Title Page

  • Farm Name or Field Identification

  • Parcel Location
  • City / Town, State & County
  • Producer

  • Date submitted

Land Requirements

  • Area (specify units) to be certified organic

  • Do you have a map to identify the distinct location, size, boundaries and buffers of this parcel?

  • Attach the map.

  • Describe the distinct, defined boundaries of this land; and the size and features of buffer zones.

  • Describe production practices and/or management history of this land for 3 years before the anticipated harvest of an organic crop.

  • List the last application date(s), location(s) and type of prohibited material(s) used (e.g., synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, treated seed, sewage sludge or biosolids)

  • Prohibited Material
  • Type of Prohibited Material Used

  • Specify.

  • Last Application Date

  • Location
  • Attach documentation of land management history (materials used and their application dates).

  • Does your recordkeeping system demonstrate compliant practices related to the separation of any crops grown in buffer zones from organic sales?

  • Briefly describe your practices.

Description of Operation, Soil, Crop Nutrient Management, and Crop Rotation

  • Organic Production to be Certified

  • Describe.

  • Production Sites and Methods

  • Describe.

  • Marketing and Sales Methods

  • Describe.

  • Attach any other management plans and certifications you have attained or are pursuing (e.g., food safety, fair trade, conservation programs, organic livestock or handling).

  • Describe specifically how your soil improvement, crop nutrient management and crop rotation practices meet organic goals.

  • Methods used to verify the effectiveness of your soil/crop nutrient management and crop rotation plans

  • Monitoring Method
  • Method

  • Frequency or Timing

  • Does your recordkeeping system demonstrate implementation and monitoring of compliant soil and crop nutrient management, and crop rotation practices?

  • Supporting Evidence

  • Describe.

  • Do you use compost or manure?

  • Describe your compost and/or manure use and management.

  • Indicate how your recordkeeping system demonstrates compliant practices related to production, management and use of manure and compost.

  • Compost containing manure or animal products is:

  • Attach your compost supplier's copy of the time, temperature and turning schedule and Certificate of Analysis (COA) for microbial activity

  • Attach sample records of production including methods (in-vessel/static pile with aeration vs. windrow); ingredients or feedstock; temperature and turnings; curing or finishing

  • Type of Manure

  • Raw manure is:

  • Processed manure is:

Natural Resources of Operation and Biodiversity Conservation Management


  • Describe soil (e.g., type or classification, slope, texture, structure, organic matter content, and/or other characteristics relevant to soil conservation and improvement)

  • Indicate the practices you use to maintain or improve soil

  • Describe.


  • Describe water (e.g., groundwater, surface water, irrigation and wash water sources; comments or concerns regarding supply or water quality):

  • Indicate the practices you use to maintain or improve water conservation and quality

  • Describe.

  • Is irrigation water used?

  • Indicate the practices you use to maintain or improve water conservation and quality

  • Describe.

Woodlands & Wetlands

  • Describe woodlands (e.g., forest, grassland, scrub or chaparral; species mixtures and proportion of area; production benefits such as windbreak, watershed, or habitat functions).

  • Describe wetlands (watershed, riparian areas, water bodies or storage features that double as habitat).

  • Indicate the practices you use to maintain or improve woodlands and wetlands (and other habitat types, as applicable)

  • Describe.

Wildlife & Biodiversity

  • Describe wildlife / biodiversity (common, threatened, endangered or invasive species; implications for predator-prey relationships, practical management strategies, challenges or benefits)

  • Indicate the practices you use to maintain or improve wildlife, ecological balance and biodiversity (including Control of Invasive Species)

  • Describe.

  • Describe how your monitoring methods verify and recordkeeping systems demonstrate that your natural resource practices and biodiversity conservation management plans are effectively implemented.

  • Methods used to verify and recordkeeping systems demonstrate that your natural resource practices and biodiversity conservation management plans are effectively implemented.

  • Monitoring Method
  • Method

  • Frequency

  • Tracking

Seedlings, Seed & Planting Stock

  • Indicate the types of seedlings, planting stock, seeds, seed treatments & inoculants you use

  • Describe.

  • Additional steps and/or strategies to source the highest possible proportion of your seed and planting stock as certified organic

  • Describe.

Pest, Disease & Weed Management

  • Recurrent or potential pest, disease, and weed problems

  • Weed Management Plan Preventative Practices

  • Describe.

  • Crop Pest Management Plan Preventative Practices

  • Describe.

  • Crop Disease Management Plan Preventative Practices

  • Describe.

  • Indicate disease to be controlled by burning

  • Specify diseases and circumstances for use of material inputs (allowed only if other methods are insufficient)

  • Describe how your monitoring methods verify and recordkeeping systems demonstrate compliant practices related to pest monitoring, prevention, and materials-based pest management

Materials List (Input Substances)

  • Product Name and Formulation, or Generic Material Type

  • Manufacturer or Raw Material Supplier

  • Intended Use or Purpose of Material

  • Restriction or Annotation / Preventative Practices Used

  • Third-Party Verification

  • Describe how your recordkeeping system demonstrates compliant practices related to sourcing and use of materials.

  • Describe.

Audit Trail, Traceability & Production Verification

  • Attach a sample sequence of documents that make up your audit trail.

  • Describe how each part of your recordkeeping system links to the next component to create a continuous audit trail to track your organic product.

  • Certified producers are required to keep all records for 5 years from their creation.

  • Attach all quantifiable recordkeeping related to each crop produced, land area, the timeframe of harvest and sales, and records of inventory in storage, if any.

Labeling and Representation of Organic Product

  • Name / Label / Brand

  • Specify:

  • Attach a full-color sample of each retail or non-retail label you use.

  • Attach any other written, printed, audiovisual, or graphic market information you use that identifies the product as certified organic (e.g. printed twist ties or rubber bands, signage used at farmers markets or farm stands, CSA newsletter, website, advertising, brochures, pamphlets or flyers, catalogs, or poster).

Contamination & Commingling Risk Assessment & Prevention Plan

    Prohibited Materials & Heavy Metals Risk
  • Identify potential risk

  • Describe your prevention plan to reduce risk

  • Prohibited Materials & Heavy Metals Risk Control
  • Monitoring Method

  • Frequency

  • Pathogens Risk
  • Identify area of potential risk

  • Describe your prevention plan to reduce risk

  • Pathogens Risk Control
  • Monitoring Method

  • Frequency

  • Do you use facilities for post-harvest handling, storage, packing, or processing the organic product?

  • List all facilities.

  • Attach a current organic certificate or storage affidavit, as applicable.


  • Do you affirm that this OSP accurately describes all aspects of your current organic operation?

  • Will you follow this plan and maintain all appropriate records and documentation?

  • Will you permit on-site inspections by the certifying agent and its designated representatives, with complete access to the production and/or handling operation, including non-certified production and handling areas, structures and offices?

  • Do you understand that your operation may be subject to announced and/or unannounced inspections and/or sampling at any time as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with NOP Regulations?

  • Do you agree to maintain all records applicable to your organic operation for not less than 5 years beyond their creation and to allow authorized representatives of the Secretary, applicable State organic program's governing State official, and certifying agent access to such records during normal business hours for review and copying to determine compliance?

  • I affirm that all information in this OSP is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • Authorized Representative Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.