external body of all working at heights equipment have been correctly filed? (electric platform lifts)
Copy of inspection report and verified?
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Full body safety harness
07-04: The property has a register of all safety harnesses correctly filed?
All safety harnesses are full body type - not belt?
Each item has a unique asset reference number?
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
07-05: The record of inspection of safety harnesses and working at height equipment prior to issue is correctly filed and validated?
07-06: The internal training records of all TMs on Basic principle and Procedures of working at height by Certified person is correctly filed?
There is a cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
07-A: All safety harness are in good condition?
07-B: All "working at heights" equipment are in good condition?
08 - Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
08-01: The property has a full asset register of all electrical appliances subject to PAT testing regulations?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-PAT-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
PAT Tester
08-02: The property has a PAT tester equipment?
Copy of calibrated report by certified external body within the past 12 months?
08-03: The record of the annual PAT test for all applicable appliances is correctly filed?
Records have been validated by the "named responsible person" for PAT?
Signed and rubber stamped by the Chairman of the H&S Committee?
Physical Inspection
08-A: All applicable appliances have been verified with either a "Safe to Use" sticker or have been removed from service?
Test date?
Test due date?
Practical Demonstration & Testing
08-B: The Engineering Department TM questioned was able to demonstrate his/her ability to use the PAT tester correctly (or carry out a PAT with a standard electrical test meter).
09 - Legionella
09-01: An ONYX Legionella Risk Assessment has been conducted within the past 12 months? (P.HS.01.062)
Validated by the "responsible person" for Legionella?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the Chairman/responsible person of the H&S Committee?
09-02: There is an action plan controlled by the H&S Committee addressing the points noticed on the risk assessment?
09-03: There is an ONYX Legionella Laboratory Screening Record Cover Sheet for all water laboratory tests correctly filled in and if completed for the year.
Correctly validated by the responsible person, date and rubber stamp?
09-04: Independent laboratory analysis reports for the signs of Legionella in "Domestic Water" systems are correctly filed and have been validated by the Chairman/responsible person of the H&S Committee? (P.HS.01.027)
Domestic Cold Water - Quarterly (1 of 4)?
Domestic Cold Water - Quarterly (2 of 4)?
Domestic Cold Water - Quarterly (3 of 4)?
Domestic Cold Water - Quarterly (4 of 4)?
Domestic Hot Water - Quarterly (1 of 4)?
Domestic Hot Water - Quarterly (2 of 4)?
Domestic Hot Water - Quarterly (3 of 4)?
Domestic Hot Water - Quarterly (4 of 4)?
09-05: Independent laboratory analysis reports for the signs of Legionella in "Swimming Pools and Jacuzzi" systems are correctly filed and have been validated by the Chairman/responsible person of the H&S Committee?
Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi - Quarterly (1 of 4)?
Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi - Quarterly (2 of 4)?
Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi - Quarterly (3 of 4)?
Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi - Quarterly (4 of 4)?
09-06: Independent laboratory analysis reports for the "Air Conditioning Cooling Tower Water" systems are correctly filed and have been validated by the Chairman/responsible person of the H&S Committee?
Cooling Tower Water - Quarterly (1 of 4)?
Cooling Tower Water - Quarterly (2 of 4)?
Cooling Tower Water - Quarterly (3 of 4)?
Cooling Tower Water - Quarterly (4 of 4)?
09-07: Independent laboratory analysis reports for the signs of "Air Conditioning Chilled Water" systems are correctly filed and have been validated by the Chairman/responsible person of the H&S Committee?
Chilled Water - Semi - annual (1 of 2)?
Chilled Water - Semi - annual (2 of 2)?
09-08: The daily record of the hot water temperature testing are correctly filed and validated? (>55 Degree Celcius)
Degree Celcius
09-09: The records of the annual shower head cleaning and descaling are correctly filed and validated? (P.HS.01.015)
Validated by the "responsible person" for Legionella?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
09-10: The annual training records of "Managing The Risk of Legionella in ONYX Properties" for TMs is correctly filed and validated by the "responsible person" for Legionella?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Includes all Engineering TMs?
Includes all HK TMs?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
09-A: A copy of ONYX Legionella Handbook is available for inspection, read and understood by Legionella responsible person?
10 - Medical Emergencies
10-01: The records of the training of Front Desk and Operator staff on the medical emergency check sheet are correctly filed and validated?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
10-02: There is a record of a full Medical Emergency Scenario Training within the past 12 months correctly filed and validated? <br>Note: This must be separate from the Swimming Pool Incident and Panic Button scenario training.
Report indicates who found the victim?
Report indicates what the person finding did?
Report includes time taken for ERT to arrive?
Report includes time taken for first aiders to arrive?
Report includes - Emergency First Aid Box was brought to scene?
Report includes - AED was brought to scene?
The training photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the Chairman/responsible person?
Physical Inspection
10-A: The Operator/Front Desk has the ONYX Medical Emergency Check Sheet available when checked? (P.HS.01.022)
Practical Demonstration & Testing
10-C: A Medical Emergency scenario was preformed adequately to the auditor?
11 - Water Hygiene
11-01: There is s full register of all water tanks? (P.HS.01.027)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-WAT-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
11-02: The record of water tank annual cleaning as per the ONYX Water Hygiene Matrix are correctly filed and validated?
Domestic Cold Water Tanks
Domestic Hot Water Tanks/Calorifier
Swimming Pool Surge Tanks
Fire Water Tanks
11-03: Independent laboratory analysis reports are correctly filed and validated? - (Number of laboratory analysis reports within the past 12 months)
Note: Not required Domestic hot water analysis for 2021
Domestic Cold Water - Monthly?
Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi Water - Monthly?
11-04: The daily record of testing potable water tanks for FAC are correctly filed and validated? (0.2 to 0.5 ppm)
Practical Demonstrations & Testing
11-A: At the time of the audit the FAC level at the final water storage tank was measured by the auditor to be between 0.2 - 0.5 ppm? (EPA recommendation)
FAC (ppm):
12 - Display Screen Regulations
12-01: The training record of all TMs required to use a display screen is up to date within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
13 - Personal Hygiene
13-01: The training record of all TMs is up to date within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
14 - Manual Handling
14-01: The training record of all TMs required to conduct Manual Handling is up to date within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
15 - Glass Panel Collision Avoidance
15-01: There is a full asset register listing all full height glass panels/doors with their respective locations? (2 rows 85-100 cm & 140-160 cm)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-GPC-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
15-02: The record of the annual visual inspection of glass panel collision avoidance decal stickers is correctly filed and validated?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
16 - Protection from Falling
16-01: A Protection from Falling Risk Assessment Master Register has been conducted within the past 12 months? (P.HS.01.061) (>0.6 m and or 2 steps)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard Risk Assessment format (Exp: ADB-RAS-PFF-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
16-02: There is a Protection from Falling Risk Assessment protective measures to deal with the areas identified in the Protection from Falling Risk Assessment Master Register?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard Risk Assessment format (Exp: ADB-RAS-PFF-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
16-A: Is there locks, alarms and/or CCTV to prevent unauthorised access to rooftop?
Balcony doors warning signage
16-B: All Guest Room balcony doors warning signage sticker are correctly installed?
"Do not leave children unattended on the balcony" sticker
"Please keep balcony door locked when not in use" sticker
16-C: The Guest Room balcony door has a high level latch/locking arrangement at 2m from the floor to prevent children accessing the balcony?
16-D: All Guest Room balcony balustrades are compliant with international regulations?
Overall height is not less than 1,100 mm/110 cm?
There are no gaps through which a 100mm/10cm sphere could pass?
There are no horizontal climbing allurements below 560 mm/56 cm from the floor?
There is no fitted furniture that present a climbing allurement?
17 - Baby Cots & High Chairs
17-01: There is a full register of all Baby Cots? (P.HS.01.028)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-BBC-001)?
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
17-02: Each type of Baby Cot has been accredited by an international safety accreditation bureau - this documentation is available for inspection? (AS/NZS 2172 or BS EN 716-1: 2017 or ASTM F1169, F 406).
17-03: There is an accurate record that each Baby Cot is inspected prior to issue to a Guest?
17-04: There are training records showing that all HK TMs have been trained in the safe way to set up a Baby Cot within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
17-05: There is a full register of all High Chairs? (P.HS.01.029)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-HIC-001)?
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
17-06: Each type of High Chair has been accredited by an international safety accreditation bureau - this documentation is available for inspection? (AS 4684-2009, or BS 14988-1:2006 + A1:2012 or ASTM F404-15).
17-07: There is an accurate record that each High Chair is inspected prior to issue to a Guest?
17-08: There are training records showing that all F&B TMs have been trained in the safe way to set up a High Chair within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
18 - Confined Spaces
18-01: There is s full register of all Confined Spaces in the property?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-CFS-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
18-02: There is a record that all Engineering Department TMs have been trained/refreshed in the risk, dangers and working procedures of Confined Spaces within the past 12 months?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
18-03: There are TMs in the Engineering Department has a valid "Confined Spaces Certificate" issued by an approved Occupational Safety & Health Training Centre? (as required by each country local regulations).
1) International Standard: UK Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. Section 2(2) (C).
2) Thailand: Ministerial Regulations on the Standard of Administration and Management of Occupational Safety, Health & Work Environment in Confined Spaces B.E 2547 (2004). -
18-04: There is a record of all "Confined Space Entry Permits" correctly filed?
Physical Inspection
18-A: The property has a Confined Spaces Kit available?
18-B: All Confined Space areas in the property are clearly marked "Confined Space"?
19 - Panic Alarms/Emergency Telephones
19-01: There is a full register of all Panic Alarms/Emergency Telephones in the property.
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-PNA-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
19-02: There is a record of the monthly testing of all Panic Alarms/Emergency Telephones correctly filed and validated?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
19-03: There is a record of the annual Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephones Drill correctly filed and validated? <br>Note. This must be separate from the Medical Emergency and Swimming Pool Incident Scenario Training.
Did the person noticing the Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone activation - issue an emergency code?
Did the drill report include the time for each member of the ERT to arrive?
Did the drill report include time panic alarm was sounded/called?
The photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
19-A: The Panic Alarms/Emergency Telephones located at 24/7 manned position?
19-B: There is a Panic Alarm at the Front Desk?
It is concealed?
19-C: There is a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone in the Gym/Fitness?
It is highly visible and clearly marked "EMERGENCY"?
19-D: There is a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone in the Kids Club?
It is highly visible and clearly marked "EMERGENCY"?
19-E: There is a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone in the Sauna and Steam Room?
It is highly visible and clearly marked "EMERGENCY"?
19-F: There is a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone in the Swimming pool/Pool bar?
It is highly visible and clearly marked "EMERGENCY"?
19-G: There is a Panic Alarm in the Finance Office?
It is concealed?
20 - Slips Trips & Falls
20-01: A Slips, Trips & Falls Risk Assessment Master Register has been conducted within the past 12 months? (P.HS.01.060)?<br>
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard Risk Assessment register format (Exp: ADB-RAS-STF-001)?
Engineering Department have completed?
Housekeeping Department have completed?
F&B Department have completed?
Kitchens Department have completed?
Front Office (Lobby & Porte Corchere) Department have completed?
Validated by the GM's signature and date?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the Chairman/responsible person?
20-02: There are a Slips, Trips & Falls Risk Assessment protective measures to deal with the areas identified in the Slips, Trips & Falls Risk Assessment Master Register?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard Risk Assessment format (Exp: ADB-RAS-STF-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
20-A: External steps (Porte Corchere and entrance) have sufficient lighting and handrail?
20-B: External steps (gardens) have sufficient lighting and handrail?
20-C: Swimming Pool Deck has sufficient lighting and handrail?
20-D: Internal steps (lobby) have sufficient lighting and handrails?
21 - Swimming Pools
21-01: THE ONYX Swimming Pool Safety Survey has been conducted within the past 12 months? (P.HS.01.014)?
A score of 90% or more was achieved?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
21-02: There are active follow ups on the action plan from survey resulted?
21-03: The record of the annual training of all F&B TMs on the "No glass allowed in pool area" policy is correctly filed and has been validated?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
21-04: The record of the annual training of all Engineering Department TMs on the "Pool Plant Room Safety Condition Policy" is correctly filed and has been validated?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
21-05: The record of the daily swimming pool testing for pH and FAC are correctly filed and validated?
21-06: The records of the weekly Swimming Pool Safety Inspection are correctly filed and validated?
21-07: There is a record of Annual Swimming Pool Lifesaving (Lifeguard) Training by external contractor within the past 12 months correctly filed and validated?
The photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
21-A: Swimming Pool Deck - Emergency Stop Button can easily be located and reached within 60 seconds?
21-B: Swimming Pool Deck - The Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone can be easily located and reached within 60 seconds?
21-C: Swimming Pool Deck - The ladders are sufficient in number, have 3 or 4 steps and are non-slip?
21-D: Swimming Pool Deck - All pool steps have an handrail?
21-E: The swimming pool has the Rules & Regulations signage readily visible and updated?
English language
Local language
21-F: The swimming pool recreation equipment (Water Slide) has the Rules & Regulations signage readily visible and updated?
English language
Local language
No Glass allow
21-G: The swimming pool has No Glass allow in the pool area signage readily visible?
21-H: The swimming pool deck has sufficient No Diving/Depth indication signs every 3m of pool perimeter?
No Lifeguard on duty
21-I: The swimming pool has sufficient numbers of prominent No Lifeguard on Duty signs?
At all entrance to swimming pool
21-J: The swimming pool has sufficient flotation devices?
21-K: The swimming pool has back board stretcher and neck brace visible?
21-L: Pool Plant Room: The Swimming Pool chemicals are correct stored?
Original Containers
Raised off the floor?
MSDS (laminated) and displayed on wall adjacent?
21-M: Pool Plant Room: Has sufficient lighting to work safely?
21-N: Pool Plant Room: Has sufficient ventilation to work safely?
Practical Demonstrations & Testing
21-O: At the time of the audit the FAC in the pool was measured by the auditor to be between 1 and 3 ppm?
FAC (ppm):
21-P: At the time of the audit the pH in the pool was measured by the auditor to be between 7.2 and 7.8?
21-Q: When lifted the Direct Dial RED Telephone was answered with 15 seconds and/or if the Panic Alarm was pressed a full Medical Emergency Response was initiated correctly?
22 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
22-01: The COSHH Master Register is complete and correctly validated? (P.HS.01.030)
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-COS-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
22-02: A COSHH Risk Assessment has been conducted within the past 12 months?
Engineering Department have completed?
Housekeeping Department have completed?
Stewarding/Kitchens Department have completed?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
22-03: The property has a dedicated Master MSDS Manual (or kept in this tab) containing a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for every substances on the COSHH Register?
22-04: The training records of all TMs trained in COSHH within the past 12 months is correctly filed?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
22-A: Engineering Department has a MSDS Manual containing the MSDS used by their department?
22-B: Housekeeping Department has a MSDS Manual containing the MSDS used by their department?
22-C: Stewarding Department has a MSDS Manual containing the MSDS used by their department?
22-D: The "Chemical Spill Kit" available?
23 - Automatic Doors & Shutters
23-01: There is a full register of all automatic doors and shutters in the property?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-ATD-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
23-02: The annual service record of maintenance by an approved service provider are correctly filed and validated?
24-01: The property has a correct TAGOUT/LOCKOUT procedure is in place? (P.HS.01.025)?
The LOTO kit is a commercially manufactured product?
The LOTO kit contains breaker locks?
The LOTO kits contains valve locks
The LOTO kit has high viability waterproof?
The LOTO kit has a LOTO register?
24-02: There is a record that the annual training on LOTO for all Engineering Department TMs is correctly filed and validated.
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
25 - Electrical Safety
25-01: There is a full register of all ELCB/RCBs in the property
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-ELC-001)?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
25-02: The record of the annual physical test of all ELCB/RCBs is correctly filed and validated?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
25-03: The annual external certification of wet area electrics by an external party has been correctly filed and validated?
Swimming Pool Lighting?
Swimming Pool Plant Room?
Sauna & Steam Room?
Garden Lights?
Physical Inspection
25-A: There is an Electrical Safety Poster displayed in the TMs Locker Rooms? (A3 Colour as Minimum)?
25-B: There is an Electrical Safety Poster displayed in the Engineering Workshop? (A3 Colour as minimum)?
25-C: There is an Electrical Safety Poster displayed in the Main Switchboard Room? (A3 Colour as minimum)?
25-D: There is an Electrical Safety Poster displayed in the Swimming Pool Plant Room? (A3 Colour as minimum)?
Practical Demonstrations & Testing
25-E: The ELCB/RCB had an annual test tally located on the outside of the DB and tripped the supply when tested?
26 - Kids Club
No document for Kids Club - Visual Inspection only
Access Control
26-A: There is an Electronic Key Card on the main Kids Club entrance door?
Above 1.5m high?
First Aid Box
26-B: There is a Ready Use - First Aid Box in the Kids Club. It is adequate for its location and it has a monthly inspection record tally attached? (P.HS.01.063) (Repeat 03-I).
Contents list attached and monthly check tally?
26-C: The Kids Club is monitored by CCTV?
26-E: There is an ONYX standard "CCTV in Operation" pictorial sign clearly visible?
26-F: There is a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone?
Electrical Safety
26-G: All General Purpose Power Sockets not in use are fitted with child proof sockets guards?
26-H: The power sockets for the Kids Club are protected by an Earth Fault Interruption Device?
Protection from Falling
26-I: There are no sets of steps of two or more risers?
26-J: All changes in level exceeding 0.6 m/60 cm have fully compliant protection from falling balustrades fitted?
Overall height of balustrade is not less than 1,100 mm/110 cm.
There are no gaps in the balustrade through which a 100 mm/10 cm sphere could pass?
There are no horizontal climbing allurements?
26-K: All full height glass panels and doors are fitted with two sets of collision avoidance markings?
Child Height : 85 cm - 100 cm
Adult Height: 140 -160 cm
27 - Gym/Fitness/Sports Facilities
27-01: The record of the monthly inspection and testing "free of defects" of the condition of all fitness equipment (including spa, sauna, steam room, children's play areas) is correctly filed?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
27-A: The gym access is key card controlled to prevent unauthorised access?
27-B: Fitness/Gym Rules & Regulations signage is clearly visible and updated?
English language
Local language
27-C: The gym has a Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone connected to 24/7 manned position?
27-D: Has a First Aid Kit?
27-F: The gym has a large scale, colour resuscitation poster - CPR?
Practical Demonstration and Testing
27-G: When tested the Panic Alarm/Emergency Telephone was answered within 15 seconds and ERT and/or Security TMs arrived within 180 seconds?
28 - Accessibility
No document for Accessibility - Visual Inspection only
Accessibility Review
28-01: The property has an accessibility for disable person?
Can wheelchair Guests reach all areas of the hotel?"
Do you have accessible rooms for wheelchair bound guests?
Do your Guest Rooms have visual fire alarm notification?
The elevator cars have low level car operation panels?
28-B: The elevator cars have voice directions to door opening, door closing, going up and going down?
29 - Guest Room
No document for Guest Room - Visual Inspection only
Scalding & Legionella
29-A: Temp of hot water (fully hot position) is above 55 but below 60?
Degree Celcius:
29-B: All shower head/water tap are not scaled and cleaned?
Glass Panels
29-C: Shower door and panels are tempered safety glass and have certification sticker?
Slips Trips & Falls
29-D: There are no noticeable uneven floors?
29-E: The bathroom floor is non-slip?
Protection from Falling
29-F: The balcony doors have high level locks to prevent children accessing?
29-G: The balcony doors have Do Not leave children unattended and Please keep balcony door locked signage displayed?
29-H: The balcony balustrades are fully compliant?
The overall height is greater than 1100 mm/110 cm?
There are no climbing allurements?
There are no gaps greater than 100 mm/10 cm?
There is no fitted furniture that create a climbing allurement?
29-I: All PAT items have been tested within the past 12 months and have a test sticker attached?
29-J: There is an ELCB/RCB fitted to the bathroom electrics?
29-K: There is an ELCB/RCB fitted to the Guest Room electrics?
29-L: There are no electrical sockets in the bathroom.
Waterproof socket?
29-M: The room has an Electronic key card access system?
29-N: The room has a double lock?
29-O: The room has a safety latch/chain?
29-P: The room has a security viewer?
30 - Traffic Management
30-01: The property has produced a Traffic Management Risk Assessment that identifies potential dangers from traffic within their property limits and methods to control?
ONYX Standard Form?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
30-2: The property has produced LSOP for Traffic Management Plan?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
Physical Inspection
30-A: The property has speed limit signs displayed?
Clearly visible to drivers at eye level?
30-B: The property has speed bumps deployed where appropriate?
30-C: The property has designated pavements (physically raised from road height)?
31 - Beach Safety
If property have direct access to beach need to do this audit.
31-A: The property has sufficient prominently display Beach safety regulations/warning signage detailing beach/water safety?
English language
Local language
32 - Laundry
32-01: There is an asset register of Emergency Stop Buttons?
ONYX Standard Form?
ONYX standard asset register format (Exp: ADB-ESB-001)?
Updated within the past 12 months?
Signed, dated and rubber stamped by the responsible person?
32-02: The records of the monthly testing of the Emergency Stop Buttons is correctly filed and validated?
Sign, date and by rubber stamp by the responsible person?
32-03: Records of the annual safety in workplace training (Machine/COSHH) for Laundry TMs within the past 12 months is correctly filed?
Cover page of all TMs annotated with "Required" or "Not Required"?
The training presentation/photo is included? (time & date stamped photos)
Sign, date and by rubber stamp by the responsible person?
Practical Demonstration & Testing
32-A: The Emergency Stop Buttons worked when tested?