Site conducted
Oriel Reference
Customer name
Oriel Contractor
- AES - Marconi
- All Trades (GB) Ltd
- Almerico Ltd
- Aspen Restoration
- Atlas Restoration Ltd
- B & M Babbage
- B&W Builders & Decorators Ltd
- Bakers of Danbury
- BMC East Ltd, Norwich
- Chartered Property Repairs
- C Hanlon Ltd
- Clean Restore Build Ltd
- Collard Construction Ltd
- Compass Building
- DJ Hutchings T/A DJH Ravcon
- Edinmore Ltd
- Elmtree Contracts
- The Forshaw Group
- FSH Maintenance Ltd
- Garrard Building
- Gelder Group
- Goodyer Limited
- H & J Ltd
- Harcross Specialist Ltd
- Heightvale Ltd
- Independent Restoration
- Instant Property Maintenance Ltd
- Keestone Contractors Ltd
- Landway Construction Ltd
- LRL Property Services Ltd
- McMillans Perfect Restoration
- Moore & Faloon
- Prodrive (Property Maintenance) Ltd
- React UK Ltd
- R Benson Property Maintenance Ltd
- R E Spencer Ltd
- R Flisher Ltd
- Red Dragon Cleaning
- Relko Group Ltd
- Response UK
- Roywood Contractors
- S A Platt Builders Ltd
- Sundridge Building Group
- TEC Services NW Ltd
- Titan Refurbishments Limited
- Topmarx Ltd
- Top Notch Contractors Ltd
- Total Repair Service Ltd
- Uplands Retail Ltd
- Westone Housing
- Woofenden Construction Ltd
- Other
Report completed by
Mobile no of technician
Date of visit
Document No.
Job specifics
Please insert a photograph of the property (ensure you have the permission of the owner)
Please insert photo of the property
Building fabric and services information
Approximate date of construction of the property
Type of property
- Detached
- Semi-detached
- End-terraced
- Mid-terraced
- Bungalow
- Dormer bugalow
- Cottage
- Flat / apartment / tenement
- Listed property
Provide details of the main construction of the external walls
- Solid - brick
- Solid - stone
- Solid - cob
- Cavity: brick - brick
- Cavity: brick - block
- Cavity: block - block
- Timber frame
- Other
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Provide details of the main construction of internal walls
- Ground floor solid / Other floors stud work
- Ground floor Stud work / Other floors stud work
- Ground floor solid / Other floors solid
- Other
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Confirm details of the floor construction (ground);
- Suspended with timber floorboards
- Suspended with chipboard floor
- Solid concrete
- Solid concrete with floating floor
- Other
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Details of internal woodwork
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Meter readings
Please obtain electricity, gas and water meter readings. Record the details and add photos to evidence this. Note if no access available
Electricity meter reading
Gas meter reading
Water meter reading
Evidence of all meter readings
Peril information
Damage caused by:
Source of the water
- External water main
- Internal cold water feed pipe
- Internal hot water feed pipe
- Internal waste pipe
- Ingress due to roof failure
- Flood of river / sea water
- Water storage (tanks/cylinders, etc)
- Drainage failure
- Other
Provide detail of water source
Has the cause of the incident been fixed / addressed?
Depth of water
Type of water
Duration of water within property
Category of fire
- Fast burning
- Slow burning
- Protein
Types of soot residues identified/ possible
- Corrosive
- Dry
- Odorous
- Plastic
- Protein
- Wet
- Not known
Is it possible that the cause of the fire could lead to a recovery of the repair costs?
If an electrical item has failed then try to confirm details of what the item is. Give consideration to whether the item needs to be isolated or left undisturbed. If forensic investigations are required or been undertaken then give details.
Give details of any other issues or concerns. -
Provide details / information to assist with this
Add photos of the seat of the fire
Provide a brief description of what has caused the damage
Photograph of source of damage
Risk Assessment
Site specific risk assessment.
You must provide confirmation of site specific issues noted during the visit.
Are there any disabled persons living at the property?
Provide further information
Are the works likely to affect access to/from the property?
Provide further information
Are there any elderly / infirm persons living at the property?
Provide further information
Are there any young children living at the property?
Provide further information
Are there any pets, particularly dogs?
You need to confirm that the customer is able to keep the pets in a secure location away from the work area.
Provide further information
Are there any other personal considerations to be taken into account?
Provide further information
Please enter any additional comments here
PROJECT SPECIFIC - What are the main dangers on site?
Make an assessment of all hazards that could impact on operatives, the customer and the general public at this site. List them all here. -
Select all relevant hazards identified during your visit
- Slips / trips / falls
- Electric shock
- Chemical handling
- Manual handling
- Falling debris
- Sharps / knives / needles
- Bio / toxic hazard
- Working at heights
- Lone working
- Confined spaces
- Deep water & concealed sumps, etc
- Transport of plant / goods
- Provision & Use of Work Equipment
- Poor lighting
- Potential asbestos containing materials
- Other
- None identified
You have identified the possibility of ACMs in the property. Have you either taken a sample (by reference to the correct sampling methodology) or arranged for a sample to be taken for testing?
Provide details of any asbestos testing requirements so that this can be arranged
Are the electrics suitable for use?
Provide details of any electrical works required
Please confirm details of other hazards identified:
Are any emergency works required?
Provide details of any emergency works required
Are specific controls required to prevent/reduce site risks?
Provide details of what controls are required.
WORKING TOGETHER - Enter details of all parties present or likely to attend on site during stabilisation period
- Adjuster
- Building Contractor
- Customer
- Restoration Contractor
- Surveyor
- Other (please specify)
Site inspection report
Confirmation of stabilisation work undertaken in each area.
Remember that the stabilisation phase is about getting rid of any standing water, removing any wet /potentially contaminating items, quickly assessing items that could potentially be restored, controlling the environment of the property and producing a plan of action in order to minimise any subsequent secondary damage.
Tap on "Add Area no." to create the 1st area. This will open up Work Area 1 and allow you to start creating the details of that work area. This will allow you to confirm details of each area and detail what stabilisation work you have undertaken. It will also allow you to complete a moisture measurement plan and add in a number of readings for that area (though this may be required at the final stabilisation visit).
You can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area. -
Add in a new area for each room
Area no.
Room / area
- Porch
- Hall
- Lounge
- Dining room
- Kitchen
- Conservatory
- Utility room
- Larder
- WC
- Under stairs cupboard
- Study
- Other reception room
- Stairwell
- Garage
- Cellar
- Landing
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- Bedroom 3
- Bedroom 4
- Bedroom 5
- Bathroom
- En suite
- Loft
- Other room(s)
- N/A
Enter the names of the "other" rooms
Is the room box or L-shaped?
Room length (metres - to two decimal places)
Room width (metres - to two decimal places)
Room height (metres - to two decimal places)
Length of inset (metres - to two decimal places)
Width of inset (metres - to two decimal places)
Have kitchen units been damaged by the peril?
Approximate quality specification of kitchen
Confirm details of the damaged items
- Base units - carcass only
- Base units - including fronts
- Wall units - carcass only
- Wall units - including fronts
- White good housing units - carcass only
- White good housing units - including fronts
- Worktops
- Plinths
Please remember that you need to actually use the slider to select the quantity (so if your answer is "0" you need to move the slider along and then back to "0"). If you don't do so the form will think you have not provided an answer.
Nr of damaged base units
Nr of damaged wall units
Nr of undamaged base units
Nr of undamaged wall units
Please add at least 2 general shots of the room and views of the affected area so that subsequent visitors could recognise the room.
Remember that this report is being sent to people that may not have visited the property. Your photographs need to help show what has happened. Do not add blurred or dark images.
Has less than 25% of the floor/ceiling area been directly impacted by the incident?
Enter the size of the area directly affected in m2
Have any contents been affected as a result of the incident?
This section requires completion to list contents that you need to work on in order to stabilise the property and reduce further damage. For example if you need to move the item to an unaffected area to prevent secondary damage then list it here.
There is no need to use this section to list BER items. This is about listing items where your restoration skills help to save items that can be saved. -
You now need to click "+ Add Item No." to begin listing details of each item that you are dealing with as part of the stabilisation of the property. Further items can be added by also selecting "+ Add".
Item No.
You will need to complete a description, assessment of the age, pre-incident condition, approximate value to replace, your triage assessment of condition and confirm what action you have completed on each item.
If the item is electrical then please try to record the make, model and serial numbers of the item.
If there are a number of similar items then there is no need to list them individually at this stage, though you should try to group them together depending on your triage assessment of their condition. -
Description of the item
Please add useful photos of the item(s)
Age of the item
- <1 year
- 1-2 years
- 2-3 years
- 3-4 years
- 4-5 years
- 5-10 years
- >10 years
Approximate cost of the item
Assessment / view of the pre-incident condition of the item(s)
Triage assessment of the item<br>R = restorable, A = attempt restoration, BER = Beyond Economic Repair
Action taken with the item
- Inspected only
- Removed to another room
- Removed outside or to an outbuilding
- Removed & disposed
- Packaged & boxed for storage off site
- Removed to off-site storage
- Restore on site
- Appointed specialist restorer
- Further action required
Provide details of the further action required
To add additional items go back up the form and select the "+ Add Item No." or "+ Add" buttons
If contents are present but 'not' affected by the incident ensure you complete measures to prevent secondary damage. If actions are required by others note in the 'Action Plan for Contents' in the summary section of the report.
Detail all of the actions that you have undertaken to stabilise this work area.
Confirm what equipment has been left in this area
- Dessicant dehumidifiers
- Refrigerant dehumidifiers
- Air movers / paddle fans
- Air scrubbers / managers
- Other equipment
- None
How many Dessicant dehumidifiers?
How many refrigerant dehumidifiers?
How many air movers / paddle fans?
How many air scrubbers / managers?
Confirm type of equipment
How many other items?
Do you need to include details of moisture measurement readings in this report?
Provide a sketch plan locating the "moisture reading locations" and the "datum moisture reading locations" as per the standard measures. You need to show where each of your readings has been taken rom (including your equilibrium target measure) by drawing a number that corresponds with the readings that you take.
Provide details of moisture readings taken in this area
Moisture reading at location
Add readings taken at this location
Reading no.
Type of reading
- Concrete Moisture Content
- Equilibrium Relative Humidity
- In Depth Probes
- Moisture Content in Wood
- Datum CMC
- Datum ERH
- Datum IDP
- Datum MCiW
- Other
Reading obtained
Temperature at time of reading (in degrees C)
It may be that you wait until all necessary stabilisation has been completed before taking these readings as this could make a difference.
Remember, you can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area.
Provide confirmation of what actions you have taken during the visit and a summary of how you have left things. If you have stripped items out then confirm exactly what you have done and why. If you have left equipment on site then list what you have left, where it is and why you think it was of benefit to do so.
You will also need to advise if there are any issues that could affect the drying / restoration of the property. -
Provide a summary of your inspection findings and justification for the work completed:
Are you aware of any pre-existing problems / issues that could affect the drying / restoration of the property?
Provide full details of any issues
Classification of Damage, Building Repair & Claim Risk Based Indicators
You need to provide details regarding the severity of the damage at the property.
What category does the damage fall into?
Cosmetic: damage to the finishes of the property, eg smoke/soot/water damage to wallpaper, laminate floors, etc.
Minor structural: damage to plaster, flooring materials, etc.
Major structural: as minor but with damage to structural timbers, major roof damages, etc. -
Ensure that you consider the severity of the damage and highlight what would be required to minimise the potential for secondary damage.
Does the project require Building Consultant / Sergon involvement (refer to flags below)
Is it a flood or fire claim?
Is it an EOW claim likely to involve AA?
EOW were the kitchen or bathroom affected to a significant degree?
Are alternative facilities available within the property
Is it a claim where 4 or more rooms are affected?
Does the claim involve high cost items at risk (e.g. hardwood floor)?
Any other specific/complex issue?<br>(e.g. customer is vulnerable and needs to remain at home)
Provide additional information
If any 'RISK' indicators are positive the claims owner is to review with the Building Consultant / Sergon and provide an instruction, as appropriate, in accordance with agreed client guidelines. The information may be reviewed at the Building Assessment (stabilisation) call with the Building Consultant.
QUESTION FILTER - is the incident considered a 'Wet Peril' or there is a requirement for drying?
- Advise customer of any planned day 2 to 6 site activity, to complete stabilisation works within agreed D.A.
- Agree return date, with the customer, for the concluding visit for stabilisation; update Property Link due end date immediately with the same date.
- Ensure Building Assessment review is arranged with Building Consultant / Sergon, in line with client guidelines. -
Consider the complete 'Restoration' phase of the claim.
Will the property likely be dry within the initial stabilisation phase (7 days)?
What is the expected drying duration, including stabilisation (7 days)?
Given the nominal additional time; can you achieve Stabilisation +, by creation of a targeted/technical drying regime immediately by the use of polythene sheeting, directing heat/air flow or similar; to improve opportunity to complete restoration at conclusion of stabilisation phase.
Please ensure you consider alternative options and techniques to reduce the drying time, ready to discuss with the Building Consultant / Sergon / Claims Owner at the appropriate time (typically end of stabilisation).
- Recorded readings are not a priority as you have indicated the property is wet sufficiently for artificial drying to be likely. However, minimal readings would assist in understanding the severity of the incident.
- Consider area, number and type of measurements required for moisture readings. It is expected that all moisture measure points are installed following the Building Assessment / Post Stabilisation call, prior to leaving site.
- Advise customer of any planned day 2 to 6 site activity, to complete stabilisation works within agreed D.A.
- Agree return date, with the customer, for the concluding visit for stabilisation; update Property Link due end date immediately with the same date.
- Ensure Building Assessment / Post Stabilisation call is arranged with Building Consultant / Sergon for the same date. -
- Ensure readings are taken and recorded.
- Advise customer of any planned day 2 to 6 site activity, to complete stabilisation works within agreed D.A.
- Agree return date, with the customer, for final inspection, including final readings and completion of 'Termination of Drying' certificate. Record on Property Link as 'Due End' date.
- Ensure Building Assessment / Post Stabilisation call is arranged with Building Consultant / Sergon. -
Is Stabilisation + being Attempted?
Ensure readings are taken and recorded - Update customer and book return visit
Enter brief description of stabilisation + activity
You must take photographs of Stabilisation + activity to substantiate plus approach
KII's - Does the project require additional review by the Claims Owner?
Occupancy of the property: Is there anything to suggest the property is not occupied? <br>E.g. limited or no furnishings; property is for sale, renovations are on-going, preventing any person living at the property.
Please contact your manager and request they contact the claims owner immediately.
Behaviour / attitude of the insured: During your visit has the customer’s behaviour changed towards you?<br>Is the insured being represented by someone else for no apparent reason?
Questionable circumstances:<br>Has fire damage started in more than one area of the property? <br>Has water damage occurred in areas you didn’t expect?
Buildings damage: Does the damage appear typical, especially given the duration between incident and your visit?<br>E.g. damage to ceilings in unlikely places? Lack of water staining/wet to timber joists in areas damaged? Unusual impact marks? Disconnected overflow devices?
Contents damage: Has damage occurred to non expected items?<br>E.g. furnishings from areas outside the locations? Has any items already been removed and disposed of? Items not expected in affected areas?
Please include any photographs you feel relevant to the above
Action plan for Buildings element following this visit:
You need to provide details of all steps necessary to progress the Building element of this claim. Think about what the barriers to movement are and what needs to be done to remove them. If you need asbestos test results, electricians, etc then provide detail.
Action plan details
Action no.
What needs to be done next in order to move this claim forward?
Specify person responsible for action
Based on the Action Plan produced confirm the anticipated next inspection date
For stabilisation we do not expect that the "anticipated next inspection date" will be more than 5 days from the date of the 1st visit.
If authority has been given to move to a standard drying phase then provide details of the next review date. -
Have you kept the customer fully informed of your proposed actions?
Please explain why the action plan has not been discussed with the customer
Action plan for Contents element following this visit:
You need to provide details of all steps necessary to progress the Contents element of this claim. Think about what the barriers to movement are and what needs to be done to remove them. If you need asbestos test results, electricians, a clean room for storage of contents, etc then provide detail.
Action plan details
Action no.
What needs to be done next in order to move this claim forward?
Action due by:
Specify person responsible for action
Based on the Action Plan produced confirm the anticipated next inspection date
For stabilisation we do not expect that the "anticipated next inspection date" will be more than 5 days from the date of the 1st visit.
If authority has been given to move to a standard drying phase then provide details of the next review date. -
Have you kept the customer fully informed of your proposed actions?
Please explain why the action plan has not been discussed with the customer