
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

VIP Room Inspection 当日VIP客房检查(与当班宾客服务经理、值班工程师)若当日无VIP房间,需选择其他当日预抵的房间进行检查)

VIP Room No. & Room Type 当日预抵VIP客房的房号及房型

  • 请录入被检查的房号:

A. Room Door 房门

  • 房号标牌符合标准要求<br>二级门锁工作正常<br>紧急逃生疏散图<br><br>DND灯<br>有自动关闭门装置(闭门器能正常运转)

B. Closet 衣柜

  • 衣柜内配置物品(需符合品牌标准 要求)<br>熨斗及熨衣板<br>两双拖鞋<br>保险箱<br>一个洗衣袋以及一张洗衣单<br>两件浴袍<br>十个衣架包含六个带有裤架的木质衣架以及四个木质女士衣架<br>擦鞋布<br><br><br>

C. Mini 吧及符合标准的物品配备

  • 检查Mini 吧内物品有无过期,或配置物品是否齐全<br>咖啡2包<br>餐巾纸4张<br>红茶2包,绿茶2包<br><br>马克杯2个,杯垫2个<br>黄糖2包,白糖2包,健怡糖2包<br><br>

D. Welcome Amenities Inspection 欢迎礼品检查

  • 欢迎水果干净新鲜,并配有水果叉<br>欢迎卡片内容正确<br>欢迎小点心有贴生产日期

E. Guest room Facilities 客房设施

  • 台灯/闹钟 使用正常<br>电话/语音信箱使用正常<br>互联网连接正常<br>电视频道接收良好<br>宣传资料整洁,符合品牌标准要求<br>垃圾桶干净<br>应急手电筒是否使用正常

  • 窗帘及窗户<br>干净整洁及状况良好

G. Bathroom condition 浴室状况

  • 水槽,洗面台干净整洁<br>淋雨间干净无残留物<br>地面无灰尘和头发<br>下水道畅通无阻<br>水压及水温适宜<br>所有的装置都运行正常<br>

  • 冲凉的房的玻璃是否干净无水印?

  • 房间的文具是否完好无误,破损?

  • 住客房内的物品是否帮客人清理?

  • 客人的衣物和化妆品是否为客人进行整理?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.