
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Family/Practice Name: <br>

  • Assessment Date:

  • Facility/Practice Address:

  • Facility/Practice Manager:

  • Person Preparing Report:

  • Contact Telephone number:

I. General Information

  • Description of Facility/Practice activities:

  • Description of Assessment Area:

  • Ownership:

  • Is property leased?

  • Is property owned?

  • Address & phone number of Law Enforcement Jurisdiction:

  • Operating Hours:<br>Weekdays: <br>Saturday:<br>Sunday:

II. Building & Perimeter

  • Total number of perimeter entrances/exits:

  • Are all entrances/exits supervised?<br>If not, how are they controlled?

  • Perimeter fence(s) present?

  • If yes: Type:<br>Height:<br>Distance from Building:<br>Barbed Wire Top:

  • Roof openings or entries?<br>If yes, are they secured & how?

  • Floor grates, ventilation openings?<br>If yes, are they secured & how?

  • Adjacent occupancy?<br>If yes, describe:

  • Shrubs present?<br>If yes, are they in good condition & away from building?

  • Criminal activity in area?<br>If yes, describe:

  • Narcotics stored on site?<br>If yes, are they secured & how?

III. Vehicular Movement

  • Is employee parking within perimeter fence?

  • Do employees have access to vehicles during work hours?

  • Do vehicles have passes or decals?

IV. Lighting

  • Is perimeter lighting provided? If yes, is it adequate?

  • Is there an emergency lighting system within the facility?

  • Are all the exits sufficiently lighted?

  • Is external lighting in use during all night hours?

  • Is external lighting adequate for parking areas?

  • How is lighting external checked/maintained?

V. Locking Controls

  • Does the facility/practice have adequate control and records for all keys?

  • Is a master key system in use?

VI. Alarms

  • Does this facility utilize any security alarm devices? <br>Number of alarms?

  • Are alarms of central station type connected to law enforcement agency or outside monitoring service?

  • Is list of authorized personnel to "open & close" alarmed premises up to date?

  • Are local alarms used on exit doors?

  • If you have an alarm, do you have accompanying policy and procedure?

  • Is closed-circuit television utilized?

  • Is the CCTV recorded?

VII. Sensitive Populations/Areas

  • Does your facility treat or have any of the following sensitive populations/departments?

  • Pediatrics?

  • Behavioral Health?

  • Pharmacy?

  • Information Services?

  • Cash Office?

  • Other: (Describe)

VIII. Security Incidents

  • Has your facility suffered any security related events recently? (If yes, describe event, outcomes & corrective actions taken)

IX. Additional Comments

  • Any additional comments? (If yes, please comment)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.