Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title: On-site Sewage Management (OSSM)>
Container 537-05 -
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Ballina Shire Council OSSM Officer
Operating OSSM System Details
Distance to the nearest watercourse (m)
Number of bedrooms
Number of residents
Slope (%)
Number of tanks
Tank diameter (mm)
Tank volume/s
Water source
- Tank
- Bore
- Reticulated
System age
Nearest house (m)
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OSSM System Surrounding Environment Condition
Is there vegetation present?
- Yes
- No
Is there native vegetation dieback?
- Yes
- No
Do you need to remove vegetation around and in the tank to improve access for maintenance?
- Yes
- No
Is there weed infestation?
- Yes
- No
Is there localised flood potential?
- Yes
- No
Is there erosion potential?
- Yes
- No
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OSSM Tank Condition
Is there any indication of cracks, staining or leaks around the perimeter of the septic tank and/or pump well and/or holding tank?
- Yes
- No
Are there any gaps between the tank and the lid?
- Yes
- No
Is the tank lid suitable for the tank?
- Yes
- No
Does the tank have easily accessible inspection caps?
- Yes
- No
Are the inspection caps present and unbroken?
- Yes
- No
Has the primary septic tank been desludged in the last five years?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Does the tank need desludging (is the sludge level high or near the bottom of the inlet)?
- Yes
- No
Is any air vent attached to the septic tank/holding well in a functional state?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Is the tank in good condition, eg no cracks, leaks, damaged lids or walls?
- Yes
- No
Does tank need urgent repair/replacement due to major structural failure or undersizing?
- Yes
- No
Does the tank have a scum or crust layer?
- Yes
- No
Has the outlet filter been cleaned recently?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
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OSSM Tank Pumps
Does the pump operate when needed? Note. Trigger the float switches to check operation.
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Does the alarm work?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Has the pump been serviced in the last 12 months?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
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OSSM Tank Pipes
Are the pipes connecting the OSSM tank, pump well and/or holding well, or septic tank and trench, functioning and installed correctly?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Are there any unsealed pipes that allow untreated wastewater to escape?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Does internal pluming fixtures and fitting discharge to the tank?
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
Bathroom 1
- Yes
- No
Bathroom 2
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
WC/toilet 1
- Yes
- No
WC/toilet 2
- Yes
- No
WC/toilet 3
- Yes
- No
Grease trap installed
- Yes
- No
Grease trap operational
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
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Comments, Actions or Repairs Required
Comments, Actions or Repairs Required: Where a response in the above checklist needs extra information or action, specify the action plan and/or the process to fix the problem, or specify an alternative that is being offered.
I have read this report and understand the contents.
Property owner's signature
Inspection officer's name
- John Bruce: OSSM Officer
- Justin Ransom: OSSM Technical Officer
Inspecting officer's signature
Ballina Shire Council
Development and Environmental Health Group
40 Cherry Street
Telephone: (02) 6686 1210
Email: council@ballina.nsw.gov.au
PO Box 450 BALLINA NSW 2478
Rous Water On-site Wastewater Management Guidelines June 2008. Ballina Shire Council (2008). On-site Sewage and Wastewater Management Strategy. Converse, J.C & Tyler, E.J. (2000). Wisconsin Mound Soil Absorption System: Siting, Design and Construction Manual. https://www.env.nm.gov/fod/liquidwaste/documents/WisconsinMoundManual.p df Morand, D.T. (1994). Soil Landscapes of the Lismore-Ballina 1:100 000 Sheet. Soil Conservation Service of NSW, Sydney. NSW Department of Local Government (1998). Environment & Health Protection Guidelines: On-site Sewage Management for Single Households. DLG, Sydney. Standards Australia (2012). AS/NZS 1547:2012 On-site Domestic Wastewater Management. SAI Global, Sydney. Sydney Catchment Authority (2012) Designing and Installing On-site Wastewater systems, Sydney Catchment Authority. http://www.waternsw.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/58251/Designing- and-Installing-On-Site-Wastewater-Systems-complete-document.pdf