Title Page
- Colindale
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Conducted on
Conducted by
This form is to be completed by Senior Managers when carrying out their routine Out of Hours Checks. The completed report must be sent to the Divisional Managing Director and details are to be included in the monthly Divisional Board Report each month.
1. Is the site boundary secured (i.e. fence closed, panels double clipped and stable)?
Photographic Evidence
2. Are the gates locked to prevent unauthorised access onto the site?
Photographic Evidence
3. Are all materials seen stored in a safe manner (i.e. behind secure fencing)?
Photographic Evidence
4. Are all properties seen secure (i.e. temporary doors fitted to front/rear access?)
Photographic Evidence
5. Are appropriate warning signs in place?
Photographic Evidence
Additional Observations
Photo Evidence (If Applicable)
I, the undersigned, declare that the above statements are a true reflection of what was seen at the time of visit. I can confirm that the photographic evidence included in the report are those which were took at the time of the inspection.
Signature of Inspecting Person