Packing Items
Container NO./集装箱号
Note: Base don the unit of shelves, inspect each rack before shipping. Record the following issues according to the actual situation of the inspection. If there are any potential hazards, the shipment must not be dispatched!/备注:以货架为单位,发运前逐架检查。根据检查的实际情况记录下列问题,如果存在隐患,则不能发运!
- Shelf/货架
Shelf NO./货架号
1.All bar components are free of obvious rust marks./所有杆件无明显 的锈迹
2.All bar components are free of obvious rust marks./杆件与板块之间的隔离有胶皮且完整
3.Does the bar member have the correct certification plate?/货架杆件上有正确的认证铭牌
4.Are all members complete, and are the diagonal braces intact and secure?/所有杆件是否齐全,斜撑完整,牢固?
5.Are all members complete, and are the diagonal braces intact and secure?/杆件的螺丝无松动、漏装的情况?
6.Are the distances between the bolts and the glass greater than 10 mm?标准板块玻璃和横梁的间距是否大于10 mm?
7.Are the distances between the bolts and the glass greater than 10 mm?螺栓和板块玻璃的间距是否大于10mm?
8. Is the distance between the hooks and the glass panels greater than 5 mm?/挂钩和板块玻璃的间距是否大于5mm?
9. Is the positioning of the bandage reasonable, without being loose or too tight?/绑带的位置保护是否合理,没有松<br>动或太紧的情况?
10. Do the packing list and the actual panels match?(You need to take photos)/装箱单和板块实物是否一致?<br>(需要拍装箱清单)
11.Are the panels packed in order?板块是否按顺序包装?
12.Are there any deformations in the gasket?胶条是否无变形的情况?
13. Is the anti-jump clip on the bot tom panel securely installed?(You need to take photos)最底下的板块的防<br>跳夹是否安装牢固?(需要拍照)
14.Are the parts arranged reasonably and placed neatly into the box?/散件是否码放合理,整齐放入箱子里?
15.Are the product and its pack aging clean? (No foreign matter allowed)产品和包装上是否干净?(不能有外来物)
16.Are the wooden materials dry and free from mold?/木制材料是否干燥,没有霉变的情况?
17. Is the packaging secure and reliable?(You need to take 2 photos)整体打包固定是否安全可靠?(需要拍2张照<br>片)
Conclusion:The final packaging and shipping inspection results are deemed to be qualified./检查验收:对最终的包装发运检查评判结果是否合格
1. Do you agree to proceed with the shipment? (A photo must be taken after each shelf is loaded into the container.)/是否同意发运?(每装一个货架到集装箱内需要拍一张照片)