Title Page
Site Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
First impressions, Does entrance foyer look clean & well maintained? <br>
Door entry system, Clean and in working order?
Main entry door, Clean, in working order, secure & good condition? <br>
Fire Log Book, Completed, up to date & covers all periodically-tested fire installations?<br>
No Smoking signs, Is there a No Smoking sign at entry to development?<br>
Smoking, Does the communal area look free from people smoking?<br>
Post boxes, Clean & tidy? (eg. no junk mail)<br>
Carpet / flooring, Clean, good condition & free from damage?
Skirtings & surfaces, Wooden surfaces clean & dustfree?
Windows, Clean & in good order?
Lighting, Clean & working? (ie. no light bulbs out)
Sensors, Are there sensors to control the lighting?
Walls & ceilings, Painted surfaces in good order?
Fixtures & fittings, Clean & in good order? (e.g. doors, light fittings etc.)
Heaters, Turned to 'Off', if they should be?
Signage, In place & look good? (evacuation, info & mandatory)
Signage / Notice Boards, Current? Sufficient to help residents? (e.g. directions)
Bannisters & handrails, Clean, secure & in good order?
Lift, Clean?
Lift, Is alarm/phone working? (test it), no noise, good order?
Obstructions to hallways, Free from bikes, pushchairs, boxes etc?
Obstructions to stairs, Free from litter and obstructions?
Electrical sockets, In good condition, not damaged & turned off?
Cleaning materials, If stored on site, are COSHH sheets present?
PAT Testing, Is electrical equipment tagged and in date?
Fire Extinguishers, In place & tested?
Fire doors, Closed, not wedged open? Self closers working?
Fire doors, Signage on both sides?
Fire exits, Unobstructed from both sides?
Compartmentation, All ok with no obvious routes for fire or smoke to spread?
Fire action notices, In place by each fire extinguisher (if applicable) and exits?
Fire escape routes, Adequately signed? See from 360 degrees at any point?
Fire escape routes, Unobstructed? All doors into the escape routes are fire resisting?
Riser cupboards, All locked & free from obstruction/combustible items?
AOVs, Unobstructed?
Meter readings, Take note of the meter readings (if needed)
BIN STORES (Residents can judge us entirely by the state of the Bin Stores!)
Bin stores, Clean, tidy & well organised?
Signage, In place & look good? (recycling, instructions etc)
First impressions, Clean & well maintained?
Gates (car & pedestrian), Clean, in good working order & closing correctly?
Railings & fences, Clean, no damage & well maintained?
Litter, Is the site free from litter & rubbish?
Lighting, Clean & working? (ie. no light bulbs out)
Sensors, Are there sensors to control the lighting?
Paving / flooring, Clean, good order & secure? (eg. no cracks)
Façade, Clean and free of any damp? (eg. Brickwork, render)
Lightning Protection, In good order?
Balconies, Well presented? (eg. no washing, satellite dishes etc)
Gutters & drains, Clear & in good order?
Windows, Clean & in good order? (from exterior)
Fixtures & fittings, Clean & in good order? (e.g. doors, light fittings etc.)
Signage, In place & look good? (evacuation, info & manadatory)
Signage, Sufficient to help residents? (e.g. directions/bin stores)
Parking Control, Are the correct signs in place? (ie. no clamping)
Roofs, No sign of defects and access restricted.
First impressions, Clean & well maintained?
Grass, Well maintained?
Edge of lawns, Well trimmed?
Fallen leaves, Picked up? (seasonal)
Trees, shrubs & plants, Pruned & in good order (no fungus)? No potential damage/injury to persons or property from overhanging branches?
Weeds, Are gardens or paved areas weedfree?
Trip Hazards, Are plants along pathways sufficiently pruned to avoid?
Play Areas
First impressions, Clean & well maintained?
Site Access, Clear & in good order?
Site Notices, Clean & in good condition?
Play Area, Clean & well maintained?
Litter Bins, Clean, well maintained & regularly emptied?
Fences & Gates, Clean, no damage, well maintained & secure?
Seating, Is seating in good repair?
Play Areas - Equipment
All Items of Equipment, Is the paintwork or other finishes in good condition?
All Items of Equipment, Are all fittings or fixings in position and secure?
All Items of Equipment, Is it free of any protrusions or sharp edges?
All Items of Equipment, Are all moving parts working freely and quietly?
All Items of Equipment, Can you confirm there is nothing broken or damaged?
All Items of Equipment, Is the wood/metalwork free from damage?
All Items of Equipment, Are all safety surfaces in good condition?
All Items of Equipment, Is the equipment free from any other obvious hazards present on site?
Car Park, Store Room & Bike Stores
First impressions, Clean & well maintained? (eg. no litter, junk)
Paved areas, Clean & well maintained (eg. line markings)?
Signage, Good condition & adequate?
Lighting, Clean, working? (ie. no light bulbs out) & adequate?
Bike / store rooms, Clean & well maintained?
Plant Rooms, Systems and Services
Plant Room, Is sign on Plant room door in place?
Plant Room, Locked & free from combustible materials?
Plant Room, Has all plant & equipment been identified on site? (e.g. lifts, pumps, water tanks etc.)
Plant Room, Are all mandatory tests being carried out and corrected actions taken?
Plant Room, Is there an engineering policy for inspection and/or insurance in place for lift and other requirements?
Solar Equipment, Operating? No faults?
Fire Alarm Panels, Operating? No faults?
Dry Risers, Secure, no damage & locked?
CCTV, Recording? Cameras working? Signage?
CHP Plant, Operating? No faults?
Water Tank, Secure & in good order?
Water Pumps, Operating? No faults?
Fire Equipment Testing, Is up to date and recorded in the Fire Log Book?
Leisure Facilities / Common Room
First impressions, Clean & well maintained?
Flooring, Clean, good condition & no damage?
Windows, Clean & in good order?
Walls & ceilings, Painted surfaces in good order?
Fixtures & fittings, Clean & in good order?
Lighting, Clean, working? (ie. no light bulbs out) & adequate?
Sensors, Are there sensors to control the lighting?
Signage, In place & look good? (evacuation, info & mandatory)
Signage, Sufficient to help residents? (e.g. directions/rules)
Equipment, Clean & in good working order? (eg. gym)
Swimming pool & plant, Clean & in good condition?
Bath/change rooms, Clean & in good condition?
Site Office and Team
First impressions, Clean & well presented?
Flooring, Clean, good condition & no damage?
Windows, Clean & in good order?
Walls & ceilings, Painted surfaces in good order?
Fixtures & fittings, Clean & in good order?
Lighting, Clean, working? (ie. no light bulbs out) & adequate?
Equipment, Clean, tidy, in good working order?
Stock, Site correctly stocked? (cleaning products, lightbulbs)
Keys, Correctly labelled & securely stored?
Paperwork, Is the Scope of Services up to date & correctly completed?
Paperwork, Emergency lighting tests correctly logged?
Paperwork, Fire system testing correctly logged?
Fire Log Book, Fire Log Book completed correctly and up to date?
Paperwork, Meter readings taken & logged in last month?
Procedures, Following correct procedures (ie. H&S)
Uniform, Correct and presentable? (eg. shirts in, trousers clean)
Uniform PPE, Wearing correct PPE as necessary?
Is Everything Correct
QSA Actions, Have all actions from last QS Audit been completed?
Lift Inspection Reports, Up to date. Actioned. Saved correctly on system?
Lift Maintenance Reports, Up to date. Actioned. Saved correctly on system?
H&S/Fire Risk Assessments, Up to date. Actioned. Saved correctly on system?
Fire Equipment, Up to date. Actioned. Saved correctly on system?
NICEIC Tests, Up to date. Actioned. Saved correctly on system?
Keys, All necessary keys tagged & stored correctly?
Gate Codes, Saved in Qube? (on Access tab)
Is Everything Correct? Is everything valid, uptodate & actioned? Saved in Qube correctly?
Does The Estate Look Great?
Imagine you lived here, would you be happy? What is the overall impression?