Title Page
Site conducted
Brief Description of Change Request
Resource / Equipment :
Proposed Date and Time to implement change
Detailed Description of Change Request
Has a Risk Assessment been conducted?
Include Risk Assessment with MOC Submission to ORM.
Will the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) or Job Safety Analysis (JSA) need changed?
Contact ORM and request specific modifications that will be needed to the SOP/JSA.
Will Employees need trained to new procedures?
Develop a training plan prior to implementing the change.
Will this proposal introduce any hazards into the workplace (e.g. blades, steam or compressed air)?
List new hazards that will be added with this change.
Has a lock out / tag out placard been posted? Lock out points identified and labelled ?
Work with ORM to develop a LOTO Procedure and to post on equipment.
Will any ergonomic issues be introduced (e.g. repetitive movements, heavy lifting, awkward postures)?
Describe ergonomic issues specific to this change.
Will this involve changing the application or use of an existing chemicals?
Describe chemical application/usage changes.
Will this proposal require additions or enhancements to PPE?
List the additional PPE Requirements for this change.
Industrial hygiene testing recommended for Air, Noise or Vibration?
List Industrial Hygiene testing required.
Does the process /change include the use of flammables or combustibles?
List type of chemical, its use and quantity to be used.
Is there a fire risk associated with the change or process?
Describe fire risk.
Will Arc Flash Labeling need modified/changed?
Contact Engineering to ensure Arc Flash Survey is updated and new labels are generated.
Are additional specific procedures or postings required?
Describe procedures or postings that are required.
Is any Environmental Legislation affected by this process?
Describe Environmental Legislation that will be effected.
Will quantities of chemical usage increase or change?
List chemicals and the quantity they will increase.
Is there a risk of discharge of organics/chemicals to Waste Water?
Describe Waste Water risk.
Is there any potential for a spill from the change or process?
Describe spill risk.
Can any of the waste generated be recycled?
List waste that can be recycled.
Are new or specific recycling, hazardous waste or additional garbage bins required ?
List describe quantity and types of containers/bins needed.
Are there any hazardous wastes or by-products from this process or change?
Describe hazardous waste or by products generated.
Does this process need to be added to the Environmental Aspects list?
Contact ORM to have this process added to the Environmental Aspect List.
Actions to be completed prior to change
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Final Analysis
Is the change Permanent or Temorary
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