Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Safety, Heath, Medical Services, and First Aid
1.1 Is one person clearly responsible for the safety and health program?
1.2 Do you have a working procedure to handle in-house employee complaints regarding safety and health?<br>
1.3 Are emergency telephone numbers posted where they can be readily found in case of emergency?<br>
1.4 Are fully supplied first aid kits easily accessible to each work area, periodically inspected and replenished as needed?<br>
1.5 Are occupational injuries or illnesses, except minor injuries requiring only first aid, recorded?<br>
2.0 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
2.1 Have both the employer and the employees been trained on PPE procedures, i.e., what PPE is necessary for job tasks, when workers need it, and how to properly wear and adjust it?
2.2 Is all PPE maintained in a sanitary condition and ready for use?
2.3 Are approved safety glasses required to be worn at all times in areas where there is a risk of eye injuries such as punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns?
2.4 Are hard hats required, provided and worn where danger of falling objects exists?
2.5 Are hard hats periodically inspected for damage to the shell and suspension system?
2.6 Are approved respirators provided when needed?
3.0 General Work Environment
3.1 Are all worksites clean, sanitary and orderly?<br>
3.2 Is combustible dust cleaned up with a vacuum system to prevent suspension of dust particles in the environment?<br>
3.3 Are all work areas adequately illuminated?
3.4 Are employees prohibited from smoking or eating in any area where contaminants are present that could be injurious if ingested?<br>
4.0 Fire Protection
4.1 Is your local fire department familiar with your facility, its location and specific hazards?<br>
4.2 If you have a fire alarm system, is it certified as required and tested annually?<br>
4.3 Are fire doors and shutters in good operating condition?
4.4 Are fire doors and shutters unobstructed and protected against obstructions, including their counterweights?<br>
4.5 Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type and mounted in readily accessible locations?<br>
4.6 Are fire extinguishers recharged regularly with this noted on the inspection tag?
4.7 Are employees periodically instructed in the use of fire extinguishers and fire protection procedures?<br>
4.8 Are extinguishers free from obstructions or blockage and in there respected areas?<br>
4.9 Are all extinguishers serviced, maintained and tagged at intervals not to exceed one year?<br>
5.0 Walkways, Exiting and Exit Doors
5.1 Are aisles and passageways kept clear and marked as appropriate?<br>
5.2 Is there safe clearance for walking in aisles where motorized or mechanical handling equipment is operating?<br>
5.3 Are all exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?<br>
5.4 Are the directions to exits, when not immediately apparent, marked with visible signs?<br>
5.5 Are doors, passageways or stairways that are neither exits nor access to exits, but could be mistaken for exits, appropriately marked "NOT AN EXIT," "TO BASEMENT," "STOREROOM," etc.?<br>
5.6 Are all exits kept free of obstructions?<br>
6.0 Hand Tools and Equipment
6.1 Are all tools and equipment (both company and employee-owned) used at the workplace in good condition?<br>
6.2 Are employees aware of hazards caused by faulty or improperly used hand tools?
6.3 Are appropriate safety glasses, face shields, etc., used while using hand tools or equipment that might produce flying materials or be subject to breakage?
6.4 Are tools stored in a dry, secure location where they cannot be tampered with?<br>
6.5 Are flexible cords and cables free of splices or taps?<br>
6.6 Are all cord, cable and raceway connections intact and secure?<br>
7.0 Machine Guarding
7.1 Is there a training program to instruct employees on safe methods of machine operation?<br>
7.2 Is there a regular program of safety inspection of machinery and equipment?<br>
7.3 Is all machinery and equipment kept clean and properly maintained?<br>
7.4 Is sufficient clearance provided around and between machines to allow for safe operations, set up and servicing, material handling and waste removal?<br>
7.5 Is there a power shut-off switch within reach of the operator's position at each machine?<br>
7.6 Are all emergency stop buttons colored red?<br>
7.7 Are all moving chains and gears properly guarded?<br>
7.8 Are machine guards secure and arranged so they do not cause a hazard while in use?<br>
7.9 Are provisions made to prevent machines from automatically starting when power is restored after a power failure or shutdown?<br>
8.0 Lockout/Tagout Procedures
8.1 Is all machinery or equipment capable of movement required to be de-energized or disengaged and blocked or locked out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting, or setting up operations?<br>
8.2 If the power disconnect for equipment does not also disconnect the electrical control circuit, are the appropriate electrical enclosures identified and is a means provided to ensure that the control circuit can also be disconnected and locked out?<br>
8.3 Does the lockout procedure require that stored energy (mechanical, hydraulic, air, etc.) be released or blocked before equipment is locked out for repairs?<br>
8.4 Are appropriate employees provided with individually keyed personal safety locks?<br>
8.5 Are employees required to keep personal control of their key(s) while they have safety locks in use?<br>
8.6 Is it required that only the employee exposed to the hazard can place or remove the safety lock?<br>
8.7 Is it required that employees check the safety of the lockout by attempting a startup after making sure no one is exposed?<br>
8.8 Are employees instructed to always push the control circuit stop button prior to re-energizing the main power switch?<br>
8.9 Is there a means provided to identify any or all employees who are working on locked-out equipment by their locks or accompanying tags?<br>
8.10 If equipment or lines cannot be shut down, locked out and tagged, is a safe job procedure established and rigidly followed?<br>
9.0 Compressors and Compressed Air
9.1 Are compressors equipped with pressure relief valves and pressure gauges?<br>
9.2 Are safety devices on compressed air systems checked frequently?<br>
9.3 Are employees strictly prohibited from directing compressed air towards a person?<br>
9.4 Are employees prohibited from using compressed air to clean up or move combustible dust if such action could cause the dust to be suspended in the air and cause a fire or explosion hazard?<br>
10.0 Forklifts
10.1 Are employees properly trained in the use of the type of fork lift they operate?<br>
10.2 Are only trained personnel allowed to operate fork lifts?
10.3 Does each industrial truck have a warning horn, whistle, gong, or other device that can be clearly heard above normal noise in the areas where it is operated?<br>
10.4 Are unauthorized employees prohibited from riding on trucks?<br>
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