Title Page

  • Outlet Name

  • Conducted on

  • Licensee name

  • Palmers Tech services name

Section 1 Cellar Structure & Dispense Equipment

Cellar & Dispense Equipment

  • Cellar Correct Temperature

  • Actual cellar temperature

  • Is the Cellar cooling unit in good order with fans and extract free from dust and mould?

  • Cellar floor, walls and ceiling clean

  • Cellar sink clean and surrounding area clean and in good working my order? If no, please photograph

  • Drains and sump clean and free from smells

  • Dispense kit and line cooler clean and uncluttered

  • Ale python controller has sufficient water levels

  • Cask taps & spigots available, clean and properly utilised?

  • Stillaging clean, properly set-up and in use?

  • key stones and shives clean?

  • no evidence of filtering back?

  • Cask bungs available and in good order?

  • Is the cellar currently pest free with no evidence of beer flies, rodents or insects?

  • Cellar free from all non drink items, including food and furniture/ junk?

  • Coupling heads clean and in good working order?

  • Drains clean, covered and free flowing?

  • Are all empties stored/ stacked safely and ready for return- corked and spiked? (If non present, answer N/A)

  • Are all packaged products and spirits safely stored off the floor and showing good stock rotation?

  • Add media

Product Management

  • Is the Palmers cask notation system in use and clearly displayed?

  • Add media

  • Cask & keg sizes correct for current business levels & rotated?

  • Are statutory notices & Palmers best practice poster prominently displayed?

  • Add media

  • Cask stillage level, vented and next tapped ( subject to business levels)

  • Cellar steps clean, hand rail in place and do not pose slip/trip hazard? (answer N/A if cellar is ground floor)

  • Cellar lighting all working and at an acceptable level?

  • Cellar access clear and free from hazards? if at risk, please photograph

  • Delivery area tidy and ready for next drop? If no, please photograph

  • Tilting procedures, auto tilts set correctly and clean

  • Cellar sink and surrounding area clean and in good working order? If answer is no, please photograph

  • Key stones and shives clean

  • No filtering back in use

Beer Line Management

  • Licensee aware of correct line cleaning procedure evidence present that it is being done?

  • All lines and fob detectors free from yeast build up?

  • Gas bottles chained & stored correctly

  • Is an appropriate good quality line cleaner in use?

  • All keg connectors free from residue and yeast build-up?

Bar standards

  • Are the beer engines clean, smooth running and free from residue?

  • Are the drip trays well maintained and free from evidence of previous days usage?

  • Are all 'clamp-on' units securely fastened?

  • Are font badges and clips clean, grease free and up to date?

  • Add media

  • Is there evidence that the pumps and fonts are all cleaned and polished daily?

  • Add media

  • Are the glasses well maintained, and show evidence of regular 'renovating'?

  • Is the glass washer in good order, free from internal mould and with all chemicals flowing?

  • Are all customer facing glass fridges clean and smear free

  • Add media

  • Are the fridge seals free from dirt and residue?

  • Are all customer fridges stocked and 'label forward'?

  • Add media

Section 2 Bar Management & Glass care

Bar area

  • Bottles in date and correctly rotated

  • Ice scoop stored correctly

  • Ice machine clean with ice regeneration

  • Correct clean nozzles used

  • All dispense points, taps and drip trays clean

  • Under bar coolers clean

  • Hand pulls clean

  • All fonts illuminated

  • Is bar over fronted (14 gallons per keg tap per week/ and 18 gallons per HP per week)

Glass Care

  • Glass washer clean & maintained daily

  • Correct quality chemicals used

  • Correct use of renovate

  • Shelves clean and mats used

  • Glasses clean & free from marks

  • Glassware correctly stored

  • Only glasses used in washer

  • Bottle fridge temperatures correct

  • Section 2 score

Comments and Actions

  • Total Score

  • Assessor Notes and follow up dates

  • Palmers Tech services signature

  • Licensee signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.